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help me, which of these torsos is better? (what I'm using is temporary) the upgraded equipment is the one I'm going to use in my mech


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Unless your modules are max myth any of the battery armours are garbage

Zarkares us better but don't myth it, wait for a windigo or MPV, or lpv those are the best, but if you areĀ  impatient, or don't have the time to grind tokens, nightmare is also viable, ez to get and ez to max, since it starts at common and goes all the way to divine

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30 minutes ago, Corvus said:

A menos que seus mĆ³dulos sejam um mito mĆ”ximo, qualquer uma das armaduras de bateria Ć© um lixo

Zarkare-nos melhor, mas nĆ£o mitifique, espere por um windigo ou MPV, ou lpv esses sĆ£o os melhores, mas se vocĆŖ estiver impaciente, ou nĆ£o tiver tempo para moer tokens, pesadelo tambĆ©m Ć© viĆ”vel, ez para obter e ez para o mĆ”ximo, jĆ” que comeƧa no comum e vai atĆ© o divinoĀ 

To juntando token, vou juntar 2k

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