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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Stormrider

  1. Not a very nice design but I think this should work at rank 12 and maybe you can get lucky with some rank 11 mechs still need some better modules to make it better (Change vest to monkey if u want more HP)
  2. Why I level up faster when i reach beyond level 150 Nvm it became slower again at level 151
  3. Thank you Okidoki you give me lots of advices,TYSM!
  4. I think I am somewhat permanently stuck at the door of rank 10 Everytime I get like 2 stars at rank 11 this game just simply matches some rank 9 for me and those 'rank 10 or rank 9' are always something terrible like Divine dual spartan with 3 fortresses heat/energy cap beyond 900 and regen over 370 Meta heat hugger(terrorblade+heronmark+redrain+swoop) 3600+hp thingy All divine I don't think they belong to rank 9 and I think I was permanently losing any chance to get to rank 10 Btw how to counter goofyahh build like this in screenshot it puzzles me Is it only doable with dual frantic build
  5. Wait for a 3k offer that gives an overload preventor IDK For ranks above 10. now ppl are all getting lotta premium weapons so it's rly hard to go up further if all sets are still start at epic From my own experience ppl at rank 10 may already start having top builds like divide dual spartan Yea rank 10 is a very harsh 'gate' where numerous pros and even smurfs choose to stay instead of going up
  6. This build can gain foorstand at rank 11 But for above IMO it's hard to reach further Also kinda low on energy regeneration
  7. An average account upgrade level it should be a visual glitch or something that is really missing It isn't showing anything bruh
  8. I have seen 3 2 are from OD8 insane 1v1 fortune box 1 is from the 'free fortune box' in free box section The chance of getting common is lower than getting legendaries getting common from normal fortune boxes is like getting some SSR at other random gacha game
  9. If you wanna use a dual frantic build your energy cap should be no lower than 670+ and regen no lesser than 275+ (An average energy mech with malice beam+hot flash can somewhat drain an average of 400 energy per turn) If enemy had even better energy drain (like valiant sniper/UPC/mortal bullet/bigdaddy) and EMP builds dual frantic is kinda weak (That's when mercy should work) Another advanced build is to use a mercy, a resistance drainer, dual spartan/distance jumper depend on your own mech's range setup) (Another solution to counter energy mech: Get more than 320+energy regeneration, try to find enemy weapon blindspot and avoid being drained, as energy weapons should start deal higher damage only when your whole energy is drained up) I get these advice cuz I myself play electric and I know im gonna lose if I met physical build with really high regeneration (I can't suppress their energy and they do more damage than me so I am bound to lose)
  10. Premium packs seem have a rough drop rate like 16.5%to 22%(the 1k offer packs seems have a lower rate) The base crafted ones are slightly lower like 15% to 20%(on personal experience) And fortune box is roughly like(IMO) 2%/48%/40%/10% for C/R/E/L
  11. Do a brutal Dual frantic average build you got some nice modules Only thing you'll need is a windigo(if really can't use nightmare) and a physical drone(either solar torch or the backfire ones) Dual frantic is somewhat the cheapest and most viable option for ppl at rank 13-10 (I would not be surprised to see maybe even every player at rank 11 using dual frantic build someday in future) If you don't have really much energy stats/don't wanna counter against energy drainer I suggest you start using mercy right now Mercy is very nice 1-2 weapon for physical as it's energy free+resist break+high damage+knockback
  12. THANK YOU Btw I'm in rank 12-11, just found interestingly that over 60% of current players at rank 13-11 use dual frantics Goofyahh build dual frantic seems work all the time at lower ranks Gamble weapons are crazy At rank 11 this game has literally become frantic battles
  13. And btw Okidoki can u plz give me some help and advice on mech building(I've made another topic to ask for advice)
  14. Fun Fact:Enemies on OD6 on my account has 1091 hp at normal difficulty but only 1088 hp at insane difficulty
  15. And how many levels can I get 5 more inventory slots each
  16. Thanks, now all 1000 fuels are already ALL burnt.
  17. What mech build can i use for now I need suggestions and recommendations on mech build so i can get good (Good News:I got a solar torch at lvl140 box tho i want a railgun) And besides what epic item can i use as foods i wanna clear out inventory spaces Chat I rly need some setup advice
  18. I've stored 1000 fuels Should I use all of them to farm levels I wanna farm 1v1OD 6 for EXP Any good suggestion on fuel usage? Or what level better than 11OD6 I need advice thank you and yes should i join a clan or not
  19. I'm in a region where bans normal flash player and can't have the pc app version working properly. Btw I fixed that via a vpn but how many tokens I can get per day?
  20. I've heard that watching ads for tokens can bring huge token income But why I can't watch ads on website (mobile can't connect to google play store so nuh uh) How to solve this Ad btw how many tokens at most can I earn via watching ads? Update:I used a VPN and managed to watch ads on website Bt I still wanna ask how many u can get via ADS
  21. I miss interesting offers like this
  22. Guh you got lotta premium weapons Do not use lastwords if u get lightning recoiler already Sniper+drone is nice, consider add a malice beam (do not use ultrabright) Yes molten platinum is better than naga The heat build is goofyahh cuz u have so less energy to maintain flaminator+hybrid gun Either get a heatbomb or desolation if u wanna use heat build I suggest u use dual frantic+recoiler (get enough energy) (The simple and traditional physics build of all time) And yes max the engines and get some arena upgrades
  23. thx I got tons of items waiting to be maxed, maybe I'll simply open them then.
  24. Should I open all my unclaimed(around 100) mix box in 'unclaimed boxes' I know this question is dumb but I need to be informed if there's a need for me to save those boxes
  25. Much thanks. BTW can i ask how to deal with lots of rare lvl1 power kits I want let them used for maximum boosting efficiency(I know how to do common kits like fusing four of them to get a lvl8 common kit)
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