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OKI DOKI Progress Little by Little


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5 hours ago, Ur Hacking said:

How u get so many legendary 0-0

Hmm, I am not sure about the question. I get the parts as any other player account do. This thread explains everything since the account was 8 months in the progress. 

How I get legendary parts?

I got many parts at some point farming some location for fortune boxes when the account was very young. In the beginning the account refuses to give parts including basic modules for energy and heat to progress reason why I played hybrid. 

The game was not giving any regular mid rank parts like nightfall just to say but one week all changed and the game started to give many parts as monkey torsos, claws, platinum plating and some others in the freeway. The account progressed been free to play to reach R2 during messy counters times and the raise of Frantic hate. 

I got different parts and accumulated because I had nothing proper to use for combination and sadly, because the lack of regular modules was terrible, I had to focus just on modules and weapons development remained low priority except transforming them to myth status but not using them.

I got then a Mercy, and selfish guardian my 2 really good for combat weapons and used as monkey claw hugger and helped to stabilize ranks. I got more parts for free like scope but because I had to get focus on lack of modules the progress was low as mentioned for weapons at max status. 

The accumulation kept going up getting free weapons and at some point, stopped to give weapons. My niece wanted one weapon and asked me to buy the item and I get the item in the forum offer with the previous game owner and I think was a magma blast, but I do not remember well. I know for sure I got another magma that was in sale for all players offer same week or so and next week there was another offer for repulser and something else and I do not recall if premium boxes were part of the deal. I know for sure that one time I got an offer of 24 boxes and fallowed with 2 more offers and I accumulated 60 premium boxes. 

I decided at some point to open all of them, and I got a mix of weapons never developed but good ones. Sadly, modules were in a priority because I had no other choice to complete for basic play and I got 3 maximum protectors to enhance my mechs leveling up my account really fast.

I preserved parts and epics to have parts availability for any kind of possible mech to sustain game changes for average rank. Managing epics in the best way from starting the game, I used them to make legends parts because the game gave me good legends but not many for meat and I have to create legends making parts from common to rare and from rare to epic and from epic to legends. 

What I mean is that the game also was terrible in giving to the account epics parts and was hard to progress and the way to progress it was making the parts forcing me even more to be really fast on grinding for gold. I do not wait for the game to give me legends parts. I make the legends preparing epics to L30 and accumulate many of them when I want to myth parts like a bunch of them and if I have any premium box around, I never hope to get a good part from them, but I know I will get epics. I use those epics having many epics set at L30 and bang, I make a cluster of legends by masses. If you see this thread above, you will see I have several hundred epics on reserve and I use them for future weapons and to make legends parts. I do not eat them except when I am fully max out on space and no gold to risk, so I eat them to the weapons on development. 

Thise is an example in the account right now


I have already 5 epics at L30 and when I get epic parts from mix boxes, I just click and presto I have another legend for future myth transformation. Those are future 5 legends not waiting for the game to give me one or using premium boxes.  It is all about farming and administrating your account gold and parts properly. 

Some legends now have been added from fortune boxes and those take time to develop them and make other parts functional for them and some are epics in need to develop in full to make it work. Some others I need some weapons not at disposition and will wait there till I can get lucky and get the parts. 

I do not open many premium boxes or buy all the time. It is rare the purchases and rather open, they get accumulated not in need to open them having a proper administration. 

One very important factor for me was slots space. From early stage I accumulated, and I found there was a limit and then I had to buy space. In the early progress I use some of my free tokens to get more slots at low tokens use because the first 10 purchases are not bad in cost but after that it is heavy for a free to play to add some room for weapons. That gave me better room to manage legends creation preserving epics granted and not investing too much making epics from common or rare status to progress costing some gold and parts but paid off in my development as you can see. 

The key it is space, preserve and grind as much you can, and you can make legends by batch. The other parts I use it is the factory. I accumulate some gold and make parts at factory like power kits now but before were rare parts option to balance cost and when I have a batch of power kits normally 400 using the factory at 1 day 5 hours' time frame costing around 2.4million then I make epics L30 without enhance or better say level up maxing parts at that point. It is impossible transform and max L50 together because lack of parts from grinding or epics grants and low gold availability. It does takes weeks or months to plan your way ahead and that it is what I do. I evaluate the progress.

