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Everything posted by Nep

  1. That makes sense, so they just want to make the fights shorter to optimize the games per hour. I guess I'll upgrade the torso then, thanks for the help!
  2. Then why is it that smurfs use lvl 1 grey legs if rarity doesn't affect matchmaking?, isn't it to get matched against lower level players? or is there another reason I don't know about
  3. What is it based on to match you against other players? level, hp, rarity of items?. Because I've got a mech with all legendary items and I sometimes get matched against smurfs just because they've got a bad torso and legs equipped, and it makes me wonder, should I upgrade my torso to mythical or stick to weapons first?, Will having a mythical torso, meaning more hp match me against full mythical item mechs?
  4. Almost every heat mech in the top player uses MPV. But I use it too and when I go against a Windigos they always seem to have more hp, heat and everything. So I looked up the stats (I don't know if these are correct, at least I checked the legendary MPV ones and they are) and Windigo seems to be better in every stat except for phy resistance?. But I don't think 25 resistance is enough to compensate all of the other stats, right? Why is it that everyone uses MPV?
  5. I've been getting matched against these kind of mechs a lot, 3 maxed mythicals, rare torso and legs not even upgraded. Are these bots?, because i've gotten matched against this particular "player" in like 5 different battles, different days and ranks. I have also encountered like 7 other mechs similar to this, they never talk, just one shot me with the double mythical cannons. Ahh shit, here we go again
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