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Jahy Sama

Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Jahy Sama

  1. Making the mother of all omelettes Jack,Can’t fret over every egg
  2. This sounds sinister for some reason
  3. Jahy Sama


    Tokens that are brought through iaps (in app purchases)
  4. All against this one,I like the 1k kg limit,even the hp consequence when you go a bit over it,sparks a bit of creativity ngl Pretty satisfying when it’s direct 1k kg tho ngl like this
  5. I give wins if its an unfair match, (counters I don't give wins to) but yh, they mostly quit before me sometimes tho
  6. You're not accounting for the heat generation and en cost of frantic vs sacrifice?, please think this topic through one more time
  7. It's just simply a difference in rng, besides buffing a lightweight frantic doesn't seem anywhere close to being a good idea
  8. Perk* yes, the one that's equipped below currently
  9. Seems like you're referring to smurfs from the description tho, top/mid ranked people who rank down and kill lowers for clan wins Not anything can be done about them unless the entire arena ranking system is reworked ngl
  10. Grind od6 1v1 till level 200,od8 1v1 till level 250
  11. One year of existing let's go
  12. Damage based en works fine in arena,drain based absolutely sucks unless paired with upc or oemp,then again you run out of uses and the opponent will just regen almost 380+ en and finish you off easily, I've tried alot of ways to make drain based en work but it seems only ones with range gaps work High res builds are pretty much everywhere in top ranks, heat res usually around 130,phys res ranging from 160 to 180, en usually 120 or none at all, sure, the new res drainers drain 60 res per shot, but they cost a pretty hefty amount of backfire, running without no res isn't a better option anyways No ty, not when they can pull off 1.3k damage combos right off the bat just from a range 5 spawn
  13. Pretty sure nothing can be done about this other than blocking your pvp chat (chat bubble with an x thingy under emotes) but ig each community has its bad individuals and good individuals.
  14. Uh, no. From level 249 to 250 that already takes like 2 months to go up one level, I'd be in my permanent sleep and not even get past 300
  15. @Pavke did you account for arena buffs in said tournament? Seems like a problem for players of a lower tier
  16. It's less than 8 months old iirc? I still can hit rank 1 every 1v1 season, I was rank 2 4 stars last 1v1 season with said build, couldve done a bit more but time was not on my side This has pulled off a few wins against huggers in range 1 spawn for me due to reckonings 380+ damage rolls, but anytime it rolls lower it kinda makes it more of a loss situation for me
  17. Seems like you didn't see he was also a heat counter with good range control Why would I wander anywhere near top 10 when 1v1 is always boosters in top 10 lol, not worth the effort
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