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Super Mechs really needs an Update!

There are many bugs as example Daily Rewards. The game shows you that it is a new day every 12 hours, not 24 hours. There are bugs with animations and freezing Menus.

The game need a hotfix update as well as new content for the game.

Since basement was added many ppl quitted as example MADO SAN (YouTuber). I love the game but the content while waiting and farming is trash. I only collect daily stuff and go offline and when i got items i use it to upgrade. No battles cuz every level on campaign is too strong for me, i have to wait and farm untill i can continue playing campaign. The game is sooo crazy good but it needs more content. 

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Im just going to drop the "Ded game update pls xd" mantra on threads like this until people start thinking more before they post

The "SM ded game pls update" player cycle :

> Gives zero care about basic infrastructures, thus never have or have very little self generating resources.
> Little to none resources to play with, as mentioned above.
> Scam self of own hard worked effort by playing the game the least efficient way possible.
> Refuse to acknowledge external improvement suggestions.
> Play like a total dumdum with complete disregard of said suggestions.
> Binge watching SM youtubers and cling to false hope thus result in nothing of significant effort.
> Comes to the forum again making "im leaving guys pls come xdxdxdxdxdxd"
> less than a week later.....

> Rinse and repeat from the start until Little Timmy's braincells rots away.

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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On 9/4/2022 at 10:31 AM, Stefix5000 said:

I think it's packed full of content already, content which I'm sure you haven't even experienced all of yet

Sir...2v2 and 3v3 campaign is full of friggin BUGS....the bots teleports literally CRASH YOU more than 2 times in a row, everyone knows this and seriously 5 usages on a shotgun? if we go by experience youre a top rank like me and we know both of us havent completed 3v3 hard or insane. ntm once you finish it on easy mode and get the reward boxes....what is LEFT to be experienced? its called farming at that point for 3-4-5 more tokens a mission.

Secondly raid has been the same and ever since TS nerfed it it hasnt...been a good experience if youre a noob or a day or two behind the rewards arent worth it.

Third we all know a good 90% of this community over r10-1 rarely does campaign if it isnt for a meme...if people dont care about paint or packs theyd convert tokens into gold which many of us do not recommend, youre better off doing raid for tokens then campaign, especially if you are on a level you cannot pass and its mandatory.

and the campaign boss mechs give 1 liners...BEFORE YOU EVEN MEET THEM. no cutscenes when you meet them the same way when you enter the levels, nothing. They did squiddy as a titan...ok thats fair but Octavious shouldve been an added zone in campaign as the real final boss. 


And stop assuming people who ask for an update arent rank 12 at this point, no noob would be up here making a post on THIS forum on day 30 asking for an update like they own the place. this guy is rank 11-9 at most already doing his 3,291st try of OD6...please.

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1 hour ago, Fordekash said:

Totally agree. I have played since 2012 and can’t remember such a long time without any change (for better or worse). 

This game is my favorite game but when u finished the beginner phase it will be hard to progress because it needs time. Thats not the problem, the problem is that u dont know what to do while waiting and farming... well i hope the best for the devs and i hope an update will come soon.


1 minute ago, Mechanikeel said:

This game is my favorite game but when u finished the beginner phase it will be hard to progress because it needs time. Thats not the problem, the problem is that u dont know what to do while waiting and farming... well i hope the best for the devs and i hope an update will come soon.


I wanna add something to it:

More levels and a better balance for the Basement would be great too. I have my base full maxed so theres nothing to do now. No leveling basement no progressing in campaign just logging in and claiming rewards. I even buy something sometimes.. i dont spend much money but every $ counts and maybe helps the devs to make more updates.

Even if yall are free to play, sometimes buy or watch ads to motivate the devs for new content!

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9 hours ago, Sparks said:

Yo yo yo bro calm down there. You don't wanna get banned by almighty raul for asking for a simple update do you?

Why should they ban me for asking for an update, its normal in a game community that people ask for this.

12 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

good game. just need a push to the right direction. 🙃

I agree

12 hours ago, Canucklehead said:

Hopefully Alexander intends to buy the rights to the game, at some point. As it stands now, until the copyright changes hands, there will be no update(s).

I totally agree and home that too.

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28 minutes ago, Stefix5000 said:

where did you come up with the update being supposed to come out 2 years ago? the last update was 2 years ago.

AND WHAT was that, stefix please tell me, I swear to GOD IF YOU PULL THAT CRAP Saying tokens being tweaked everywhere is an update ima scream.


more tokens in portals is not an update...all he did was increase difficulty for more tokens...

token missions are decent but 100 still pretty slow...and...seriously what else? he literally cut down portals for holidays. all they did all in all was start THEIR events which was after feb 27; End of all TS events.

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4 hours ago, Spoon said:

ayo bros speaking facts
also lets not forget about @Liioh 😏 

Yeah straight fax no cap bro 💯

I actually got ip banned from this forum yesterday so I couldn't really get in(I was getting error 403 even on incognito mode, while others weren't. So I just used vpn to change my ip lmao). @Raul did a pretty good job with trying to keep my ban a secret(Pretty sure that banning me publicly would ruin their reputation),  but not banning my acc was still a mistake you see.

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9 hours ago, Sparks said:

Yeah straight fax no cap bro 💯

I actually got ip banned from this forum yesterday so I couldn't really get in(I was getting error 403 even on incognito mode, while others weren't. So I just used vpn to change my ip lmao). @Raul did a pretty good job with trying to keep my ban a secret(Pretty sure that banning me publicly would ruin their reputation),  but not banning my acc was still a mistake you see.

I've got no idea about why you're riling everyone like that, specially because we talked friendly before.

By the way, you're not banned, that's a connection error, which should be obvious since you're able to post. 🙂

Off-beat heat mechs ™image.png Spitfire

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On 9/4/2022 at 7:05 PM, Mechanikeel said:

Super Mechs really needs an Update!

There are many bugs as example Daily Rewards. The game shows you that it is a new day every 12 hours, not 24 hours. There are bugs with animations and freezing Menus.

The game need a hotfix update as well as new content for the game.

Since basement was added many ppl quitted as example MADO SAN (YouTuber). I love the game but the content while waiting and farming is trash. I only collect daily stuff and go offline and when i got items i use it to upgrade. No battles cuz every level on campaign is too strong for me, i have to wait and farm untill i can continue playing campaign. The game is sooo crazy good but it needs more content. 

iduno man all i want is the number of tokens per ad to be raised from 2 to 5 that would make the game a bit easier 

i love anime women suii

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2 hours ago, Sparks said:

Well bro, I'm not the one you should ask that, go and ask mods why they ban everyone who even dares to mention the update(which was supposed to happen 2 years ago).

where did you come up with the update being supposed to come out 2 years ago? the last update was 2 years ago.

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7 hours ago, Kendall-Tempest said:

AND WHAT was that, stefix please tell me, I swear to GOD IF YOU PULL THAT CRAP Saying tokens being tweaked everywhere is an update ima scream.


more tokens in portals is not an update...all he did was increase difficulty for more tokens...

token missions are decent but 100 still pretty slow...and...seriously what else? he literally cut down portals for holidays. all they did all in all was start THEIR events which was after feb 27; End of all TS events.

lol that is entirely not what I said, but ok fella

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