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First mythical decision



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20 minutes ago, Atomus said:

this right here is my alt account, I'm trying to max that torso out.


should these items be used as food or should i keep one or more of them and get something else?

alt mec.PNG


Don't use claw, i didn't advice to do that, the claw is a premium item so very rare to get one, also is one of the best legs in campaign if you have some utility .


Otherwise i advice you transform you legs you equiped actually in legendary and use it for transform for the Archimonde ( the archimonde was not the best recommended torso ) and instead the legs use massif .

( i can maybe have wrong )

Edited by Electro (see edit history)
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Massive feet are way better, use those on Ur mech, I don't recommend you mith archimonde, if I was you I'd wait for a windigo, did the mistake of mithing zark, but do what you want, though I strongly advise against the mithing of archimonde, atleast until, if ever, gets a buff

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don't use claw for food. claw is good for other builds and it's also L-M, meaning premium item. it's harder to get and worth much more than other legs in terms of absolute cost (a term i made up. basically direct conversion of an item to tokens or other currency based on it's usefulness and rarity/drop rate). 

from your build, i recommend mything either corrupt light or massiva feet. yes, lava feet is better than dynamite boots in almost every way. plus, you got a recoiler so you don't need to worry about range 1 and 2x stomp. 

also, don't waste paint. (i always hate people who do that)

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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13 hours ago, Atomus said:

this right here is my alt account, I'm trying to max that torso out.


should these items be used as food or should i keep one or more of them and get something else?

alt mec.PNG


keep frantic, keep claw, keep terror cry. Generally you should not meat anything that you do not have a backup for it. That torso it is not good. Use lava feet instead of dynamite 

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