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Help me build a good HEAT mech and ENERGY mech

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personally, I'd go with energy since the dual valiant sniper, but overall, with that flaming scope you can achieve great damage later on. You can also change that epic void to a firefly (or Nemo) on your heat build and also change the physical protector on the energy mech. If you want to, upgrade void to L40 legendary, but don't transform.

About the heat mech, it's good, you can put down another energy booster since it's only 15kg. Or maybe you could change the charge for a teleporter and add the flaming scope to the mech.


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take a look of dummy plays so can see the damage against the mech. I used just basic set for the heat mechs so you can alter basics to your preference. The damage is because fighting more powerful mechs and playing funny so can see damage with on purpose mistakes. Heat used charge , hook, tele. 



I did just basic for energy so can see damage. Check my account dummy videos




The set up is just illustration of simple basic what can do the mech at some ranks not serious fight. Just look and evaluate for your preference set up. Sure, changes can be made with shield drainers etc. Hammer can work too depending how you will play


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