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Posts posted by gRedsz

  1. 7 hours ago, AtomusX said:

    So i have a channel with ONE video on it. I literally only made this channel for my half assed animations i made. Like this one for example. It's an unfinished stick figure tournament that i likely will not finish. I know the forum probably has yt channels for super mechs (hence why its under game discussions) but there isnt an off topic yt channel either sooo...here




    But we can go ahead and say that this is indeed supermechs, why not. Yellow is a phys mech and cyan is an energy mech 😎

    Nice content

  2. 2 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    I don't know. I will have to see your current inventory.

    I made a similar mech but with premium modules just fooling around to see the frantic and sacrifice output in this test for you. Did not played at full to win the mech just only testing.  Observe HP drain, observe what the opponent is doing exploiting the deficiency of dual attack. Remember that the HP showing it is related to my account and divined weapons. Your account values will be less been newer account. 

    Hope this gives you some ideas what to do if you want to make changes. Like I said, it can work but a lot of luck have to happen and to be good using the mech. 











    Thank you i will watch as soon as i get home.

    Thank you i think the mech can work good. It was funny how you danced with the energy guy. If you have time can you please share the modules that you used. Thanks a lot!

  3. 1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

    yes. it does work just a bit as old fashion. The issue is lack of drain and gamble weapons. Sacrifice cannon work normally better when resistance is drained a bit. Also eat HP in the single shot plus a drone that its hp. Players will keep jumping. At the time you use sacrifice, you might get into single shot. 

    What should i change

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