Now, I do not recommend my ways for specific players that are focus on power for certain mechs. In my case I am free spirit to make parts not specific part to power up and kill kill kill your opponent and be the king of the game. 

I go in this way because I play for fun to make parts no matter if is weak or strong but if I do not have the part or I want to repeat some to have them ahead and if luck getting the right combo part, I will get focus in the particular weapon.

If you are a player for power and be the top, not necessarily my way will work. Yes, I recommend to properly use your parts granted in the game and manage epics in particular for those that are good grinders. Those low grinders are best to eat and advance their parts selected to play. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi pilots

How are you?

I am fine but too busy working and taking care of the kids. My lady parents are sick, and she traveled this week on last minute to take care of her parents and me working at home taking care of the kids. The accounts were not played much this season because their mother limited play time in her time away from home and she is checking my kids accounts to ensure they are following rules and keeping me under her control for now. 🥴🤦‍♂️😭 She does not want my inner kid ways to be around. 🤗

Anyway, the account was poorly played waiting for my lady to comeback to home and the kids to have a bit of more freedom to play their games and help on my accounts. It will be slow this season, but I will try to help on few wins, if possible, regardless I really do not have the time right now not even for 5 wins. Sad moments. 🥴

Let see...

I was thinking to add the weekly progress but instead I will add the account current status for record as I did for O.D. recently.  Just few new weapons during the recent months and some level up done. Because the account was under gold reserve accumulation, the account progress on weapons has been limited recently. I maxed few parts recently, but I need to increase the gold reserve because I have been increasing the reserve slowly with less time to farm and poor pvp. My kids are the pvp players etc and I have not been playing. I did few wins last night so far when I was waiting for some work call and decided to take the moment and do few pvp but I was too tired to do a bit more. 

I got few offers not in need, but I decided to use them to get some food and reduce the use of gold consumption to level up the parts making power kits for it. It helped a lot to preserve the gold enhancing parts at disposition. 


The gold reserve is virtually at 150million on reserve and that it is a good indicator of gold usage in a balanced way. The base it has been idle for a while. The goal for now it is to keep increasing gold reserve and make power kits and to finish those parts at myth L1 status. 



I still have few boxes on reserve. There is no need to open any having weapons to enhance around. 


My little flags still growing but slower than before


Coins still increasing. I would like to use them for something. 🤷‍♂️













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7 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi pilots

How are you?

I am fine but too busy working and taking care of the kids. My lady parents are sick, and she traveled this week on last minute to take care of her parents and me working at home taking care of the kids. The accounts were not played much this season because their mother limited play time in her time away from home and she is checking my kids accounts to ensure they are following rules and keeping me under her control for now. 🥴🤦‍♂️😭 She does not want my inner kid ways to be around. 🤗

Anyway, the account was poorly played waiting for my lady to comeback to home and the kids to have a bit of more freedom to play their games and help on my accounts. It will be slow this season, but I will try to help on few wins, if possible, regardless I really do not have the time right now not even for 5 wins. Sad moments. 🥴

Let see...

I was thinking to add the weekly progress but instead I will add the account current status for record as I did for O.D. recently.  Just few new weapons during the recent months and some level up done. Because the account was under gold reserve accumulation, the account progress on weapons has been limited recently. I maxed few parts recently, but I need to increase the gold reserve because I have been increasing the reserve slowly with less time to farm and poor pvp. My kids are the pvp players etc and I have not been playing. I did few wins last night so far when I was waiting for some work call and decided to take the moment and do few pvp but I was too tired to do a bit more. 

I got few offers not in need, but I decided to use them to get some food and reduce the use of gold consumption to level up the parts making power kits for it. It helped a lot to preserve the gold enhancing parts at disposition. 


The gold reserve is virtually at 150million on reserve and that it is a good indicator of gold usage in a balanced way. The base it has been idle for a while. The goal for now it is to keep increasing gold reserve and make power kits and to finish those parts at myth L1 status. 



I still have few boxes on reserve. There is no need to open any having weapons to enhance around. 


