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Everything posted by AtomusX

  1. maybe Atomus is shigiraki except he cant make things decay. He just burns stuff
  2. I put this in off topic instead of fanart as there is no actual direct indication that it's supermechs fanart, it's literally just the dude who pilots the boiler mech in my pfp. It's just Atomus dude. The horns on his head and shoulders are simply cybernetic spines with an interface that directly connects the Boiler mech to Atomus..and yeah they stab right through him when he actually uses his mech. I'll draw ampaz later, she's my SECOND RESPONSIBILITY ALSO UPDATE ON THE MEET THE PILOTS COMMISSION I WAS HOSTING: So like, I was going to finish it but I forgot the names of the people that wanted their pilot to be drawn, so if you want your pilot to be drawn STILL, just let me know and I'll get on it
  3. Heat and explosion related jokes are not going to take back what I said, DO NOT WASTE ALL MY FUEL BRUH
  4. Would you just go to the damn campaign and grind your stupid hammer?? Christ
  5. The sight of a boiler mech repeatedly smashing your mechs face in while you feel the heat in your cockpit reach a boiling point and you can hardly breathe from just the smoke alone, knowing damn well you're going to pass out and to make it worse, the entire front of your mech is going to cave in from the hammer and maul you to unfixable gore before any of that happens will surely be enough to make you afraid
  6. If I come back and my fuel has ran out for campaign missions i'm going to personally dismantle your mech with a true mythical hammer
  7. well tell him to just go in the arena and blow some mechs up..or get blown up himself. I dont know
  8. And you are a very whiny female. I had no idea i'd be filing divorce papers when im not even married to you
  9. I'm schizophrenic because of you
  10. I mean Ampaz IS my second mech. So..i'm kinda arguing with myself
  11. Enjoy the free mythical hammer that you make with MY coins and resources
  14. Anything was better than the old drone i was rocking with..Nemo was so damn weak
  15. After examining this image for about 5 minutes I've came to the conclusion of 'Absolutely hell no'. Especially considering i'm paying half a million coins on 6-7 extra damage output and + 1 heat..I would've leaned more to yes if the resistance drain also got upgraded from 6 to like 8 or 9 but this just seems like a complete and utter scam. But idk, I'm not a top player! So should i just do it?
  16. yeah that was stupid of me. After seeing the damage output and the absolutely laughable heat damage, I just had to. We were losing so many fights because of that floating trashball. I thought the damage and heat would pay off once it got to mythical tier but it just continued to suck. Sorry Ampaz
  17. LEAVE ME ALONE If I wasted myth food on your weapons, my flaming hammer would still be legendary I would've never mythed my desolation I would still be stuck with that piece of trash Nemo drone And my brutality would be a low level mythical. Think about this stuff
  18. No we would've lost all these matches if I didn't bust up those mechs for you to come in and defeat them while they were already weakened, You are not competent enough to stand up to 90% of the mechs we face on a daily basis by yourself. We're a synergy.
  19. Myth food is hard to gather and I carry the whole damn team, so shut up.
  20. Because you're a second mech, therefore my second priority. Cause god knows you aren't capable of upgrading yourself-
  21. The last time I was on this forum, my Boiler had the following: Legendary Desolation Legendary Vandal Rage Mythical Corrupt Light Legendary Heat Bomb Mythical Nemo Mythical Brutality As of now: Mythical Desolation Mythical Heatbomb Divine Corrupt Light Max Mythical Heatpoint Way stronger modules While I most definitely don't play competitively nor seriously, the mech is getting stronger. Pretty soon I'll be boiling in higher ranks B)
  22. ummmmm, i dunno i havent been around for a while
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