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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. You will be always welcome to join back. We know your wood as compromised player and one of the best contributors of the clan had. Now I can post a better image. That is when I joined, and we had short on players with the mess of players moving to other clans when the buster time came up with every clan begging for new players and stealing from other clans to keep ranks. As a solo player every clan were asking me to join. I did join CANDELA because SHABBA was the only one who for a year when I was barely starting with my niece was asking us to join the clan in the good and bad times of the clan when the clan moved to top and felt hard people walking away for no reason and a few remained loyal and rebuild it. He was a nice person to me, and we had fun at game chat every day when I used to connect there all the time and no forum. Is good to see some of those players still around progressing. Every week he asked me on pvp or in chat or later on forum pm. Every time he saw me "bang" asked. Join us, join us, join us
  2. No. In reality I reached top as free account, but I was week. It is not about items I have been getting later on but the base is to farm daily as much you can. Superiority do not worry about that. This is a game of progress and everyone staying for a while and farming will reach same level. The base will provide parts and fortune boxes too if farm and administrate properly. Different players reach R1 with ton of limitations been smart at play and I am an average player not a top and I just play here to make parts for fun farming. The only difference between me and other players it is farming nothing else free to play or pay to win and of course they play to win and be at top and in that case, I am not interested on that part and no time for it, or mind set. I like to play for relax time not to get into stress to get a rank or get angry at play. Just have fun in your progress. Anyone can be R1 and the big difference is some advanced mechs ahead of you playing for long and focus to advance fast.
  3. I think used to be due to the limitations on post at old forum at 10k something like that. I do not know how works here.
  4. check my thread progress and will see it. Sadly, for almost 2 months I ran out of forum memory to post images because there is a limit in memory consumption and the owner had to add more recently. I posted that back in December. Everyone can see that in their account. Tho, I am legal player never cheated or had special deals. Only old players new the old administration and some of the new owners not me. I am newbie here and I have integrity and I work hard my accounts. Those relics are coming from accumulation at CANDELA and Reign Forever clans wars, ranks boxes plus few offers that came with them including special events and maybe there is not a player with account more transparent than my own been public updating every week or every other week.
  5. Oh well, I guess I need to farm some gold now. Too many expenses. Not easy to do this. I just want to cry after spent that gold.
  6. OD6 do not grant Fortune Boxes when at higher rank/power and account level. OD6 is more for players not having time to play due to it is quick grinding for gold and fuel not the best on gold but good. It is also the spot for the people who wants to level up their mechs faster because the cost and grant it is the most efficient, I will say in overall for level up with fuel/gold/XP. Me as grinder and level up guy it is best. If you will search for fortune boxes you are in the wrong place. Get into let say 2V2 OD8 or OD7 hard. There are more places I used to get F.B. in the campaign but I forgot those and only works when you are at low level account then later it won't grant. I tested many times in the past and no even one. Now, only one time back in 2020 developing phys mech in O.D FARM having over 900 mix boxes from farming, the game decided to grant like 8 legendary power kits and another set of epic max out power kits. Yes, around low acc level and in normal you can get F.B. at different places. I stayed there farming them and getting stronger than the game stopped to grant when my acc level went up and no more F.B.
  7. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine and really busy at work, and I hope all goes well for everyone here and your families. CANDELA INC currently is having 2 open spots. What we do and what we need? Our play ways haven't change as the core basic that identify our clan. We are a clan based on basic rewards not based on AP position for medals. The clan it is searching for 2 members as all clan search for and is power and been active but also, we sometimes depending on what we need we make some exceptions. 1- We search for decent players as person and be permanent who compromise in the basic. 2- We search for players that require the minimum supervision because are doing their basics without have to tell. 3- We collect TITAN tickets and is mandatory but sometimes some of us collect fast to open as fast possible the titan and fight to get the reward. We fight 7 stars TITAN every season and we defeat the Titan. Sometimes players can't do that much damage and we understand but participation it is not optional and have to participate. No shame about little to nothing damage but need to attack. 4- WAR, we do war every season and we fight for "S" and "S+" box and we average winning more "S+". Participation on war it is addressed with the boss because it is mandate but a player with not full set up it is decided by team or leader. 5- We go for wins because that generate tokens for the members having free players and some p2w. The clan collect in 2V2 and 3V3 2K wins and collect 5k wins on 1v1. So, we search for win high grinder as well with power but also it is decision of the leader what is convenient at the moment for the clan. 6- The basic entry generally speaking it is R4 in all seasons and 75 wins per season. That rule it is addressed by the team and leader according to the needs. I know it does not make sense of 75 wins and doing 5k wins or even 2k. The fact is that to collect 2k we need to get 84 per player at 2v2 and 3v3 and we need to collect 208 wins at 1v1 for the 5k. The difference is basic entry, but we understand not everyone can go for 200+ wins and some players do very heavy wins to make up for the remaining wins for the rest of the clan, but we search for grinders that can help out reduce the pressure of those guys. 7- We are a clan with freedom in the sense how to play our ways and do not worry for AP but yes, we look to be at TOP 10 by the time war will come and fight for a box. You can play at any rank you like for your test and parts under development as one example but need to rank up for war for sure or to follow clan direction. 8- You are a member so your voice count. Regardless been new you can talk and address. We are friendly clan but also, we check people do their jobs and we do not like suspicious accounts. Play legal with legal account. 9- Be respectful to members. I personally hate offenses to each other and if that pattern keeps going, I will kick or I walk away. I do not accept bad behaviors as simple can be. 10- Join, make friends, have fun and make your account powerful with some goodies with the satisfaction that we worked for them. Thx Wally-OKI DOKI. Note: Any concerns you can talk to me, any clan member or address to our friendly boss. Please PM our friendly leader @Diablooder and he will be in touch with you. He is nice leader and really hard worker for the clan and do have my respect but also, he ensures the team it is in the proper line. Do not be afraid to apply. It is just a game. If this sounds good for you, please join. We are not a lazy team looking for rewards to enhance our mechs.
