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crazy player

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Everything posted by crazy player

  1. Please someone help me get my legacy account unbanned
  2. Please add back the goat perk Alexander I love the perk but I didn't get the chance to get it
  3. Please add the dino perk again please Alexander I want it so bad
  4. Hay can you report proggeto he scammed on players account and he scammed 20 players Here is proof
  5. Please Alexander add some legacy items back and edit them please bring back vector
  6. Can you let players upgrade legacy items please
  7. can u edit the legacy items plz to i really wish legacy was back but better

  8. ask alex to develop a super mechs website for the others they cant downloed ask alex to make the same website but no flash plaer on it
  9. searaider keeps calling me bad words in the game
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