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Ascencion relics



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5 minutes ago, Brutality said:

I kind of forgot and yt didnt help me, and forums had nothing with it either, so i just wanted to know how you even get the asfencion relics, i want my devine items lol

You get Ascension relics through the following methods

. Clan War boxes

. Season boxes

. Relic Portals (If they ever appear again

. Offers that contain relics

These are the ways that I remember for obtaining Ascension relics.

In terms of how they work (If you want to know)

Common relics are used to ascend a mythical item that starts at common (Eg: Nightmare or Scorched legs) and costs 100k

Rare relics are used to ascend a mythical item that starts at rare (Eg: Grave diggers or Grim reaper)

Epic relics are used to ascend a mythical item that starts at epic (Eg, Zarkares or Massive stone feet)

Legendary relics are used to ascend a mythical item that starts at legendary (Eg: Sparked Runners or Energy free armor) 

These relics are different from transformation relics, which only appear in offers or the final campaign milestone boxes

Long live the Dragon Emperor


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thanks, i already knew the rarity stuff, but i needed a reminder on how to get them since i wanted to upgrade my flaming hammer to divine, i should probably start doing arena more often and clan wars, offers are way too pricy for the stage i am, if a portal does appear ill be sure to do it! thanks for the reply

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