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  1. i use this top row of modules should stay but the ones on the bottom you can just make into a savior with 3 platings 10-8 but it may be possible to get into rank 6/5 with better mods
  2. I don't know if you have everything, but i made this. Even if you don't, build something that doesn't mix weapon elements, it won't work for long.
  3. it's like the melee bug, but with recoilers, fun
  4. supreme legendary chest is a significantly bigger version of the premium pack, only being in offers, and it's 1.5k tokens i think. you get 15 items (3 of them being guaranteed legendaries, but the rest is random). about when offer is coming - it's the devs choice.
  5. the plasma fortress was worth it, but you shouldn't try this anymore since you could just end up with 5 epic items, not getting anything good. like person above me said, save for very good offers. still nice drop
  6. yeah this totally wont result in only 2 turn battles
  7. RossUlb


    no wayy... big chungus wholesome 420 was right
  8. can you send your current mech and items?
  9. bladek (it's me tmf) power kits aren't in the modules category, they have a seperate one
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