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    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    It is me again with interesting news. 🤣🤦‍♂️😒🙃
    The progress still slow and costly. It is a pain to try to max part farming. 
    Today it is a short update like every week or every other week. 
    I was able to increase gold reserves from 75 to 81millions. I decided to craft some 1k power kits because too much gold to spend and hard to recover at list for now not playing that much and lower farming. I am doing ok finishing enough of the old stuff in myth status for very long or for some recent. Today I decided to do few of more recent parts around and few older under test parts of mech test at low rank. 
    Factories still working for those 1k but I will let the rest of cards to be finished and have them for emergency. I used the rest to do the recent max out and transformation. 
    Gold reserves dropped to 72millions and I will be increasing gold for 2 weeks I think then start to craft a few power kits.  
    Lets see what I got for this week. 👀

    Parts maxed or transformed.


    Adding this from 1V1  before I forget

  2. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    As I mentioned in OKI progress I am tired for sure and my daughter is sick and my son too. I had to take my daughter to the hospital multiple times hoping get better in a few days. My son is doing ok. My lady is getting sick today too with fever now waiting for covid test results. 
    I have not been playing for few days around pvp but will see how family will recover. 
    I am writing this now post finishing some work and family is now sleeping.
    Anyway, O.D.FARM as OKI it is been focused to save gold and to max out myth parts available.  I was able to move up to 106millions and my goal is to save gold for this week then to craft power kits. I do not have many myth parts around but it will take till end of year to get it done then move to phase 2 of account development. 
    Factories are idle for the last entire week and next one.  

    I was able to max out 3 parts and made some legends parts from epic for future myth transformation. Parts maxed...

    Clan War


  3. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    Copy and paste from OKI.
    I am tired for sure due to new "another" job assignment and training due to company new leader direction and covid thing. It is getting annoying with changes at work due to I can cover different areas related to experience and some of them I need some refresh in some areas or to learn new stuff making my play time impossible for at list another month or so.
    I can farm a bit and do just basic like titan or war but wins is been impossible due to I work long hours per day 6-7 days a week. Those recent changes took away my play time that in reality I do not have. I might step out of the clan for this period of time till can get back in full post this new assignment can be settle.
    Let see. I decided to work on gold recovery for a while then I moved to craft some 1.5k power kits and switched back to recover gold.
    Gold reserves dropped but I recovered some and I am back to 102millions. I will save gold this week them I will max some parts around due to there are just a few remaining in myth status and I will max only those I might use in the future not now just to finish them then I will move on to make new parts.

    I will wait till next week to use power kits ready to use. I crafted 1.5k power kits. As I calculated the 8k parts will be in need to completed the items available to max out. All depend of farming.

    I decided to get yesterday offer just to increase a bit more premium boxes to be open next year due to I still have some parts to finish at MYTH level and to max some items at Legend and Epic level for future set ups then will open all of them for fun. Yes, I will be ready for the opening to max out the use of legends and epics and take the full advantage of proper parts management.  Sure also is based due to the lack of account power with limited parts with current game environment but will growth. I am happy so far a bout the account regardless limitations. No matter what I have not been focus on rank been tired due to work and I play in sleepy condition or by inertia. I do not know what I do when I play and interruptions at the phone is massive when I play. 

    I think is rank boxes

    I think is war box

    I was able to max 

    I got this item with the free premium box but I have already 3 maxed. Now I have 3 legends of the same for meat.

    CHEERS and let keep farming


  4. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you? 
    I am busy as always but today was family time or to get in trouble with them in my only single day off I have. Well, not all the time because I do work too but was for family after be able to sleep some. I was not feeling well and had too much pain all over due to work at work working with machines down and took me a toll all week. I feel busted and ready to sleep in few ours when I am done with couple of things and start another round of training with the boss. 🥶🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️
    Oh well, I have to pay my family bills or they kill me. 😶
    Ok, back to the game. 
    It is very simple, nothing to add except mind set.
    I was focus into increase gold reserve again to be ready for the next 2 weeks final assaults finishing myth parts around then to move to make new ones. 
    Gold reserve moved up again and I have the intension to save again this week and then finish if possible all remaining parts interested to max. Not all will be but all what should have will be maxed to have some spare for more test at max level just for fun.
    Actual gold reserves. Moved from 97mills to 103mills. It will be ok to get another 5millions by next Sunday then will call it good to craft power kits and finish those myth parts. 

