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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Typhon4273

  1. First mech: I started building this dual CL mech as soon as my inventory allowed me to make a monotype mech. It has underwent a lot of changes as I got more items but the concept remains, it's still a dual CL mech. Second mech: When I got to rank 15 this was the mech I built for the forced 2v2. Same as my first mech, it also went through some changes, but it was always a dual sac build. Also I should really work on my mod setup...
  2. Nemo would still be a better option tbh. Cap dmg could be considered as heating and nemo actually has 70 heat dmg, which is just a little lower than swoop.
  3. Thanks! Yeah, I made it. It's nothing too complicated really, I was just messing around on my phone's photo editor.
  4. Hello, you might know me as LegacyMech from the TS forum.
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