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Poetry competition!


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Hi guys!

I noticed some topics on forum that are focused on writing, words game and similar so I thought some of you might be interested into taking this to a new level - Poetry Competition! I'm someone who likes and used to write poetry myself, so this is also for my own pleasure 😄 

If you are interested in participating, here are the things to know! 

➡️  We wont have any sort of applying for the competition, simply posting the poems in this thread is ''applying''. You can of course say its for the competition etc. 

 ➡️ The competition will last 7 days, closing on the next Monday ( 28th February ) at 10am CET. For that time, you are allowed to post, edit, change your poems or even quit if you wish. But after Monday 10am, there is no more changes, we will consider the poem your final post. 

 ➡️ The rules are very simple:

  1. Follow the forum rules on basic common decency while writing
  2. A poem can be about anything, full artistic freedom is given (That means literally anything, it doesnt need to be SuperMechs) 
  3. A poem shouldnt be shorter than a couple lines or longer than 20 lines ( Have in mind someone has to read many poems probably 😄 ) 

 ➡️ For the rewards part, I decided not to make it a large reward as this is more about the art and not the reward itself. Plus I'm taking into consideration the past experience in competitions :))  So the rewards will be symbolic:

  1.  Place gets a forum badge for winning the poetry competition and 300 tokens
  2. Place gets 200 tokens
  3. Place gets 100 tokens

 ➡️ After the competition is closed, we will take some time to read everything through and decide the winners. While deciding the winners, we will take into consideration stuff like the creativity, choice of words, the overall look and etc. I will also check the reactions to the poems, ask my team members for their opinions as well since luckily, some of them like poetry! I will post the results in this thread. 

If you have any questions, do ask them here, please try not to clog the thread obviously. 

I wish you good luck and happy writing! I hope we will all enjoy this and have fun writing or reading. Who knows, maybe even discover a new talent we didnt know we had 🙂 🍀




Elcent is the best.


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i want to yeet all frantics 
into the great atlantic

both hot flash and malice beam 
can be replaced with egg cream

i hate the explosive retreat
it can just go delete

the people who use purifier
their brains were cooked in an air fryer

people who use stormweaver
i hope that you catch a fever

them theres the battery armor
you might as well be a self harmer

if you dont use resist drainers
you are basically a no-brainer
for if you dont drain them all
you might as well fight a wall

Lifeblood Deep
P.S dont take this seriously



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bruh (see edit history)
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Lost inside my mind

With thoughts swirling inside me

Like a tornado entered the room

Filled with worries and doubts

I fall to the floor writhing in pain

Repeating the same question over and over

When will I get a TerrorBlade?


Edited by Ur Hacking
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This post was recognized by Marija!

"Congrats on winning our first poetry competition!"

W.P.O.T.W was awarded the badge 'Poetry competition winner'

3449138f656d278b1eeaf93e17138d4f.thumb.jpg.e88967fae20d68a296760bbeacbee312.jpgA room inside an ocean at night.

A ceiling just above its surface.

It is pitch black aside from a single sea green light on the bow of an old and creaky wooden ship.

It howls every time the waves shift it.

You are laying twenty feet ahead of it, affixed to a bed that moves also with the waves.

Below you is the ravenous sea, dark as anything could be.

No explanation, no method of escape, nothing.

This is how you woke up one day. And its how you remain forever.

A torture without pain.

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Beyond this shore, across the sea there lay
A citadel whose walls had once stood high,
Whose lights burned bright until the break of day,
Their pillars stretching up to touch the sky.
'Til Agamemnon's fleet came to that shore,
And soldiers issued forth with shields and spears.
In Priam's name the Trojans went to war
And fought before those walls for countless years.
But now that beach where Troy had once stood tall
Lies cold, a lifeless husk whose streets unkept
Still wind their way through springtime and through fall,
Past homes where children slept and widows wept.
But such is fate, that callous hand which leads
Our lives and forges on despite our deeds.

Important links:
Base disable (only one per person, not one per account): Create New Request - SuperMechs Community
Junior mod applications: Create New Application - SuperMechs Community
Item artist applications: Create New Record - SuperMechs Community 


Why are you looking at this? Go check out the next post.


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I'm taking a risk posting this here, I hope it doesn't get stolen, also poems aren't always supposed to be perfect so I hope you look at the imperfections of my poems and see them as a part that can never be taken away. Anyways here's my story of a creature wanting to belong in a society in a world that does not seem to have any for him.

I'd like to mention that I don't expect to win, I don't have the best writing skills and there are a lot of other good poems here. I am hoping to win but not to get the stuff, I am hoping to win to get feedback on my work.

Part 1

The Blobman, waking up,

The Blobman, looking around,

Seeing that he was in a cup.

The BlobMan started to climb,

Climbing and climbing

Right out of the cup, The BlobMan 

Climbed and climbed,

Finally, getting to the top. 

The BlobMan, jumping without fear

Onto the table, looking around,

Studying the land of here.

The BlobMan, deciding where to go,

Thought and thought, 

And then started to roll.

