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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Stormrider

  1. In this module ever useful I have a lvl 27 of this mythed one and found its stats is more goofy ahh than a single heat/energy engine
  2. Uhm I need some help on buying offers Now I've saved 5k tokens and is getting ready to buy an offer Which offer is theoretically best? 2k offer has a cheapest discount on premium packs 3k offer provide a premium item that I'm longing for(maybe moudles) 4k offer is..... it cost 4k and give much I cannot make up my mind to pick which offer is the best cost-effective so I'mma ask here for advice I'm electric build (both 2 mechs) has 0 premium weapons and is in desperate for something like a valiant sniper/hybrid hot flash/UPC/railgun/modules And btw which module is better on overall (Quadcore/Overload) (Modules are goofy ahh need time to max out and need something better fr)
  3. Windigo(still keep that nightmare for ur 2nd mech) Windigo is one of the best non-premium torso It has brilliant stats and decent hp and is very versatile on any type of build despite it is heat type torso Also keep that spartan carnage it is one of the most frequently used physical top weapon
  4. Weird. This mechanic happens on my account (Notice the enemy stats difference)
  5. Is it only for me or that this game's campaign bots has a dynamic difficulty? I was farming 1v1 od6 insane as usual today but I found enemy bot got a increase of 10 hp and some weapon damage. Yesterday I just mythed the plazma fortress so is it kinda.... affecting? Does such mechanics like 'if you have more bot hp, the campaign enemies will become stronger' dynamic difficulty exist in campaign?
  6. Got this thing at a rank 10 box Should I prioritize to max it first? As I've seen ppl using these at higher ranks and I don't have a platinum plating
  7. https://community.supermechs.com/topic/859-exclusive-limited-time-offer/page/44/ There once existed an offer for these..... Bright yellow paints...?(check 11/27/23 post)
  8. I got a question that for a lvl130 account,what should be the normal inventory capacity? One of my old account got lvl 107 and the inventory cap is 235 But why my 130 lvl only got 160
  9. Thanks! BTW How to deal crazy dual frantic builds with 725+ energy cap or some destructive dual desolation+distance jumper build
  10. So I'm new to this game and is a f2p normal lazy player. Now I stuck at rank 13 to 11 and 2v2 campaign started getting tricky on hard difficulty. Just wanna gain stable foot stand at rank 12. Aside from maxing all my weapons and modules is there any other improvement advices on mechanical building?
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