My little flags still growing but slower than before


Coins still increasing. I would like to use them for something. 🤷‍♂️













Max out big daddy 

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If you do mean to max the others BIG, at some point it will happen. No rush on it. It will require to add drone and side weapon or legs maybe another runner. It will take time to go there having many basic weapons at Legend status to max and will have to work on few others at spic level. Will take the rest of the year for it maybe longer without include extra weapons obtained during that time. 🥴

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine and as always, I say, I am tired, and a rest will be nice for me. I do not have much time to be here in the forum or in the game for now. Life priorities took over and I can't do nothing about it for now. I am reducing from weekly to BI-WEEKLY as used to be any account update one account per week alternating them. I will increase to 3 months full update reducing the 2 months update. 

I still connect to the forum to look around time to time but less focus and a bit quick. I try to check during the day if I can or few days later, but I like to be active as much I cannot walking away from here having less time for now than before.

I hope all goes well for you all. 🤡

I totally forgot to update till my nephew just mentioned. I will add last 2 weeks progress then will pass another 2 weeks or 3 whatever might be when time allow me to do so. 


Gold reserve dropped even I was in the way to accumulate to 160 million and I decided on last minute to change direction because I got bored. 

Actual gold reserve


Factory it is idle. Because the gold reserve dropped, I will be focus now into increase gold surpassing 150 million and then I will start to make more myth parts or refocus to max few other items getting bored to see them in current status for over 2 years.  Will see, it is about the mood at that moment. Gold was spent more on divining parts generally speaking.  My kids are the one playing the account for now and I do few checks or spin and just focus in farming as much I can even it is not as much as used to be. 🥴






















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1 hour ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine and as always, I say, I am tired, and a rest will be nice for me. I do not have much time to be here in the forum or in the game for now. Life priorities took over and I can't do nothing about it for now. I am reducing from weekly to BI-WEEKLY as used to be any account update one account per week alternating them. I will increase to 3 months full update reducing the 2 months update. 

I still connect to the forum to look around time to time but less focus and a bit quick. I try to check during the day if I can or few days later, but I like to be active as much I cannot walking away from here having less time for now than before.

I hope all goes well for you all. 🤡

I totally forgot to update till my nephew just mentioned. I will add last 2 weeks progress then will pass another 2 weeks or 3 whatever might be when time allow me to do so. 


Gold reserve dropped even I was in the way to accumulate to 160 million and I decided on last minute to change direction because I got bored. 

Actual gold reserve


Factory it is idle. Because the gold reserve dropped, I will be focus now into increase gold surpassing 150 million and then I will start to make more myth parts or refocus to max few other items getting bored to see them in current status for over 2 years.  Will see, it is about the mood at that moment. Gold was spent more on divining parts generally speaking.  My kids are the one playing the account for now and I do few checks or spin and just focus in farming as much I can even it is not as much as used to be. 🥴






















Why you need 3 red rain…

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3 hours ago, BananaananaB said:

Why you need 3 red rain…

Hmm, there are not 3 red rain instead are 5 of them. 🤣 The reason it is very simple, you can use dual red rain combo  having the rest of the parts available to change set to not get bored with the same thing. The other reason is that I am not a pro player meaning I am not up to become a top player even I can play at that level when I have the desire to do so but I never aimed to be one and my focus has been purely farming for gold, level up parts and test. I do not play for ranks or wins instead play for fun at the pvp when I do pvp not trying to win but the fun to see the other looking the way to kill me and me playing funny.  Everyone play this game in their respective ways and goals and my goal is to make parts, test and have some fun. I not even have to spend some money here but did spent some just for fun of the curiosity not expecting to get any good weapon from the premiums. That it is a gamble just to gamble the fun.  

At some point my kids will own the account and I will be back to my MECHWARRIOR over 30 year of play time with the game. 🤗 I miss my play time there and my old friends. 🙃

3 hours ago, Yukiya18_JPN said:

Isn't it to make it visible?

no clue just maxing parts not oriented or aiming to a specific mech build. 🤷‍♂️

3 hours ago, BananaananaB said:

I don’t know. Also suggestion for Oki, make a divine repulser 🤡🤡

I have only one premium repulser in OKI. It is premium and require gold relics and my account it is bad giving them generally speaking. Gold relics are used to enhance HP not real power for now. If you check OKI updates, you will see that my account only have 2 premium weapons divined a mercy and a selfish and no other. In order to get a repulser divined I will have to finish first basic HP and basic weapons of more need to become divine item and that will take some years because I get just few relics per year not many. Those divined items few of them are related to the 3 of 5 relic offers if not I wont be able to divine as many.

