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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. nice video. excellent strategy. Next time Kill OKI.
  2. sad to see clans not doing that much. Ok can be just simple basic 3-5 wins per player, war and titan. Not mean you are spending ours
  3. The clan always search for players with some basics as players not an enforced condition. We search for players that actually can grind wins. For season 3v3 and 1v1 we collect 2k wins and 5k on 1v1. Sure, we look for power at the same time due to it is a clan at top 4-10 normally and power it is important for war. Now, depending on floor conditions to add a good player and or leader decisions can be some acceptance to some degree with a little bit lower power. Another condition is about no acceptance to accounts stolen etc in the clan. Sometime some players join and then we can get more info about legal status of the account. Even can affect us on positions etc we remove players not in the full legal. We play in a freeway not restricted to an AP, but we get together ready for war as is need. Clan members are fine, and many are talkative and some time to time when have time in their busy life. We collect tickets always for titan and we fight titan always as basic. We like steady and compromise person for basics and not much drama. Contact DIABLOODER here in the forum our current leader and let him know about your interest to join the clan. He will review. I think we have an open spot and will be one more tomorrow losing our friend due to personal matters.
  4. nice. I better stay low, or I will be killed.
  5. The idea is to have different possible combinations exchanging parts. Some combos can overpower too much and when a particular weapon it is adjusted, it does require a good thinking of the damage that can create on the floor pvp because will overpower. Reason why some combos can be created to counter those but too much adjustment with that particular weapon, then the natural counter against that mech will lose been out of balance to counter by nature. The possibility is determinate buy the player and starting point plus floor mats position with those particular set up. For example, the heat hugger improved a bit from the basic claw and backstabber to make more fair fight in the sense not utilizing a phys weapon as drone and be able to maximize heat use against the other player. Swoop needed to be adjusted and I agree on it if not then use the backstabbing selfish draining too much HP or go with Nemo. Sure, firefly possibility but was not that good. Swoop gave the opportunity to make changes for the new modules in line. Now you have a basic natural counter against, and it is phys dual recoil even can lose if no play well just to say. In my personal opinion regardless public opinion, the best mech out there it is the heat hugger because versality use for different things like raid, campaign and pvp been an overall mech. Sure many people will say no but with countless test I have done I will say with confidence. Sure, not mean will get R1 all the time now with tons of recoils on the floor. META work to counter some others that are at same power level and match making with players connected at some point will give the outcome to many players according to their accounts. An example if I am using a heat hugger, the tendency of the game is to have me out not at close distance and set me up with tons of scopes, dual recoil or tons of spartan/frantic draining life fast overpowering to overheat. If I switch to dual recoil, right on the spot it lunches me tons of energy mechs where the system knows that the basic set up, energy is low and that do not mean all are low but generally speaking it is or set me up with tons of recoils same mech and reduce heat huggers. When I use the heat hugger the massive heat mechs is huge with same hugger or reconning with firefly or some others. When I switch to energy the game lunch energy free mechs one after another. The game compensates according to players in the arena and takes the consideration of your modules and weapons level. The tendency to my account is to start first move and that give a lot of position advantage to counter me because I have to choose to lose a turn or make the move that actually will make me lose. META and players plus match making it is the actual outcome of the fight. Some accounts get easy, and some are a hell to move up no matter how good the player can be. I have played different top players accounts and I have been able to get R1 in few min just to say and when I switch back to my account my output weapons, position and mech against with hp higher it does make my account harder to achieve position. Sure, when I play serious, I get it, but I can compare with others and yes is harder. The is a cycle I tested for a year against my account, and it is very interesting what does against my account. For example, few weeks ago, I decided to play dual recoil and I got 11 energy mechs one after another. I switched to heat hugger and heat huggers and dual phys recoils one after another.
  6. Hi guys, keep this cool. It is a good thread for contributions with ideas for the game fun. Some agreed, some don't, and some do not care and hate this, but I think it is good for ideas for people that are interested in the game and improve. I do not look to make meta. I do develop parts grinding for fun and then test them at any rank during development till are developed and normally I do different combos that will lose just for the fun and to challenge me to see what those do as they are. For META it is about player and MECH combo. Now, for those looking for basic mech power that by itself can position to a particular rank screaming to move up META mechs as mentioned have the tendency to help the player to move up not necessarily will do because match maker or the players do not like that much the mech having the parts for it. Just have fun giving ideas and not insulting. For those do not like just simple stay away and do not look at it or make comments. Let this flourish and apart of fun in the forum and the game, this gives ideas for now or for the future. Some mechs are around not listed as META but can be actual META just look around and some others has been modified for current floor fights that morphed a bit again. I do ton of test because I do not compete, but I do check all the time. I am not a contributor, but I like to read if I have time and instead to do what is best, I got in the other direction for fun and that mean modules and weapons set ups. Just have fun making fun mechs if you do not have those called META and ton of those reach R1 on different seasons. Do not argue, just give an idea to improve and test. If you have the parts go and test if not what you see around is a player with a particular mech that is good using to play. Test yourself with different things and will see that a hell a lot can get you to R1 and are called trash.
  7. you got few good items and meat. I do not know for how long took you to farm those F.B. but that help a lot to enhance your mechs. When I try to get them, I get empty "no boxes" and if I get then common and rare. You got tons of epics.
  8. I play at that rank now and when I started it was loaded or R5-R1 mechs against my R8-R7 mechs. I am in the left.
  9. All is fine. People build according to what they have in the storage and desire. This was me and it is the coolest mech I ever played. Sure, back then and was bad but fun to play and made players doubt of them self how to proceed. It was so fun to see how they stopped to play not knowing what to do. I really enjoyed this mech and took me to R2 against counters on those days. Not now but I used with another mix and a regular claw phys hugger and sustained R3 and touched R2 all the time when played for it.
