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Posts posted by ARTY

  1. 21 minutes ago, Nep said:

    What is it based on to match you against other players? level, hp, rarity of items?. Because I've got a mech with all legendary items and I sometimes get matched against smurfs just because they've got a bad torso and legs equipped, and it makes me wonder, should I upgrade my torso to mythical or stick to weapons first?, Will having a mythical torso, meaning more hp match me against full mythical item mechs?

    It's based on rank and item rarities. If you want to stop being matched against smurfs try playing at different times when a lot of them might not be online. That fixed my issue with being stuck in the lower levels. I also tried using lower level items but then I'd start losing to normal players sometimes

  2. On 9/8/2023 at 6:35 AM, OKI DOKI said:

    Sorry, I can't replicate in full using lower parts or torso max out.

    Just looking at the numbers, you mech cooling and regen will be terrible. Your cap will be decent in some way.  The set up still have some room to add an extra weapon maybe one resist drainer. 

    Your mech it is a classic mech for free to play starting points. It will be limited for lower ranks, and I will say will get stuck on R10 or lower in today arena condition. At R10 it is hard to win with that mech. 

    The Nightmare torso, been the basic torso to start the game, it is not a wasted gold instead a good investment. Easy to get and can be used to R1 set ups. Some top players and I mean top 10 players indicate that Nightmare it is the best torso around. 

    Windigo it is another option to use as second mech without premium part, if not available then make another Nightmare if not luck.

    If you don't get Windigo and get Naga, you can also max Naga been close to a Windigo mirror and also easy to replace Naga if you get a Vest because only 1kg on weight apart avoiding having to change your set up. 

    At EPIC level Nightmare vs Windigo

    1-Nightmare weight it is less but less Hit Point

    2- Easy to get because start as common part

    3- A bit less on regen and energy grant

    4- All resists are equal

    5- Cooling a little less. 



    1- Windigo it is harder to get been an EPIC starting point and sometimes very hard to get like in my accounts. 

    2- People use more because a tiny bit better on cooling and regen but it is heavier. With Nightmare you can compensate that weakness due to weight is less. Easier to set up windigo in some ways. 



    Just use what you have in hands between those two. 


    For Naga EPIC it is use more on Energy mechs or even phys mech due to energy base. Resist it is as windigo and Nightmare. It is not a waste. Sure, people use more VEST because resist attributes and easier to assemble.




    So could I also use Hardened Platinum Vest as a torso for my 2nd mech?

  3. 4 hours ago, AtomusX said:

    Make the torso or your second a Windigo, it's a jack of all trades for a physical torso. Great cooling and great energy capacity alongside an impressive amount of health if you wish to capitalize off a tanky energy mech

    and should I keep everything else the same or make any minor adjusements?

  4. 10 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

    Legendary item.

    You have some options to get it by luck or purchase. 

    1- Buy tokens then premium boxes or packs and pray to get lucky someday.image.thumb.png.b2586c175970bb1fe868d1eb0a206881.png

    2- You can wait for luck getting a FORTUNE BOX every ten boxes free and pray for it.


    3- You can grind-farm for FORTUNE BOXES on 2V2. SOME ACCOUNTS ARE GREAT GETING FORTUNE BOXES AND GREAT ITEMS WITH THEM. Some people do have hundreds in reserve. 


    4- Use the BASE at L20 with FACTORY at L20. Very expensive in the gold use and is more useful for real farmers-grinders. If not, better stay out saving for it. 


    This is the option and cost at L20 factory so farm like hell. 🤐


    5- Daily/weekly premium box lucky guess 


    6- Clan coins or TITAN COINS fighting the TITAN and save 2k coins.






    Thank you, that was a really in depth guide!

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