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  1. GoldenTX's post in Can i have help adjusting my builds please was marked as the answer   
    Listing off the problems:
    First off, unfortunately, frantic flame is not gonna work, your best bet at frantics are dual frantic brute. You don't need dual frantic flame if you already have dawnblaze corrupt light. 
    Secondly, focus on your main mech first before moving onto your second. You still have rare modules which are obviously bad. Which means you need to grind fortune boxes. The easiest way to grind fortune boxes is in the dry lands boss. Remember, there is a chance to get a fortune box, it's not guaranteed.
    Take off the savior resistance module on your main mech, resistance will only be important later on. 
    One last thing before I start talking, modules, focus on your modules.
    ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— ———
    Yes, a magma recoiler would be great for your heat mech. 
    These are the builds you can run in the future. Though they are layouts so you can put any modules you'd like.

    Last note: if you can, please change your gravediggers and stompers , they are absolutely horrible.
  2. GoldenTX's post in New legendary item! was marked as the answer   
    bulldog is pretty meh compared to other range 1/1-2 energy weapons, but I guess it saves you a hammer and last words if you're looking at the positive side. It has a chance to hit 500 damage, yes, but the high spread makes it like frantic.
    I'll save you the reading and just send a drainer.

    This build could very well be considered a glass cannon if you did have the energy storage unit as well.
  3. GoldenTX's post in How can I improve this build? was marked as the answer   
    My guess is that this is for campaign.
  4. GoldenTX's post in Arena wierd bug. was marked as the answer   
    Happening to other people too. (Apparently)
  5. GoldenTX's post in How to improve mek was marked as the answer   
    R17 - R16 is usually the line for smurfs, your mech is overall good, could use some module upgrades, you can change the nemo to a crow since its energy based (since im guessing thats what you're going for, and i know it might seem a bit desperate, but what choice do you got?) grim cobra kind of reduces the malice and hot flash's capabilities, so can take it off if you want, frantic brute is only effective at mythic.

    dont worry about resistance for now, it gets important only in the higher ranks.
    your energy regeneration is also low, could work on that too.
  6. GoldenTX's post in My third mech. was marked as the answer   
    A close-range destroyer, I see. I'd say upgrade your mighty cannon since it can deal damage combined with nightfall if you use both properly.
    About modules.. you can exchange one of those platings for an engine (heat/ene) since those stats aren't lasting long in arena nor campaign (if you're trying to do 3v3 of course)
    Here's a representation of what mech could fit you better

    Quick note:this is WITHOUT arena buffs, so your mech may be better than the picture 
    Of course, the teleporter doesn't need to be an advanced one, I recommend the common one since it only uses 3 energy. 
    Would love trying this mech out on the arena but I don't have a mighty cannon yet. 
    Good luck out there, my friend.
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