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Bye SuperMech by BigBang other name Bang in Discord

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I have made the decision to retire for personal reasons...no one really cares if but I announce it so that another person does not come and want to stain from now on.

I would like to clarify that I DON'T STEAL THE "Grosbite" ACCOUNT, he gave me access to the account to be able to run the clan, not as a comment that I have seen in the discord group... just like if at some point someone felt offended by something that I did or said I apologize, the clan is not lost in case some had that request since there is a person out there who says that I don't know how to manage my clan... I really don't want to make a controversy I just want to say that it is not easy to manage a clan...I'll leave you some photos so you can see what I respond to.

By the way, I thank Marija for her support at all times.



Captura de pantalla 2024-08-19 184722.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-19 185621.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-19 185658.png

Captura de pantalla 2024-08-19 185915.png


ACTUALL CLAN 19/08/2024 

07:29 pm Hra MEXICO


I have given my accounts to my friends

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