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  1. Who the hell would actually buy today's "Summer Sale"? 2 people? This sale is just a sick joke just made to infuriate players who waited 1 month for a portal that never came
  2. Did you actually get a legendary?
  3. Does today's portal actually have a chance of dropping legendaries?
  4. Just bought the offer. 8/12 packs all epics. Only premium was platinum plating. Only got 3 legendary food. In total, 4 lgendary items.
  5. 3v3 season can take an awful amount of time. Every match can take 5-10 mins to do. Sooooooo, what if the arena rewards for 3v3 season were buffed? Let me know what you guys think
  6. The amount of awesome builds I can make with your inventory is outstanding. Like "WOW"
  7. Oh wow. This made me think differently about SM
  8. Oh you're in Ontario now? Nice. I'm in Quebec. Might pop over to get my hair done
  9. Just wanna know which paint goes nicely with LPV. (Notice that I didnt ask if black was the best colour)
  10. Oh come on! You gotta understand that the devs can't always give a box that has an extremely high chance of giving legendary items. Be thankful that there was a portal.
  11. It was a ferocious battle. However, I emerged victorious. @Ur Hacking, fought admirably, but lost in the end. He shall be remembered as a true warrior. Replay Code: F07DF
  12. Maybe it's just me, but I preferred the Insane Portal when bigboy had Mighty Cannon that did 1000dmg. Cause you had to use strategy to beat him. This portal was just too easy. No fun
  13. I dont need that MPV. Already got 2 of them. So that will also go into the blender
  14. Screw this. Only 12 screenshots cause i forgot to take screenshots of the other 3 packs, but they sucked as well(5 Epics)
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