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    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 50
    Today reached lvl 151. Campaign fuel bunked up again. Did the usual routine. No change.
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    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Smart Way in Upgrading (The long way) VS the wasteful upgrading way   
    I've believe there is a thread on this. I don't remember. Thought this would help new players. Many probably already know.
    The process of upgrading takes time, in both process. The Smart way, is a little more time consuming, yet the best way. You use the right amount of resources in the smart way, rather than wasting away resources.
    The Wasteful Way in upgrading: It's the simple easy way of upgrading. Just choose an item you want to upgrade, then click the MAX Select button. Simple as that. The items in that process are common and rare. You can ad epic and legendary, yet that would be wasting items you will need.
    The Smart Way in upgrading: This process take more time than the wasteful way, yet better in my opinion. The Process:
    - Upgrading 3 Common Power units (CPU) kits to Power lvl 10 and one to power lvl 5
    In the process of upping a CPU to 10 can either be 19 common items, 5 rare items, or mixed Upping CPU to 5, is best using 3 common items. You can use one rare item, yet you be wasting upgrade power. Do not use CPU to upgrade a CPU - Upgrading 2 rare power units (RPU) to lvl 20
    Use 3 lvl 10 CPU and one lvl 5 CPU, and you will get a lvl 20 RPU. Do this twice, to make 2. Now that you have 2 RPUs, you can up one epic item using them both.
    Now why do this, when it's easier and faster to do it the wasteful way. Simple answer, you are wasting away resources.
    Now lets break it down math wise:
    Maxing Epic items just using 2 RPUs. To max a RPU you will be using 3 lvl 10 and 1 lvl 5 CPUs for maxing a RPU that equals to 35,900. To maxed a lvl 20 rare kit requires 35,822. In total, just using common items, that is 60 common items, or 15 Rare and 3 common items, that is 18 items in total. Now you need 2 RPUs to max an epic item that goes to Mythical. The thing is two RPUs equals 100k power boost, yet in reality you only need about 85,800 power to max an epic item. To save even more resources, you just max one RPU to lvl 20 and another to lvl 18, and use those two. I prefer using 2 maxed RPUs.
    Maxing Epic item just using Common items. To max an epic, you need to reach 85800 power. Divide 85800 by 400 or 440 =195 or 214. That is the range of using Heat, energy, physical common items between 195-214 items. Common items are either 400 boost or 440 boost. Doing it the smart way, only using common items only cost 120 items. Only using lvl 20 and 18 RCUs may cost less, yet I'm not going that far into it. Now you you be saving between 75 - 94 common items
    Maxing Epic item just using Rare items As mention earlier, you need to reach 85800 power. Divide 85800 / 1760 or 1936 = 1760=48.75 or 1936=44.31818. Rare items power is either 1760 or 1936.Ā  So, you be spending between 44 to 48 rare items to max an Epic item. (I'm talking about items that go all the way to Mythical). In reality, doing it the smart way, you be spending 30 rare and 6 common items to max an epic. That might not be much difference in the rare process, yet it still saves.
    Now here is where it gets crazy. Upping a legendary item maxed to transform to mythical is different. The reason is power lvl max difference in Legendary - Mythical is 248,800, when common-rare-epic-legendary-mythical item is 199,010. Now you will only need 4 RPUs, for the 199,010, and 5 for the 248,800. Now Lets do even more math, here. So in total thats is 240 common items or 60 rare and 12 common for the 199,010. For the 248,800 that's 300 common or 75 rare and 15 common. (If you are lost, lets go back. It cost 19 common items to max a CPU or 5 rare items to max the CPU. Then you will also need a lvl 5 CPU, that only cost 3 common items. Just using common, that's 60 items to max a RPU. Or the other process 15 rare and 3 common. Now do that math to Max a legendary times 4 or 5. Hope you are with me now). Now lets math out between how many common and rare items needed to max a legendary. Common 199,010/400=497.525 or 199,010/440=452.29545. So the Range of just using Common items to max a legendary is 452 - 497. That's just the 199,010, not the 248,800. You can math that out. For the rare its 199,010/1760=113.07386 or 199,010/1936=102.79. The range there is 102 - 113 rare items.
    Now, you a question probably popped in your head, Should I max an EPU using RPUs? The answer is NO. Don't even bother upping those. Or LPU. Also never transform a Power Unit kit. Also, should I up using epic and legendary items? I say NO. You use them to Transform Epic and Legendary items. What about upping common and rare items? I don't bother upping common and rare items. Just CPUs and RPUs. I start upping items at epic.
    In Reality, you are wasting away items doing it the wasteful way. Just to give you an idea of saving and doing it the best way. Here is an Idea in just using common items. You will be using around 647-711 common items in total to get an epic to legendary max. Doing it the smart way, you will only be using 360 common items. Getting that idea of using only common, I'm sure you understand it's the same as using rare.
    A little idea of Power unit maxed
    - Maxed Common Power UnitĀ  (CPU) = 10,000 Boost Power (BP) - Maxed Rare Power UnitĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  (RPU) = 50,000Ā Ā Ā  (BP) - Maxed Epic Power UnitĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  (EPU) = 120,000Ā  (BP) - Maxed Legendary Power Unit (LPU) = 300,000Ā  (BP)
  4. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from Stormrider in Mech improvements/suggetions (level 56 player)   
    yup things are exepensive you need to farm
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    gRedsz reacted to t3nb in Mech improvements/suggetions (level 56 player)   
    I'm just at school, during the weekend ill post a progression check for u. Dw I haven't quit yet.Ā 
    Here's a progress update.Ā 
    * Leveled my torso to 40
    *Made double desolation legendary and other small things.Ā 
    *Didnt use the buzzsaw a lot or I thought more hp was better for campaign and pop so I put double plates.