    Clan war👍



  5. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    I feel a bit better. I was waiting to collect titan tickets local our 2:00am when this appear and finishing a work from work and felt to sleep at my computer desk chair. I have been under lot of work and felt tired and my eyes closed. My kids and lady decided to not disturb me and kept a quiet morning just for me and I stayed sleeping till passing noon. I haven't sleep that long in years. That came good to me. 
    Anyway, lets go to my weekly update and see what the sleeping beauty is bringing to the bed sheet. 
    I was able to reach 105millions on gold reserve but I forgot to do an screen capture and started to craft 1k power kits. Still in process almost finishing and I was able to max out some items already half way level up. My gold dropped but I will now recover in a  few weeks and will do another batch of 1k for few items left at myth level. I will balance a bit the gold use even I am in the set to craft 8k power kits but seems I won't have to do it in that way and keeping some gold at high reserves.  I think in 2 weeks I will be back on gold reserves and will do those items with the mix boxes in reserve. 
    Post those items I will save up and will then get focus into make new L40  and L30 parts waiting in line but controlled. I will myth and max in a controlled way. 
    This is my current gold reserve post craft 1k power kits and max out some items. The items are not in specific for a mech design rather are for raid, titan etc and to create part options.

    The factories got some work but will go idle again. 

    Parts maxed out. 

    Portal. I am happy with the Selfish. Sure few meat comes handy. I already had the pumpkin. For those not having the item it is a cool one. I remember watching the old guys with those perks and me without it. Sad moments. 

    Rank- Happy getting the relic


  6. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi Pilots,
    How are you?
    Like I mentioned in OKI DOKI
    I am passing through tuff time at home with family sick. My lady is currently at the hospital already for some days due to covid regardless been vaccinated long ago. She is been delicate and just barely stabilizing. She might stay at hospital for a week or so. Not sure at all. Hospital do not want us there so only visual communication for few minutes with her.
    My son does has covid and he is with me at home and we have to stay here for 14 days by rule. He is doing ok in some ways but condition still there affecting him been tired when is very active boy jumping around etc. My daughter is getting a bit better trying to get breathing back to normal and feel tired all day long. 
    I am a bit tired too and checking my self and waiting for covid test even I have been vaccinated. My family is currently sleeping and I am taking this short moment to do this and will try some pvp testing parts combos.
    Hope you all are save.
    About the game
    I have been very slow grinding and not doing much pvp. Having family sick and lot of work ahead now pending and delayed but working a bit in the side to not allow accumulate more I have been affecting the clan on wins and basics not getting done. I requested to kick O.D. FARM out of the clan and bring someone can do the job.  I will have the account in a stand by for this week and if the clan is doing ok I might search for a temporary clan for this account for only 5 wins and TITAN, WAR, TICKETS at low rank. I will decide if I will join as temporary member since this account is designated to help my clan CANDELA at any given time. In mean time I need to keep developing a bit the acc with some relics. I will look for a temp clan that can fight for gold relic. Not sure. 
    Anyway, lets check progress. 
    I as previously mentioned this acc now is back to solo for now. I make my own solo clan just to get back as normal. The goal has not been changed like in OKI DOKI looking to increase gold reserve and max parts already at myth status. Gold reserve reached 111millions and it is the best gold reserve ever on any of my accounts. 

    Factories are idle and like in OKI I will save a bit more gold till next week changing plan of making power kits this week. Oh yes, it is a "FRANTIC". Why? It is original part of my first mech in this account never developed and because was already at L40 it was easy to click and presto to be use in future phys mechs if have too. It will be max out.

