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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Identical

  1. you can still watch ads you can watch them by playing an mission and quitting after you defeat the first minion a window will pop up saying ''want to improve your mech?'' you click it and it gives you an ad for 2 tokens
  2. Its a nice idea and stuff but seeing the damage and details would be good aswell Happy new year!
  3. Thanks mate! Wish you a happy new year aswell
  4. you could maybe try this https://gyazo.com/bb1f569f6d020036723bc53b56ae4b66
  5. looks decent maybe colour it
  6. Identical


    Try to get a better top weapon,weapons that only go till epic or legendary arent worth it For now focus on modules and Torso hope this helps
  7. Torso 1st then Weapon then Legs Actually no Torso 1st Modules 2nd
  8. Its a great torso congrats on getting it
  9. If you disable your base you get Silver boxes But silver boxes arent really worth it,they are basically just a mix box Also you buy them at the shop for like 1-3k idk Also clans are mostly left because people cant afford to be active or just dont wana be in a clan idk,optional Oh and welcome to Supermechs I hope you i will enjoy the forums and stuff,theres also a discord server i suggest you join! Its quite fun ( https://community.supermechs.com/discord/invite/general/ )
  10. was that your first prem box? wow
  11. it looks cool but bruh 600 damage??? 75 weight??? yeah no thanks
  12. There should be a google doc somewhere wait,ill send it. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpTi7ARgV-5ncdfXi2QzEOUXGlSM-1XN6IrMqyjknFyk0yxA/viewform here it is Glad i could help!
  13. i wouldnt consider 290 cooling and regen decent,it wouldnt fit in top ranks
  14. If im honest no,not really too low cooling and regen low res and in the end you would damage yourself more then your enemy. If im honest no,not really too low cooling and regen low res and in the end you would damage yourself more then your enemy. https://gyazo.com/bf797782a431ab8d887dadfe0c025fff maybe something like this would be better
  15. Its a quite solid mech,can you show us your modules?
  16. 24 cooling get real is this a serious post or are you kidding
  17. Special message for F2P: always save up for Premium Packs,never buy premium boxes NEVER (its completly fine to buy them but packs are just 10x times better)
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