Roll and roll, right to the edge,

Determining how far down the floor really was,

Studied all the dust and fuzz

Down below, BlobMan then jumped

Again with no fear in his mind, setting out

to search for more of his kind.


Part 2

The Blobman sets off to look for others of his kind,

Rolling and rolling

Across the kitchen tile,

By the time Blobman got to the carpet of the living room,

He felt like he had gone a mile.

Feeling a surplus of tire,

He rolled under a couch

And settled by an abandoned toy

A kid used to admire.

He slept and slept,

Then woke up to a vacuum,

A tool for a house well kept.

Under the couch, he stayed,


With caution in mind,

Until all the unfortunate dust bunnies had been slayed,

And the vacuum was stowed away.

And then again, set off

To look for more of his kind.


Part 3

The Blobman rolls down the hall, 

Wondering what he will find next during his journey.

 Rolling, rolling, he passes a doll,

Stained and dirty,

Neglected and left alone.

The Blobman felt sad leaving her there,

Because he knew how being left alone felt.

Knowing that is why he needs to find more of his kind,

He forges on,

Knowing he will never forget the image of the doll.

He turns to enter a room,

And finds himself rolling on carpet,

And sees many more toys on the floor,

None of them are similar to him.

Nonetheless, he rolled farther into the room away from the door,

And kept looking,

Knowing that soon he would find more of his kind.


to be continued...


Edited by BiCraftial (see edit history)
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Trying to get a nice build

But, i have no clue

Trying to get a clue, I was blue

Got a fortune box from the campaign, trying to flew 

With a lengendary, or just a epic

At this point, i was just trying to get a few picks

But no, rng said:"No i will give you some common, now go away prick"

I was almost consumed by the rage, want to throw my phone like a brick

Well, i was desperated

Like a bankrupted incorperate

No no, there was not a miracle, just skeptical

About what? About the fact that i will get a mythical

Oh no, stop giving me physicals

At this point i don't even care about the lore

I can't take this any more

The pvp is filled with people who has ridiculous equipments

I can't pick a brawl

I was going to be devoured by the pawns

Crawl out of the hell

I almost fell

It was not very well

I just want to jump in a well

Well, i don't have idea

Will end my career, smearing a grain of salt

Why did i get a basalt dissovler

When i am not a heat build, i do not like that discover

Well, goobye for now

I will be around

Give me aplause

There, im done




6 minutes ago, muffin said:

Trying to get a nice build

But, i have no clue

Trying to get a clue, I was blue

Got a fortune box from the campaign, trying to flew 

With a lengendary, or just a epic

At this point, i was just trying to get a few picks

But no, rng said:"No i will give you some common, now go away prick"

I was almost consumed by the rage, want to throw my phone like a brick

Well, i was desperated

Like a bankrupted incorperate

No no, there was not a miracle, just skeptical

About what? About the fact that i will get a mythical

Oh no, stop giving me physicals

At this point i don't even care about the lore

I can't take this any more

The pvp is filled with people who has ridiculous equipments

I can't pick a brawl

I was going to be devoured by the pawns

Crawl out of the hell

I almost fell

It was not very well

I just want to jump in a well

Well, i don't have idea

Will end my career, smearing a grain of salt

Why did i get a basalt dissovler

When i am a heat build, i do not like that discover

Well, goobye for now

I will be around

Give me token, or your mech will be broken

Give me aplause

There, im done




*Well im a heat build, typo right there


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Sir Spamsalot
Oh he liked to spam a lot
Just repeat it like a bot
And keep silent like a thot
So i though "why not"
And used the frantics that i got
But i got a lil too hot
So the boiler put the dot
So i went straight to counter
My credit card on the counter
Was hoping for a hot flash
But all i got was cold ash
And then i ripped out all my hair
Cuz i was still damn nowhere
With SM taking the Nobel
I know sh- rings no bell
Honestly i dont feel to well
I feel like this game is hell
Getting cucked by rng
Might just go n  jump bungee
without a rope around my back
Hoping a rock will crack my neck
And then i'll finna end this heck
And then go all the way back
To the time games didn't lack
When you didnt need to hack
But my eyes just turned black

Aaand i know this sounds wack

But this is how i feel
I wanna backflip down a hill
And break all my bones until
Fix the game, Gato will


Edited by Cake62
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3 hours ago, Ad1tya said:

When the nut was plentiful,
when the nut was tender
because I'm fasting from the nut,
I go outside to clear my mind
but I see a nut tree,
I see nuts of every kind
and so I begin to wonder,
If fasting from the nut was a blunder
should I just go crazy?
should I release the thunder?
But oh, no!
I made a bet that I can resist the nut
and I'm not above it.
Best believe I'm not paying that 5 dollars
a week left in my journey,
for the nut I'm yearning
the nut will not bug me,
I'm not a roly poly
I'm a man, the nut will not control me
So December comes blooming, blooming like it's daisy
Best believe, night of December
your boy is going crazy.

