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  1. Blade

    Mechs you own

    Thank you all for the advice again! For a beginner can you list the best items to save and than upgrade them? You can list any which includes energy, heat, and the normal health damage.
  2. I'm focusing on electrical and energy weapons that take away the enemies energy. What weapons, drones, legs, torso, etc should I focus on finding? Don't talk about the high and massive items because I'm just a noobie right now. Thank you!
  3. Blade

    Mechs you own

    I decided to focus of energy weapons with my mech. So let's see what happens. So far it is good, I just need to get more range with my weapons.
  4. Blade

    Mechs you own

    Another question is what is the best mech set up? Best: Weapons for top and side Legs Torso Engine parts Drones Etc. Thank you!
  5. Blade

    Mechs you own

    Hi all, I'm new here and to the game and want to join the war room in my club but they say in order to join I need three mechs but I only have two made and don't know how to creat the third one. Can someone help me please? Thank you!
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