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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by LORD CHAOS

  1. That titan is too hot
  2. My only question is who eats bear meat while playing game about gay robots
  3. The entirety of my body would turn rainbow because of the amount of excitement the sparkles would shine all day and night long (then i will wake up)
  4. Idk why but it doesnt work for me (im on mobile) and when i try typing my info it just doest get written pls help
  5. Happy everyone i hope y'all received your free easter eggs (i didn't) I just bought one myself and oh my god it was one of the best chests ever I reccomend buying them to everyone
  7. My reccomendation to you is that you should change last words with "Rock recoiler in your inventory" It pushe you and your enemy away and therefore you gain more chance of using your hot flash btw my honest reccomendation use electrolyte instead of the face shocker hope this helps
  8. No way man i saw the same thing a few days ago from the same mex
  9. Hello there i wanted to discuss about a very rare Occasion soo basically some of you might not know it but there is a secret easter egg with a weapon called "last words" the thing is that when you use this weapon there is a very low chance of you shooting a chicken instead of the actual bullet also it makes chicken sound when used some of you might ask me for proof but sadly i can't prove it since it happens unexpectedly btw the same think can be said for the clan bosses they can also shoot chicken bullets i witnessed it happening when i was fighting in clan boss More info : when it happened to me first time i had a last words LEGENDARY LEVEL 40 idk maybe that will help someone find why it happens also if there is another easter egg in this game that you have discovered feel free to tell them
  10. Very balanced in my opinion oat gives a lot of energy in the morning But i honestly hate the avocado idk why it's tasteless and dry
  11. Oooooo my friend i got you sooo basically fried rice is a popular food in my country "Azerbaijan" We serve it on weedings/holidays with Hazelnut and walnut its soo delicious
  12. I always eat cooked eggs with sour sauce
  13. Ok soooo i did the exam 22 quetions from math 24 native language 25 The english lnguage The results will arrive after 15-20 days The math was very easy tbh I didn't even struggle that much ONE OF THE QUESTIONS WAS HOW MANY OF THESE ARE ODD NUMBERS The english was easy too but we had a "listening" IT WAS A TOTAL TRASH You may ask me what is a "listening" Basically they put a radio like thing and then it started to read a text They do this 2 times The problem is that I WAS THE FURTHEST FROM IT AND THE SOUND WAS ERRAPED THEY CAN'T EVEN GET A NORMAL VOLUMER FOR THIS LISTENING Listening in total gives us 15 points I LOST MORE THAN 5 POINTS WHEN I ASKED THE TEACHER TO PUT THE VOLUMER TO THE CENTER OF THE ROOM SHE TOLD ME THAT "SORRY I CAN'T DO THAT" Native language was the hardest part We had 2 texts the give 75 points in total the questions about grammatics give us 25 points in total Texts were ok When i came back home i realized 1 stupid mistake of mine hehe Overall level of hardness 7/10
  14. On 17th of may at 11:00 am i will have a very important 9th grade exam The max amount of points you can earn is 300 My goal is to go past 200 if i succeed in this test i'll be the happiest man alive since going past 200 doesn't matter for me and my family 25 questions in Math 25 questions in Native Language 25 questions in the English Language To everyone who is going to have an exam i just want to tell that : I BELIEVE IN YOU i have been working for this for 8 MONTHS STRAIGHT also results are going to come out after 15-20 days so i will keep y'all updated on the topic Bye
  15. What can i even say straight 10/10 If your build was able to reach R1 then it's already perfect
  16. Your mech is decent not for high ranks but it deals a lot of dmg considering the fact that you are using 2 (broken blizzard annihilators) My only concern is your energy drain If you meet someone with a physical build you won't be able to drain their energy therefore they will have higher chances of killing you My counter build is this (it's a pysical meta with altered modules)
  17. I spent 3 weeks on this images.mp4
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