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Posts posted by Malthael

  1. 6 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    I promise I'm trying to be respectful.  But understand that on the other side of the keyboard is someone who just doesn't think everyone who got banned or kicked was totally innocent, that's all.  I'm not here to piss on anyone's memory necessarily (though I did cite an example), but I'm also not going to think everyone who hacked is some poor innocent soul whose loss should be commemorated.  It just depends.

    I guess Marija doesn't give lifetime bans also because she takes into account what the player has done for the community. Because the forum is only and exclusively for the community. Therefore, when Grosboss or Nefy get a ban, other higher principles are taken into account. I mean that in a good way.

  2. 1 minute ago, Raul said:

    Ani jeden príspevok o obvinení nevedie k varovaniu a dostatočné varovania vedú k zákazu, ľudia robia pre CleverName

    veľa, nie je to favoritizmus, len matematika. Bez ohľadu na to, či sú vaše obvinenia pravdivé, stále budete upozornení na nahlásené.

    Len. správa.

    No matter what you wrote, I believe you understood what I meant... 😉

  3. 4 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    I would've done what TS/GG told me to do, and if I don't like their rules, I'd quit.  Don't presume to know what I would do.

    But as for hackers?  If that's what the rules called for, yes, lifetime ban.  I don't have sympathy for people who went out of their way to hack something.  If you know the rules but decide to hack anyways, oh well.


    Everything happens as it should. I'm glad it's like this. I know you are a fair and zealous new player. I respect you. And if you respect others, we will all be happy.

    Martial Arts GIF

  4. 36 minutes ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

    There is a huge difference about ...

    - being banned for breaking the rules ✅
    ... and ...
    - being banned for talking about the truth and facts ❌

    ... unfortunately both exist ❗


    Not all and everything is correct, just because someone tells you or you think so❗

    I'm a little afraid that somehow people who already have a ban tried to explain it in this way. You dance on thin ice ❗

    Informers try to label everything they don't like or like, such as slander, deception, toxicity, or other things. It's such a court, without a judge. When you write that Malthael is a cheater, it's okay and no one gets a ban. When you write that Everclever is a booster, you get a warning about toxicity at best. In the worst case, you have a ban for a while. Until then, you will either cool down and no one is interested in the topic you have solved, or you will speak again and you have a lifetime ban.

    Another thing to watch out for is whether you are moving strictly on a given topic. Praise and "like" comments are tolerated, but irony and criticism are warnings, or the topic is locked and done. LOL

    Some historian or politician might call it a dictatorial regime, but this server calls it RULES. And nobody tells you to be here, you know ...

    I thought of everything in a good way as an explanation for BESTY ❗

     Otherwise I have no problem with anyone ... 😉

  5. 16 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    Why not just ask her?

    And if the "rules are written" like you claim, how is it Marija's fault when people break them?

    With all due respect, if you can't read the rules and follow them, it won't matter who's in charge of bans.

    That's like the hackers who blame @Marija for banning them, or whoever else.  My response to those types of people is "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."  If you break the rules, you have no right to complain when they're enforced.

    I have zero sympathy for trolls and hackers.  In the real world's workplaces, if you do stuff like this, you get fired.  This is how life is.  If you can't tolerate that, you might need to get your head checked.

    I know the internet is a place where people often forget they're talking to real people on the other end (unless this is Yahoo chat, in which case 1% of people are actual real people lol).  Social media is quickly becoming the most anti-social way to interact with other human beings.

    So now I don't know if I wrote it grammatically incorrect or it was written in Chinese Mandarin, but where do I blame Maria? I am just praising her for not being forced to force snitchers and people who are relational and demanding people like Grosbos, Nefertary, etc (let's be honest) a lifetime ban. Only thanks to Maria are they banned only for a certain period of time.


    I have zero sympathy for trolls and hackers.  In the real world's workplaces, if you do stuff like this, you get fired.  This is how life is.  If you can't tolerate that, you might need to get your head checked.