  10. No problem. I do not mind sharing if I can. Hope the community understand it is a fun thing to do things as the tournament and look for the positive side of this. Have fun guys it is all about the game.
  11. Sorry because drop rank at end of season so does not stay at R1 and not all players with meta reach and stay at top playing in full. META is as best player can be with a particular mech. It is a combo also how the game set the players per account on match, and I can see differences When I play serious, I stay on top R1 but when I play like now fulling and playing with interruption or tired like every day because my work nature the mechs are set by themself to a particular rank. Some want to push up and some others do not push but still META as listed.
  12. I think all is fine. Anything that can kill and have fun it is meta. All come and go around. Use claw, bump to 3.4k, make it close to counter with a frantic dual tele, charge hook recoil or mercy and spartan. Or use claw, drain, recoil, solar and blaster and again R1. No meta reach meta status everywhere. META is for R1 and tons of set ups are not meta but do the job and some are for skilled player. I test with no meta in 1V1 and get R1 time to time when I have the mood for it without meta.
  13. cool. congrats in the wrestling. awesome. My body hurts but not because wrestling instead because I am old guy like a junk yard needing some spare parts here and there post my younger years playing basketball, volleyball, kicking ball, tennis and baseball of course scuba, wind surfing, surfing and BMX competitions. Busy guy when young but paying the price of sports with broken bones, damage ligaments etc. Yeah, they say is good for health. Sure....
  14. booster shot. I got that too. fever dreams. ha
  15. we can fix this easy. We need a FRANTIC BUFF.
  16. Sadly, I won't. Takes time and money for sure. I have been working on that for long. I am doing this for the tournament this time and next. Who knows next year? Might grant some tokens. I have more in my other account.
  17. just few min. I am at work so no time and better be quick.
  18. Hi community. If you indulge me, I want to say few words. I am a busy person in real life, and it is really hard for me to compete on tournaments. I personally want to give my thanks to @Marija, @Pavke, @Alexander and the participant community in the recent tournament bringing something back from the old community and I think it is something nice to see and read about your fun making this possible with of course the difficulty that brings the making. Sadly, I saw few comments of unhappiness for different reasons. According to what I was able to read and see, the tournament was great. As baseline, the organizers came with some ideas for us the community and I want to thank to Alex, Pavke and Marija because takes time and effort to make this possible and for Pavke and Marija not participants and not getting something out of this. They made this possible to us to have fun and in the side maybe a luck prize for the opportunity as community to have some extra fun in the game. They were clear from a starting point; it is experimental thing and from this first tournament in this new forum and with our imputes in particular for those participants, next tournament can be improving a bit. It is a learning process. Been clear from start, nothing will be perfect, and they cannot come up with a solution to please everyone. In the end, in the real life not everyone can be pleased reason we have governments to have basics. Even I was not a participant, I see this as a positive thing for everyone in the game and should not under any circumstances be so negative or offensive or better say having selfish "not the weapon" attitude. Be thankful for this opportunity and remember that the tournament sucess it does not depend only on the organizer but to those participants attitudes and sharing ideas for future improvements not to attack the tournament or organizers. I can do this if the administration @Alexander agreed including @Pavke and @Marija. I do not know if is possible, but I would like to help a bit not as organizer but for the next tournament and the recent one. I am willing to give away 25 premium packs deleted from my OKI DOKI account and be granted at list to 25 former participants. I let Marija to decide how will be. For the next tournament maybe in 3 months or 4 months just saying, I am willing to give 15k tokens and 50 premium boxes out of my account OKI DOKI. @Alexander, I can provide my ID and take those out and use them this week those 25 premium packs and take those tokens and premium boxes now away as future prize apart of the game prize. Ladies and gentlemen, I play this game for fun to improve my account not to compete but for the fun to farm and see my progress leveling up a part little by little as my threads show. I really will like a healthy community and see more people around having fun as I do with you. I am not a good contributor but at list I like to have fun with you guys. This is a picture so @Marija and @Alexander can decrement those from my account and share those 25 premia and to have some for the next one. I give the authorization. Total to decrement premium boxes are 75 and 15k tokens. To be clear, take 25 premium boxes for recent tournament and give them away, for next tournament 50 boxes and 15k tokens. Just have fun and enjoy luck with those 25 packs and for the future a bit more for other participants down the line. I let Marija to decide what to do. I won't be involved on decisions or any insolvent on the tournament. Thx OKI NOTE: Please do not offend about grants given already in contrast or willingness from GATO. They did it in a fair way and for our fun. If I see something like that in the forum you won't be a possible winner of those 25 packs from me. Do not compare. Thx I will appreciate your kind to everyone. Good luck if GATO takes my offer for you.
  19. Yes, I know those locations to farm for gold and also fortune boxes. Still for me OD6 suit my life. For other players can be good options those.
  20. Don't get it. Sure, for people can look for fortune boxes and the drop rate are decent it can be ok to go for it. All depend on accounts. Some accounts are good on fortune boxes and some not. In my case my account is bad on fortune boxes and epics grants. I recommend to those can get fortune boxes then go for it. In my case no time and quick touch for quick grind it does the trick according to my life conditions. Gold, you collect good gold on OD6. If you are a pvp player in large, then no issues. For limited time player OD6 is the solution to get gold and XP fast. There is no right answer except that every player does have a particular life with particular conditions to be able to play the game on those ways. I do not have time so OD6 it is awesome for me. When I play for fortune boxes is a waste of time and fuel and terrible granting mix boxes.
  21. wow, 7 years. That is fine. You have fun playing slowly and when have time. You no need to drain your life playing here just to enjoy when you play for some fun time.
  22. yes, and legs that hit hard even those do not affect the resist, but damage health is good,
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