It does takes time to get relics in particular for new player just to say playing at war. I was solo player half of the account life or better say a bit more than half at this point and I do not have time to play on clans. 🥴

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine and happy my lady is back but also her parents are here at home for a while. My kids will be now spending some time with them, and their play time has been reduced according to my lady rule. They are a bit angry but is their mother rule and I do not get into that territory when a rule was issued. Oh well, my accounts will suffer a bit again, but they need to spend time with their grandparents. Will see how this play. 🥴

Anyway, at least her parents now are in better shape been sick for long. 

About OKI acc, the main focus for the recent weeks has been mainly farming to increase gold reserve affected making parts last month. 

Oki moved from 140 to 158 million and now starting to craft power kits. Just one part maxed with daily and some mix boxes around. 

Let see....

Gold dropped to 156 million making power kits but will be controlled. This week goal is to finish some power kits and work on 4 transformations to myth status if possible. In mean time, I will save gold till the weekend then will save for another week and finish the max out. 


Part Maxed





Image result for family guy drunk gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ron. I hope her stash grow. She does have good inventory and can afford to increase gold reserves. You are doing fine. 

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I was not going to update but it might be better now having few min at disposition before starting some work. 

Let see...

OKI DOKI has been focusing on gold reserve improvement. I am farming the acc and the kids are playing the acc but very limited in the recent weeks having their grandparents at home. The progress has been slow and losing a lot of grinding because I have been too busy to even open the phone for it. Too much pressure at work.

The base has been idle trying to increase gold reserve to a new "mean" changing from 150 to 170 million as the new base and keep it close to that number when make some power kits. Right now, the gold increased to 166 million and will take at least another 2 weeks to craft some power kits. Focusing on gold reserve, making parts slowed down to the minimal. 


Maxed Parts


Transformed Parts


Divined Part




I got this offer needing the ascension relics









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6 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Ron. I hope her stash grow. She does have good inventory and can afford to increase gold reserves. You are doing fine. 

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I was not going to update but it might be better now having few min at disposition before starting some work. 

Let see...

OKI DOKI has been focusing on gold reserve improvement. I am farming the acc and the kids are playing the acc but very limited in the recent weeks having their grandparents at home. The progress has been slow and losing a lot of grinding because I have been too busy to even open the phone for it. Too much pressure at work.

The base has been idle trying to increase gold reserve to a new "mean" changing from 150 to 170 million as the new base and keep it close to that number when make some power kits. Right now, the gold increased to 166 million and will take at least another 2 weeks to craft some power kits. Focusing on gold reserve, making parts slowed down to the minimal. 


Maxed Parts


Transformed Parts


Divined Part




I got this offer needing the ascension relics









Nice Report:)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hola Pilotos

How are you?

I am busy and tired for sure. Today we are having a sunny day and warm. Is the first one this year, I think. 🌞 We have clear sky no clouds around this area right now. I have to work in the house, and I will do nothing at all. I feel busted. I really want to be out with my lady, but my body is not responding for it. She got cranky at me a little bit. Sure, I work 24/7 and lack of time for her but I have to pay the bills. 😬 Sure there is not complain when the money is deposited and used for their own stuff. 😏 Sure, I need to spend some more time with her but at the same time saving for a nice vacation for her because she works hard doing whatever she wants when she wants without worries and me worry to not make a mistake and get fired from work because it is easy to lose my job with a mistake. So, vacations money is not for my relaxing time or else, is money for the family because they are entitled for it. 🤷‍♂️ Oh, well. You need to be a politician and have tact in a relationship. 💳💸💷💶💴💵🪙💰

Anyway, I need to rest, and I give a damn in this moment of their complain. 

About the game....

My work absorbs all my personal time and of course I had to cut back in the game to just farm for months and I do not forecast changes. Se la vie.  My kids are spending time with their grandparents traveling a bit around the state then later my lady will join and of course does affect the game progress because they no play as the recent weeks as a favor to me to keep the acc moving forward at least with the minimal. I had to step in few times late to get a few wins and making some test mechs teams they wanted because they will later develop same thing in their own acc.

