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Lord Sunrise

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Lord Sunrise

  1. I am sorry but what is f2p and p2w and i also think its quite op cause people can get annihilation which is op weapon in low rank so people can make her progress faster and after that transform redwall to heronmark which is important item in top rank and people also can get swoop from transforming ehhh what its item name
  2. I do this everyday so overall from this,daily mission and raid i get 500 tokens per week and 2000 per month
  3. Guys i want to ask are we allowed to sell our sm account in this forum
  4. My best method is use puffin open supermechs.com and watch ads from it you just need to restart the page if you cant watch ads again yeah the max is 60 per day
  5. No one care with rules lol just loser do it i mean 2898
  6. Thats true thats why i suggest it to more useful
  7. Lets make it more useful since i have 20 of them more useful like transform it maybe you not understand but its like transform max lvl arnold to bloodweep or max lvl boomwitch to annihillation and redwall to heronmark maybe its sound weird but i think its worth it for 100.000 gold
  8. 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900
  9. buy it Nothing free in this world you need work
  10. Good one but use cockpit piercer and the claw together is just dont support each other and can get counter easily by energy mechs
  11. Bro you really wanna put party crasher and lightning scope together ? its the worst thing i ever see in my life This is much better
  12. I think you need change 1 of the ceu to qcb because 290 regen and 252 cooling is bad except you is in rank 10
  13. Today i was doin my 3vs3 campaign and when i want to claim the gold box my phone lagged and when i login back my box wast lost and i not get the gold and power kits please help me
  14. What egg bro What egg bro
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