    I was not having plan to transform few parts but I needed the room to reduce mix boxes and use properly mix boxes epics grants to  make more legends and open space in the storage. 

    Clan war



    I got another shockwave. Oh well. I have another for the collection. Why no different?

    Oh, forgot. I am back to my solo clan MECH CHUNKS FARM now 4.0 version. 🤣🍺

  7. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Great RON. I will check your account later. Not having time busy with your cousins and auntie as you know. 
    Hi Pilots
    How are you?
    I am regular taking care of my family sick time and it is not been that easy but they are improving. I took some days off out of work to support family emergency and working a bit in the side line to avoid work accumulation because it does get complicated as day are passing. I am happy my family started to respond to treatments and improving slowly but improving. 
    Back to the game...
    It is been a while without a full account progress passing multiple months as normally I do. I will be adding full current account status to keep some records as normally I do.
    Let see... O.D. FARM it is not been growing on new weapons just to say during this period of time but it is been focused on accumulating gold and maxing out parts currently in the storage and balancing weapons for set ups and testing.
    Gold is been growing in a steady way step by step for close to a year and progressing at the same time. It is been a challenge but it is paying off little by little keeping enough farming regardless less farming and pvp during this time. 
    I added few sales and I think I posted them previously and was nothing mayor. For now gold is growing. My plan for this next week is to increase more gold reserve and max maybe 1-2 weapons only and keeping the gold reserve trending up a bit. I still have power kits on reserves from the last craft of 1k I think.  Gold moved to 110 millions again and added a token purchase just to add them for future sales due to the account is weak regardless R1 any season if I play for it.  The account it is limited on weapons and I am looking forward to increase power doing the same I do without real changes. 

    The base it is idles with some power kits reserves. I do not know the amount on reserve. 

    Arena shop items are fully max out and silver coins accumulation keeps growing.

    My TITAN little flags as I like to call them keeps growing.

    Boxes on reserve not that many but happy.

    O.D FARM it is been a solo account for a week. I had to walk away the account and give space to someone else that can go for all basics and wins because I have no time for it so I requested the leader to get someone to replace OD. FARM. 

    I guess no much play for sure and sleepy. 

    Let see account parts available. Weak but moving forward.

    Rank Box

    Clan War

    Part maxed this week


  8. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi cool ladies and gentlements pilots
    Let see what I got here. Tobe honest not much to say but keeping some record IWad not keeping in the past to know the acc growth.
    The 2 first pictures are the boxes inventory. The 3er picture it us the S war box giving me a good deal. Love it.  I am surprised that the weekly premium box gave to me a Fractured monkey and I am cool with that since it is my second in this acc. 
    My R3 box I got one of my favorite colors parts, purple 💜 😈👾🍇🫐🌂☂️🌌🪀🔮👙🎵🚺🛐⚛☪️🕉☦✡✝️☸☯️♌☮⛎🕎♋🔯♊♈♉⛎♍♓♎♒♏♑♐⚕🆔️🈳️🟪🟣

  9. Like
    Yuki_20 reacted to OKI DOKI in O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little   
    Hi pilots
    Good news, I am back again. 🤣 JUST kidding. 😇
    Well, with the extra epics parts some legends in reserve made from epics and a few legends for meat granted yesterday trying to get the matrix plus crafted parts in reserve I decided to make some epics to legend and some legends to myth again.
    Let see what the cheft is cooking today. 🧑‍🍳
    Reducing the crafted parts it forced me to start to craft more parts affecting the gold accumulation wich is going down not up but it is ok since was in my plan. 
    Anyway enjoy the MOJO at work. 🤓

  10. Confused
    Yuki_20 got a reaction from AftoKrator in Gold Rush!   
    Today is Gold Rush.
    This much is go in Arena

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    Yuki_20 reacted to iDaniRF in iDaniRF Official Room❗ 🦖   
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    Yuki_20 reacted to iDaniRF in iDaniRF Official Room❗ 🦖   
    No matter, good match 😁

    Do not abuse it, only use it in difficult situations 🙂
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