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Shredder SM

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Everything posted by Shredder SM

  1. I know a trick to beat Immortal. Get out of the range of his Frantic Brutes. That's it. Wait out of his range, then after 2-3 turns, he'll quit and you'll win. I hope this helps. Still don't know any trick to beat El Benny though... Also, it's easier to do the trick against Immortal if you have a Repulser.
  2. Try restarting the game or your device or something... Could work maybe
  3. Yeah you can use this one it's good.
  4. I think Windigo is fine. Also GrimReaper gives a very low amount of heat and cooling.
  5. Frantic Brute Reckless Beam Desert Snake Supreme Cannon Nightfall Annihilation Terror Cry Corrupt Light
  6. If you are at level 15 on the base, you need to get a lot of coins so that you can craft a lot of power unit kits in the item factories. They have a lot of boost power and can help you to upgrade stuff quickly. You can get a lot of tokens easily by doing daily missions, campaign, participating in raids, leveling up, etc. Also you can try saving the tokens for later, because sometimes there are offers that can get you 15 Premium Packs for only 2000 tokens. Those offers give you 15 of them for the price of about 6.
  7. I think you could use an item for some knockback in the 1-2 range.
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