    You convicted himself. If you were in Maria's place, you would give them a lifetime ban. Thank God you're not in her place.

    Don't take everything as an attack on the game, on Alex, and don't put yourself in a position where you have to comment on everything and solve everything. I basically love you, but you can't wait for everyone to nod at you. Try to think about whether you are always right in everything. After all, your view of things is as subjective as mine. It is neither better nor worse. Learn to live with it. It will be easier for you to live.

  6. On 6/9/2021 at 7:12 AM, PaintedAshwithSnow said:

    What actually you expected?.. last few months done a lot of hits on community. And  i'm isnt mean gato or ts.

    Apparently he thinks of people who were critical of the regime. It was people who helped a lot with this game, or in some other way tried to point out and uncover certain bad things in the game. It is clear that certain rules are written. But sometimes the problem is that people are wrong about criticism and toxicity. I think Marija is being pushed by people who are close to GATO to give a lifetime ban. I also think that she has to fight hard to defend her autonomy. I also think the owner doesn't have time for this game so there are a few people who take care of everything. But maybe I'm wrong. Just take it as a consideration. Btw. I love Al Pacino, watch an excerpt from the movie.



  7. On 6/7/2021 at 5:38 PM, SawzAll said:

    I'm not being toxic or bombing your topic.  People are acting like this is honoring fallen soldiers or something.  I don't see how that's logical.  But do whatever you want.

    We don't have to understand some things, we just have to accept them.

  8. 4 minutes ago, bestplayeroftheworld said:

    Real mockery "would" be ...

    - if you cheat the RAID
    - change your ingame name to "Sorry I over did it "
    - change back your ingame name to the original name
    - coming with the same ingame name and forum name to this "Report Cheats at RAID"-thread and giving some strange commands

    ... that is what I "would" consider as real mockery !


    The last one who did this was Fluxeon and guess what, he never was seen again after he was reported & banned for !


    But this is fortunately not happened 🤣

  9. I would like to ask one thing. In ancient times, when the RAID exploit began to be used, hackers made it much more sophisticated. They used the exploit before the end of RAID and got tokens because Tacticsoft / GATO did not have time to react. Now there are hackers who have been hacking since day one. GATO has 5 days to respond.

    If I can't fix the bug, I have to keep an eye on its violation. I don't understand, can someone please explain it to me?

    Well thank you.

  10. Everything has its FOR and AGAINST. I do not envy Maria's work. And I appreciate @Marija as well. She has to work really hard to study why someone was labeled as toxic, or which messages need to be canceled or the thread locked. Or who should get the ban. Few people can appreciate her work. She did it well in TS times and she does it well now. The rules have been tightened a bit. It is much easier to get banned for toxicity than during TS. But it is also necessary to think about freedom of speech. Keep in mind that freedom of speech is one of the basic principles of democracy. We must not allow censorship or be intimidated by the fear of expressing our opinion. Thank you @Marija for your neutrality. 🙏

  11. 3 minutes ago, SawzAll said:

    You're saying it's not wrong to spread lies about people?  It's not wrong to insult people?

    It´s very bad to insult and lie about people. Only if he has proof that this is not a lie. Then it´s not an insult. I guess that also gives you logic. Do you agree?

  12. I´ve been to three clans so far. I don´t remeber the first one. Sorry 😅 The other one wa some kind of WLGang (sorry, I don´t know how many there are) but there was a very nice Zylok in it and now I´m in the RF. There are perfect people like






    @Rambo Gaming YT

    @Hauer Horatio


    [SG] _RAMpAGE_HITMAN_47_

    Outside the clan, I like 

    @Nefertary Meriten-Mut






    They bring humor to the game, but mainly knowledge and teach average players how to improve and they can also ask unpleasnt questions. And that is rare. 

    If I forgot someone, please sorry.


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