This is plagiarised 

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Hello 👋,

Super  mech is like a energy stream 😴  Flying into a sweet Dream 🛌   .

Gallop 🏇   on the nightmares or teleporting out there .

 Let all the  stars  🌟 lite up and then you will all  move 🆙 

Battle in the den and  the arena will kill them.

Get a lot tokens will fell little broken 😠 

 Reach  for the stars to be a movie 🎥 Star.( you tube)

Step on the pedal and  get  all the medals🎖 

Create a super BOT 🤖  and you will all grow 🆙 

Ps No War ….

Thanks you !






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Custom sonnet- Memories

let shining blue skies be draped in dark shrouds
devouring the eye of heaven quickly
revealing stars from the parting of clouds
constellations together gleam brightly

winter skies glows vividly from moon light
breezy air clear of pollutions from light
calm peaceful whistling echoes in the night
as barred owls hovers from the trees up high

how long will this wonderful image last?
for time cannot be frozen for our needs
for only our memories may be passed
as death appears to claim our souls like seeds

because time is precious and will not last
we must not repeat ourselves like the past


(i wrote this for an 8th grade poem project. ever since that, i used it every year whenever there's a poem unit in english class. )

waited 3 years for terrorcry drop..... still waiting

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Beneath the ground he roams

A knight in iron clad,

Of all the quests he's seen so far

This one was rather rad.

Around him naught but dark

His trusty torch he holds,

He's seen no foes before him yet

His spirit he upholds.

Before long now he stands

At a fissure immense,

Out of which a drake emerges

The battle will commence.

Dodging death with each strike

The wise knight holds his breath,

For he knows if his strike ain't true

It would sure mean his death.

The drake with its long neck

And each slow bite implies,

A weak-point in its bulwark skin

Had caused the drake's demise.

A single well-placed slash

The knight showed no malice,

Yet for his quest he took its head

All hailed his name, Alex!

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  • Community Team

And the competition is now closed! Please dont post any more applications! 

We will now take some time to read them all, I will bother the staff team for their opinions and then I will post our decision here. 

Thank you everyone for making these beautiful poems, my heart is full 🥰

Elcent is the best.


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This post was recognized by Marija!

"Thank you for a great poem and a nice video!"

A Happy F4ce was awarded 30 points.

Well, looks like I got my time zones wrong I thought I had another hour.

I guess I might aswell post my poem anyway. 


Glasgow's gray became my armour 
like a shot of whiskey, it burns yet warms. 
a painful lover, a duplicitous charmer  
she held me with her cold, pale arms.
buckfast bottles, booze-glazed eyes 
Glasgow empties where most she fills.
part-robbed bikes and cloud-fluffed skies
Tennents lager cans were her daffodils.
by jester's fate out from September dew 
like startled cats, there I met you.
Time stood still and watched, amused, 
as we sang Temptation and jumped on que.
For turning ripe, I stand accused 
As green turned red, I never knew 
what sweetness came from thoughts thereof -
born again - I learned to love.
I always was a child transfixed 
on the tempting warmth of forbidden fire
reaching out I felt that heat 
suddenly, burned by my desire. 
Even still I sometimes ponder
what secrets hide behind that danger 
and yet, a fool! there is no wonder 
why I was left to hide in sleepless nights.
As a prisoner who held the key, 
time closed my wounds, and I set myself free
just as the weary earth is struck by death, 
still a hardy green sprout will grow a-new.
a scar reminds us - we draw breath yet,
the battered muscle strengthens too. 
I treasure still those joy-full memories 
where we melted into cup-full bliss.
Rugby, New Order, ribena cocktails 
a friendly face replaced a kiss.
Like weathered oak, my roots now stronger
faithfully we both grow older.
Now I know in some way new
you have loved me, and I've loved you.

Hey guys,

I did a reading of all the poetry and included some personal commentary. with the help of @Stefix5000 I have been able to upload this as a youtube video: 

the video is quite long in total but there are timestamps for each part in the pinned comment so you can watch it in parts and pick up where you left off at another point.

hope you guys enjoy it 

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  • Community Team

The results are here!

I want to say Im very happy with how the competition turned out, Im proud of you guys 😄  I hope you had as much fun as I did reading and analyzing all these poems. Im not going to lie, it was a tough decision among the staff team, all the poems are great but the rules are rules, and we had to pick 3. And here is our judgment: 

1st place goes to @W.P.O.T.W, amazing work of art, congrats! 

2nd place goes to @AftoKrator, we enjoyed your poem and I hope your teachers did too!

3rd place goes to @Liioh, very interesting!

I will ask all the winners to please DM me their ID number so I can give out their rewards 🙂

I also need to make one honorable mention, @Fidelio. We were all sad seeing you didnt make it to apply on time, its such a shame, everyone loved your poem. And I am very thankful you made time to post your thoughts and analysis on youtube, it really wraps up this competition in a nice way. 

Thank you everyone for participating and sharing your poetry, you guys made forum a bit more interesting place with every line of your poems. Again saying, my heart is full 😄 



Elcent is the best.


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