It has been very slow progress but still moving forward for this year goal I have in mind. 

We were able to increase gold reserve to 176million and created a batch of 400 power kits and maxed few parts around and now making another batch of 400. I will be making few myths parts no more than 2-3 then will max them. I need to make some legends parts from epics to make it possible because I do not have legends meat or willing to meat few around considering I might use them for others test. 




Transformed Parts






I got the offer for relics in need to divine some items later on


CHEERS--Enjoy your summertime. Life is short and do not stay at home playing games been so young. Go out and have fun. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am taking a short break because I was tired from work. I have been trying to play a bit today but sadly work got into and no choice than to farm a little. My kids are traveling as I mentioned in O.D FARM thread and I spoke to them, and they told me they forgot to play been tired every day and played just few rounds in their own accounts and never texted me to let me know about it and of course I was not paying much attention the the game been too busy and barely played the accounts. 

My lady now joined their cross-country vacation, and, in my case, I am stuck working and no particular day to take vacation having my boss holding me back because I need to cover for other employees. 😤 

Anyway, my play time has been cut off entirely and I am struggling to do basic because now my kids are doing nothing in my accounts. Maybe I will have to retire for some months away from the game and in mean time I will try if I can do something at list farm. 🥴🥺

About the game progress....

Slow progress for sure. I did not that much, and my kids played limited. I was able to increase gold reserve to 175million and started to craft 400 power kits to make a weapon. Because I do not have more legend parts to meat, I have to make them from epic parts. I was able to make some parts during the recent weeks but not that many having some power kits available plus the new batch on the making. My goal is to max another part when ready and start to L40 a new part with the remaining power kits from this current batch post L50 myth part in progress then to hold back to increase gold reserve for another week or two. Gold reserve currently at 172millions.


Maxed Parts


Transformed Parts


Fortune Box




4 of July- Terrible 🥺All paint obtained. 🤣



CHEERS- Have summertime fun out there not playing games in your room. 🙃 Enjoy a bit your life. Trust me 😃


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ron, that is sad for sure. Last year was a bit better for me, not a lot but fine. 🤷‍♂️

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine and solo at home. Finally, I was able to escape from work but connected at home to get some data but a bit less stressful. Now I can get a beer in mean time I am cooking or better say the stove. 😃 Ok, I am preparing "pollo guisado" and "Arroz con gandules" plus some "Tostones" Puerto Rican style because I got some ingredients from my old friend living in the island. He was a classmate when I was young, and I used to eat at his parents' home when I used to live there during my father military assignment in that area. 

He is a poor person with a good heart. He does have a lovely wife and kind kids like he is. Very rare to see that around. I was able to bring them to my home here in Oregon multiple times and I paid for it. It is good to have friend from kid time without personal interest to gain something for helping others like they do and been poor at the same time. He does know I like to get some stuff from the island and fresh if possible. I can't get stuff here in Oregon from there. Back at home in New England Ican get it due to many people from the island live there and they have some small markets around but here is about Mexican style all you can think and get in the sense of Latin food. 

My family is traveling having their own fun and me working but it is ok. I have time for me even is working. Just me, myself and my food. My lady does not know how to cook that food. She is too American on food style. That it is really sad. 🤣

Anyway, like in O.D FARM, the progress slowed a lot and not having my kids playing all went down and misses arises. I am just updating current acc like in O.D FARM for reference of my own progress looking back in time. 

Let see....

I was focused into increase gold for some time post heavy investment making some parts and divining some. After that, I was able to increase passing 170 million and decided to make some power kids and do some parts around plus divining. I barely pushed up back to 171million holding back parts development. I have like 400 power kits if not wrong around, but I am holding back to increase gold reserve to use them. 

My current goal is to increase gold and divine some parts using epic relics then increase gold then L40 parts but not sure about it at this point. Just the mood will dictate what I will do. 


No changes at factory and some reserves in place


Packs grows if I get an offer with them. Rare to do but no needs to use them for now.


Clan coins still growing.


Arena coins keeps moving up. No choices. 


I think torsos are the same. No upgrades. Don't remember to be honest.




Legs few added and divined few. 



Side weapons done some of them. I think I divined something there. 












Some parts completed







Some drone completed and firs time divining 4 weapons in 2 years.





