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Game shutdown?

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Its not the end of the game, it's just an issue caused by something that I can't really talk about here.

You could just wait and maybe the server is gonna be up again. Welcome back to the community though.


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18 minutes ago, GoldenTX said:

Its not the end of the game, it's just an issue caused by something that I can't really talk about here.

You could just wait and maybe the server is gonna be up again. Welcome back to the community though.

Have there been any major updates in the last year or so, I'm just recently returning myself 

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try to connect to iDani web page. He posted few months back and there was some development. You can write to him. He can provide more details. That Legacy has been under construction for some time for everyone to play.

In my case I am Re-loaded so I do not miss Legacy time. I stated the game under current version.

Edited by OKI DOKI (see edit history)
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It is a good game. Just some hacking issues and need to make it more attractive. For the time I started, it lost some appeals losing some basics of the game that used to be around at least from my time when I started. 🤔


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