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7 minutes ago, Zera said:

I have 1 qcb and 0 ops. Should I buy this offer or wait for qcb offer? 

Also, my friend has 4 qcbs and 3 ops. Should he buy the offer?

You should buy the offer because the meta build also needs Overload Preventer.

About for your friend, I don't know, depends on what he wants now.

Alien cat fox ❌     White fox friend ✅

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Thanks Bestfriend. I guess I can buy this deal instead of waiting for a possible 3k december qcb deal. 

My friend has physical and heat builds. He needs heat axe to make a heat hugger or dual red rain with heat axe meta builds. Also, he needs premium phy drainer and superb charge to make the mercy meta build. He does not know whether he should buy this op deal or wait for decemeber 3k deal for possible qcb deal. 

How many qcbs and ops should every player have?

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