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Everything posted by Plezo

  1. Alright and i sadly cannot join discord server too because the email has been already linked
  2. Pavka if youre seeing this add me on discord plezo#7574 my main discord account got disabled
  3. its bad lmfao, i would not buy it IF i had tokens
  4. i guess you can run a phy build and energy build
  5. Either do heat or phy, but i prefer heat mech build... Mind showing me your items?
  6. upgrade malice beam and upgrade your cooling and regen
  7. Yes lvl 1 mods, legendaries and epics
  8. I think the title is self explanatory
  9. Uh how about no, since thats dev exclusive, the skin is shown that your a dev because theres no way a normal player can them skins
  10. Yeah, i agree there should have a feature like this, but i quite dont see the place where it could be in the base screen!
  11. my bad, maybe i just havent seen that topic
  12. What builds you like? And what is your dream build?
  13. thats what i do knowing ill get 20 to more token profit
  14. Not down for me, or you mean you cant play arena
  15. how can you get 600+ tokens each week?
  16. Hello, im new to the forum i hope ill have some great time here, and i wish everyone a good rest of the day
  17. I'd say to be able to add other players, like when i meet good and nice people in arena i just cant add them to keep them in my friends list...
  18. Yeah i thought the same thing, i thought it was a phy torso when i was told it was heat torso... i was so confused ;-;
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