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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by howwwwwto

  1. When you wander underground in search of minerals, there is a very small chance that you will find a redstone torch. That is a sign that he is here. He is known as Herobrine, he is hidden. In the darkness of deep caves or dark oak forests, he is always stalking you from behind and waiting for the right moment to finish you off quickly. If you notice a red stone torch or a pair of white eyes glow in the cave then your world is definitely not safe to play in anymore (this is just one of minecraft's creepypastas and it's not real so you don't have to worry about herobrine in your world *unless you use mods* so just survive at your leisure.) Thanks for reading
  2. Collecting enough means you should have everything including upgrades of those components and has anyone tried doing that?
  3. Ok but I lack 2 sticks and 2 more threads to make a fishing rod ;))
  4. It's 2:40 a.m. 'Vietnam time' and I'm still trying to kill this 'fish'
  5. Sure bro and I think I need more than 2000 failures to cut down the ketchup bottle in your body, but I will try to fail as little as possible but first I have to defeat the 'fish with the spear ( undyne)' before meeting you ;)))
  6. I almost gave up when I kept failing, but to think that I had come this far just to get frustrated because I kept failing wasn't worth it. I tried and even though I kept failing, I kept going. and finally completed the game after more than 8 hours of play and more than 200 failures. I feel happy to have overcome a difficult game like Undertale.(I hope google did not mistranslate the words in my article and Thank you for reading, Have a nice day)
  7. Well, I have a friend (or rather, a sister). We met through gaming and we haven't talked to each other for quite a while. Should I say hello to her?
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