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    gRedsz reacted to Stromtrooper in What can I add to make my mech better   
    Ok thanks for the tips I'll try to upgrade my desolation and remove malice beam with smth good like you said and also do you have any idea on how to get hammer cuz sikanda sucks and hammer does massive dmg
  2. Like
    gRedsz reacted to sierra in The Base Anime Arc comes to an end! God hates me!   
    doing od8 only makes sense if you can reliably do it on anything but normal or you're trying to get fortune boxes
    people do od6 for gold because its a lot easier to just let autoplay do its thing and is slightly faster 
    you will get more gold out if od6 insane than od8 normal
  3. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    Bro hopes for portal for some time now
  4. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from WhySoS1r1os in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    Bro hopes for portal for some time now
  5. Like
    gRedsz reacted to MosaicMayor in Restart?   
    When I made my Super Mechs account I got 335 Tokens and bought a Premium Pack. I've also bought a few Premium Boxes. Should I just restart if I want to save a few thousand for an offer?
  6. Like
    gRedsz reacted to MosaicMayor in Super Mechs Workshop   
    How can I access the Super Mechs Workshop that I have seen other people use?
    Edit: I found it.
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    gRedsz reacted to AtomusX in The Base Anime Arc comes to an end! God hates me!   
    this video speaks for itself ._.
    2024-06-07 10-15-43.mp4    
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    gRedsz reacted to t3nb in Progess Update   
    *Made my torso level 40
    *Double deco is now legendary
    *Armour break weapon legendary

  9. Like
    gRedsz reacted to AtomusX in I do cool shit sometimes   
    So i have a channel with ONE video on it. I literally only made this channel for my half assed animations i made. Like this one for example. It's an unfinished stick figure tournament that i likely will not finish. I know the forum probably has yt channels for super mechs (hence why its under game discussions) but there isnt an off topic yt channel either sooo...here
    But we can go ahead and say that this is indeed supermechs, why not. Yellow is a phys mech and cyan is an energy mech 😎
  10. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 52
    Kind of boring day. Start offed with doing the dailty. Reached lvl 154. Farmed. Got to The Danger Zone in 2v2. Not much today. Hope tomorrow becomes a portal. 🙏
  11. Like
    gRedsz reacted to DoomPicture in 🦾 Art competition - physical weapon edition! 🦾   
    I just can't finish it, cause the problem is I used the school iPad to draw with it, but today the iPad was taken by school, and sadly I can't finish it, I'm really sorry and good luck everyone that being here, I still think I can win with that gun called Multi shotgun, if I gonna win first ever in my life competition...

  12. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in 🦾 Art competition - physical weapon edition! 🦾   
    nice cool weapon. Sad about school comp. 
  13. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in My progress so far   
    Sadly, it is the basic, farming gold. 
    At the same time, you farm for gold, then you get the possibility 0-1 to get a mix box to help level up.
    No matter if people say to use the BASE, in order to use the base, you need to farm. The BASE complements a rushing way to develop with the cost of massive farming to get power kits as one example. 
    The other option is to use real money and buy gold, boxes etc. 
    If you are looking to get 200 parts myth in a few months, well...... takes long even for a daily 7 days a week farmer and even buying stuff. 
    Save tokens and use them properly. Look for proper offer not just buying an offer to rush. Have to think. 
  14. Like
    gRedsz reacted to the_1_and_only_Shadow in Gato games....   
    Gato games i have an request could you add back the legacy Golem torso but reloaded and in mythical please i really loved the torso and the design if you dont know what torso im talking about its this one

  15. Like
    gRedsz reacted to noㅤ in Update on the Base decision   
    This was awesome hahaha. I still vote base but can't argue with divine intervention!
  16. Like
    gRedsz reacted to AtomusX in Update on the Base decision   
    God himself came in and prevented me from enabling the base. I dont think i have the balls to click enable again

    2024-06-06 18-08-34.mp4 fixed it, i converted the MKV file to mp4 so u dont have to actually download it 
  17. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Base or Hell no   
    with honesty I will say BASE. 
    Base never stopped me to advance my accounts. 
    I opened O.D. FARM to test before I activated OKI BASE. I was able to advance O.D. FARM without issues from zero as free player account and reached top as free. After that, then I got items as pay for fun. BAESE will not affect you much because you have already developed some things. For a brand-new account with a brand-new player never played this game, the player needs to balance everything for 6 months straight. 
  18. Like
    gRedsz reacted to noㅤ in Base or Hell no   
    I love base. I have 3 factories building "fast and cheap" and 1 building "power kits" non-stop. Each day I have over a hundred parts and kits to play with and can make mythicals every few days.
    I know it seems daunting to enable but all in all, I think people without base end up grinding more since they don't have access to unlimited money and power kits. Once you upgrade Gold Factories, base basically maxes itself.
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  20. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    DAY 51
    Like always, I do the daily, and farming. I reached lvl 153. Not much. Today, to my surprise, I finished raid 4, even though I don't really have a 2nd upgraded mech. I started to do more 2v2 campaign, to see how far I can get. I ran out of fuel, and just finished Frozen Abyss 2.  All Normal. That's about it for now.
    I want to talk about today's Unlimited Time Offer. So, as soon as I saw it, I was like awe, I have to get. Then I started thinking, I have 3500, right now. I could wait for a 4000k offer, or get a better 3k offer. I realize this was not a good one. The last 3k unlimited time offer, was 10 time better. I'll just wait for something worth getting. How I am able to calm my self, is that I have 2 other accts. This account is more of a f2p fun test account. Also giving reviews. If I were new to this game, with ZERO knowledge of it, I probably jump at it. I can wait.

    So, I'll wait for an offer like this
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  22. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from Darkoo in The worst legendary leg   
    depends on the build
  23. Like
    gRedsz got a reaction from OKI DOKI in The worst legendary leg   
    depends on the build
  24. Like
    gRedsz reacted to JamAnime in Smart Way in Upgrading (The long way) VS the wasteful upgrading way   
    Here's a Video on what to do. I didn't up the items though. I did up a RPU, but not transform it. Never Transform any Power Unit Kits. You just up them. I already have a lot of CPUs, level 10s and few 5s. Here is how it's done.

    bandicam 2024-06-06 08-29-33-402.mp4    
    Another Video on wasting resources that, don't reach that high point.

    bandicam 2024-06-06 08-40-30-846.mp4    
    You do not to use just 19 Common item to up a CPU, or 5 rare items. I was just explaining details. You can mix it up.
  25. Like
    gRedsz reacted to OKI DOKI in Started a new acct 5 hours ago, (April 17)   
    tokens are progressing 👍
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