Maxed and divined some


No changes here. I think....






Not a lot. I need gold relics. 🥺I will use some pics when get some gold. 






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50 minutes ago, OKI DOKI said:

Ron, that is sad for sure. Last year was a bit better for me, not a lot but fine. 🤷‍♂️

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine and solo at home. Finally, I was able to escape from work but connected at home to get some data but a bit less stressful. Now I can get a beer in mean time I am cooking or better say the stove. 😃 Ok, I am preparing "pollo guisado" and "Arroz con gandules" plus some "Tostones" Puerto Rican style because I got some ingredients from my old friend living in the island. He was a classmate when I was young, and I used to eat at his parents' home when I used to live there during my father military assignment in that area. 

He is a poor person with a good heart. He does have a lovely wife and kind kids like he is. Very rare to see that around. I was able to bring them to my home here in Oregon multiple times and I paid for it. It is good to have friend from kid time without personal interest to gain something for helping others like they do and been poor at the same time. He does know I like to get some stuff from the island and fresh if possible. I can't get stuff here in Oregon from there. Back at home in New England Ican get it due to many people from the island live there and they have some small markets around but here is about Mexican style all you can think and get in the sense of Latin food. 

My family is traveling having their own fun and me working but it is ok. I have time for me even is working. Just me, myself and my food. My lady does not know how to cook that food. She is too American on food style. That it is really sad. 🤣

Anyway, like in O.D FARM, the progress slowed a lot and not having my kids playing all went down and misses arises. I am just updating current acc like in O.D FARM for reference of my own progress looking back in time. 

Let see....

I was focused into increase gold for some time post heavy investment making some parts and divining some. After that, I was able to increase passing 170 million and decided to make some power kids and do some parts around plus divining. I barely pushed up back to 171million holding back parts development. I have like 400 power kits if not wrong around, but I am holding back to increase gold reserve to use them. 

My current goal is to increase gold and divine some parts using epic relics then increase gold then L40 parts but not sure about it at this point. Just the mood will dictate what I will do. 


No changes at factory and some reserves in place


Packs grows if I get an offer with them. Rare to do but no needs to use them for now.


Clan coins still growing.


Arena coins keeps moving up. No choices. 


I think torsos are the same. No upgrades. Don't remember to be honest.




Legs few added and divined few. 



Side weapons done some of them. I think I divined something there. 












Some parts completed







Some drone completed and firs time divining 4 weapons in 2 years.





Maxed and divined some


No changes here. I think....






Not a lot. I need gold relics. 🥺I will use some pics when get some gold. 







Take a look at your inventory, collect a few items, and look lucky.

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22 minutes ago, Y18_JPN said:


Take a look at your inventory, collect a few items, and look lucky.

Hmm, it has been a tuff thing to do. Been basically a farmer, takes longer than a pvp player at high rank. Playing gives good gold but I play little. Yes, I got few good items from fortune boxes post suffering long then stopped and later I got few more. I got others in offers like modules even I got some during portal release and few sales back in 2020 summer Sarah sales to the general players and few extra in the forum before losing flash. No longer is possible those sales for the forum members. I was playing for 8 months or so when that happens but never developed the parts till last year and some just recently close to 2 years later. 🤣

I opened some premiums and got some decent but then no more just epics and repeated items for food. I decided to preserve parts and make some and let the acc growth adding storage. For now, regardless maxing parts. some parts came along plus building some epics in need still a lot of work to do. I think I still have a year of inventory to work on without touching premium. 

If you farm a lot and do have control with the gold, you can use base L20 and try luck but right now you are in the low side so is better when you can be a permanent R5 in the 3 seasons before going for it, but some did and got decent, and others went down the sink and lose all and quit the game. 

You can take a look the progress in this thread. Check from start and will see it is not easy. Now, my acc pale against long term top players. Many of them should have 400-600 parts or more and they still increasing. 

Now, some others keep lower inventory or close to my own because they select what they really want and eat others weak parts. It is about choices. Some compete and others just have fun like me. I do not need to spend money, but I just have a bit of fun because I am not a spender in real life. I do save and do think with logic for the future living in my means not keeping up with the jones. I am not materialistic person and can live with the same forever. 🤷‍♂️

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