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    gRedsz reacted to _zayo in Position and movement system similar to Super Mechs made with HTML, CSS and JS   
    SM Workshop.Ā I plan to make a game in the same style as Super Mechs, but only if in the future I'm able to do it, but for now my focus with this one is to make something similar to SM Workshop.
    Ty šŸ™‚
    : ) šŸ‘šŸ¤
  9. Sad
    gRedsz reacted to Sensei in Since the end of the physical weapons improvement competition   
    I never received any reward(
  10. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from _zayo in Position and movement system similar to Super Mechs made with HTML, CSS and JS   
    Thats very awesomeĀ 
  11. Like
    gRedsz reacted to _zayo in Position and movement system similar to Super Mechs made with HTML, CSS and JS   
    I'm studying Web Development, because it really touches me in a different way, so I decided to start making a more basic version of SM Workshop Unlimited with what I currently know about HTML, CSS and JS. It's like this for now, but I plan to start adding the range system and other things regarding weapons.Ā 
    System in this video:Ā 
  12. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    Day 49
    A lot of farming today. Bunked up to lvl 147. Did the daily missions. Some info on the account:
    - Have now over 10 million. Will drop to around 9 million in an hour as I'm posting here. Why? Because I'll be upping another mine.
    - Have 3452 tokens
    - No change in build, though trying to up as many rare kits as I can.
  13. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    oh, you fancy boy likes Cuban Bakery.Ā 
  14. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    I don't go for any of that cheap stuff. It's all about

  15. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    you need this early in the morning. typical thing back in the East Coast with DunkinĀ 

    or maybe here in the west can go for Krispy because you are from the west

  16. Haha
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    oops... Fixed... lol.... I had Morning Brain, not fully functional. Forgot to post last night.
  17. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Another sleepless night . _.   
    its nice to sleep when raining
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    gRedsz reacted to howwwwwto in Another sleepless night . _.   
    It's 1:12 a.m. and it's still raining heavily . _.
  19. Haha
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    dropped hard from 138 to just 41. going backward.Ā šŸ¤”
  20. Haha
    gRedsz reacted to Eneg in Do you have any idea how shocked I am right now?   
    Rigged fr
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    gRedsz reacted to Sensei in Do you have any idea how shocked I am right now?   
    I took the second place!
    But I wanted to get the first oneĀ :))

  22. Like
    gRedsz reacted to Sensei in šŸ¦¾ Art competition - physical weapon edition! šŸ¦¾   
    and how can I get tokens?
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    gRedsz reacted to Rarmaster in šŸ¦¾ Art competition - physical weapon edition! šŸ¦¾   
    Congrats to all winners, bumbum def deserved 1st place well done. Can't wait for the next competition.
  24. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 48
    Same as day 47. Just went up to lvl 141
  25. Like
    gRedsz reacted to bumbum in šŸ¦¾ Art competition - physical weapon edition! šŸ¦¾   
    Thank you Marija for the generous amount of rewards. Very cool competition, will participating again soon.
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