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Hydro Cannon

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  1. Hydro Cannon's post in Is my mech good? Also, how can I get better stuff fast without paying with real money? was marked as the answer   
    You shouldn't have maxed those swords, and upgraded the torso.
    To improve your mech, find good items, from the mech you have, only Night Eagle, Supreme Cannon and Devouring Paws are good items, the rest of the weapons and the torso are garbage, and try to get a better drone, there are lots of drones better then Void try saving tokens to buy premium packs or offers, premium boxes are also very garbage when you have the opportunity to throw away the Banshee and the swords, use it, but only to transform items to legendary, like your legs. To know an item is good, look the color point in their info tab, if it goes to the white point, it's an good item, there are some exceptions, like the Paper Weight torso, Interceptor, the worst mythical torso of them all, and try to avoid using the torsos GrimReaper, Avenger and Sith, Interceptor's energy counterpart. if you see the torso 'Nightmare', keep it, but if you find a better torso, don't keep, it's up to you ( PS; Nightmareis the heat couterpart of Sith and Interceptor, but unlike them, Nightmare is a good torso)  
    https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.supermechs.com%2Ftopic%2F1791-torsos-tier-list%2F&psig=AOvVaw0rKGZ7ztb5yhI1xc3p4kNb&ust=1694455233637000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBAQjRxqFwoTCICBkebPoIEDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE link to the torso tier list.
    And try to focus in a damage type, physical, energy and heat (yellow, blue and red), do not use premium items to transform other items
    (premium items are items that are only obtainable on the Legendary rarity, and they go up to divine, the white point on the rarity scale, and the highest one)
    PRO TIP: just don't upgrade items that don't go up to Divine, unless you transform them to use for transformation of any good items later
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