  8. let say if you have a module that only can be upgraded to rare or epic as maximum then that part will be a waste. If you have modules around like energy/heat modules that can move to Myth later on, then place those there to get a transformation to the next level status like epic to legend or from legend to myth. Look for the best items can get in your arsenal for now or for the future need. That offer normally happens at lower-level player and do not repeat later on if I am not wrong. When I was in low it happens in my account but never again. I did not take it and decided to grind for enhancement
  9. just give your info so can log into your account.
  10. do not meet the part as I have seen some players doing it to myth other parts then missing the scope Clever one time mention the drop rate of some items are even lower than others back in the old forum. Some are very hard to get in 1000 packs.
  11. wow. lot of good art. nice guys. I wish to have talent and imagination like that.
  12. Bad drop on premium box gift. Ok drone on eastern egg if is in need but not good drop. Good relic drops on war box.
  13. save tokens unless you need a particular item in an offer than can help you move up now. I will save too. I hope those come with relics apart of nice weapons and drop rate.
  14. Clan members should respect clan chat and clan thread. People out of line regardless the need of the player in the clan should be removed or will create a snowball of unhappiness. I do not mind kicking them, or I do walk away without issue. Sometimes is good to make a list of players doing such things. I do have one as personal thing to no forget who they are in the past or present. Those who offended me in the past or doing in the present are in the list and the reason as a comment to not forget like pvp or chat or forum etc when and why. It is a nice list to have. I won't forget to those offended my niece and my person or disruptor in some ways. sorry, I do not have likes.
  15. Hmm, I do not have idea about that. Now, one time I opened 10k last year and got few good items. I posted in the old forum. I mean in 2020
  16. you are too much for me. Better run Look that monkey looking at me too serious
  17. cool video starting and ending. great fights. Sad about your hard-earned titan coins for just an item. Grat deal with the war/rank boxes grants. I wish to get something like that but reality it is different.
  18. Well, just to clarify O.D. FARM it is now in Reign Forever. Taedium it is the leader and the criteria to enter to the clan I am not sure about it. Normally the clan it is a clan for TOP players resting a bit from the main Rain clan always on TOP 1-3 position. In that case I can't tell you about who can be in or out. In the case of CANDELA INC, my main clan, it is up to the clan members and leader decision at the moment of whom can be according to necessity of the moment. Yes, normally you have to be a top R4 but sometimes we add not a top player and let the person to be stable and consistent and can develop his or her account with us but maybe it won't participate on war because it does affect the % against the rest of the players and can end up losing war. Example of great player added from mid rank R10-R8 is Pink. He compromises and so far, never failed in his duty on clan requirement and as free player is working hard to improve his account in a serious way now in some seasons at R3 and now been part of war. He does have my respect as player and his integrity. If the player is serious and grind to advance fast the account, it is important because need to grow to help in all. About enhancing account, I am very picky on players because I work hard my accounts to make them strong grinding even, I can't do a lot of pvp not having time in my life. If a mid-rank is added to the clan, I check progress. This thread can show I am not a clown in matter of improving my account or my main OKI DOKI and I am very serious in that side of the game regardless my funny plays. This account will become a top account even already reach all seasons R1 when play for it but lack of power for now been a young account. If you can be a great contributor on wins like Pink or even better and collect titan ticket, fight the titan even little damage but do fight as basic and help on war position when is in a need all depend on you and the leader @Diablooder at this point. Sure, the clan need power because we lose some for retirement and others not related to the game last week and this week. Just ask the leader Diablooder and let him know what you do and account. Example what rank and how many wins you add for season etc. Write to him. He is a nice person, good leader plus does his duty above many in the clan like wins one of the top contributors and if he does not accept you is because he does have something in mind or talked already but go ahead and ask because you have nothing to lose this been just a game.
  19. nice video. excellent strategy. Next time Kill OKI.
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