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  1. Yeah i got kicked out of the clan where the acc was and udk how to even see the acc now and when i could see the acc in clan it was online 24/7 so it was prob a glitch but how do i sawp profiles on the account?
  2. when i logged off my sm acc to check something,it didnt wanna log in,then i clicked new player,started playng the again went to log in,nothing happened and then randomly it logged in but it wasnt that profile registered to the accoun,and no i did not have that option to pick which acc to delete andwhich to keep, and when i got to my second acc it said the account is online and that someone from turkey is using it (im not from turkey),what do i do and is there a way to fix this if there is a way
  3. Super nova mark I,god mode,... some lgacy items for chain
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