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Everything posted by OppaiQue

  1. Should've waited for packs with tokens but I'm impatient. And here they are. Out of 15 crates, only 8 got legies and 12 legies in total. Pretty bad luck except for the 3 legies. Too bad there's no max protection or plat or the twin blue red coils whatchamacallit now my storage is full of epics and i dont have any room. So i decided to scrap those i have too many of. Could've waited to make them into legies or just fodder to make legies. But I've ran out of patience. In your experience, is good pull or bad pull overall? I kinda find it an okay pull for first time
  2. OppaiQue


    A ? Also it's been more than 2 weeks since my last post. Gonna ask how's my progress? I've also put some time building my second and third mech for war. Just trying to ready it for phys and energy build lol. Gonna also ask where to get the jump device? Lastly, I was told to not L15 my base for modules yet since i dont have enough gold but i read that too late and started going for L15 base. But imma max my gold mine to same level after and try to get the 4th gold mine Story time! This game has served me well again. It might be a hella Grindy but the bgm is just pure nostalgia and the guns firing are like asmr for me. I did use to play this after all back in the day which there's something i remember really well specifically wich are the modules or kits looking like briefcase that has a hole in the middle which displays bullets. The case like box was either green yellow or red iirc idk if there was blue for the energy. My first legendary weapon was the energy hammer which i would love to have. Sadly, i cant open my old account anymore and i just learned about legacy items too. Man. It's fun starting all over doe and surpassing my past account. Im also surprised how fast it took me to grind to this level compared to back then but ig it was like a few times a week only can i play the game due to not being able to use computer that time and i remember playing it in the browser too. Good times. Thanks for reading until here. Just wanna share since I'm bored. Lol
  3. Man that was a lot of help. Thank you so much for the guide and tips
  4. The battery armor? Yeah, that was a mistake along with the void. Imma just keep it for now and upgrade my nightmare. Maybe i could myth it then make it fodder to make a divine
  5. So before anything else, I've already posted this on Reddit and im just gonna copy paste it Around a week of playing with average of 1 hour a day, logging in for a some minutes and then out after. Making huge mistakes like max purple a void and legs and max legend a battery armor sigh now I'm still in the process of upping my nightmare. Got 2 legend pieces in the fortune box despite dropping more than once a day while grinding od8 challenge (sad) and probably why im still low level despite playing a week since i dont have much time to grind so i go for the fastest just to empty the fuel. Takes me more than a minute to clear so thats 7-8 minutes max when my fuel is full (for now). My base is kinda low leveled i think doe since i started focusing on upgrading it late. And only started on the 3rd or 4th day. This has been my only game since i read manhwa/manhua/manga most of my free time and i really enjoy it since i used to play it in senior years. Some tips of what to do first and tips on builds too. Would be appreciated.
  6. I was wondering if both have the same drop rate of L-M. And should I buy the one at store or should I always save for the special offer ones? My account is new since i really cant log in to my previous account that was not binded in supermechs account. F2p btw.
  7. I used to play this back when i was in highschool and stoped then played again more than a year ago, i binded it to my Facebook account but now it just say that the fb devs knows which means they blocked logging in using fb. Is there a way to retrieve my account? Or should i give up? I've seen some post here saying that the accounts wasn't deleted but you cant log in and that was last April.
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