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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. correct. It is does depend on what it is your account status and related to parts at L50 and 3v3 availability and gold reserve to risk plus parts at disposition. For example, O.D FARM can go for L20 post this summer after I max parts around. My account is powerful enough to no need to buy items at this point so spending money there is no point because I can achieve R1 in the 3 seasons. Then having an account like that and farming every day, I can get some millions every week and put the factory to work and does takes long to get the order released. Now, I do have 415 premium boxes in reserve, if I open those boxes, I might get something useful "maybe" and will need the gold to max part or parts. In my OKI account, I do have enough inventory for a year maybe longer to max items and using L20 factory is pointless to risk even I can get maybe a weapon in need but is too much gold when I have some weapons to enhance for other configurations.
  2. Is good. I think some do it at 2 but normally can take 3 revivals or more to general players.
  3. How do you know? Trade secret. Yes, O.D FARM is like that. OKI it does have factories at L15 all of them. Mines in full. There is no point to use L20 option at this point having parts to enhance. It will cost too much the risk for mare epics. I invest in power kits to level up parts or if I want less expensive, I use option for L2 factory RARE.
  4. he used to love the game killing me. here comes OKI, I will wipe his butt easy
  5. true. It does takes 6 months in normal way to get it done. Sure my base still incomplete. Can you believe that? Pathetic. You do not need to enhance the full BASE to make it functional and get your account to advance. My O.D FARM is a BASE account and look the account progress.


    oh, that is different thing.


    there is a limit per day. it will reload at some point next day etc. When happen to me then I have to wait sometimes till same hour I consumed.
  8. don't lose your account. Too many hackers.
  9. Hi Pilots How are you? Yes, is me again, OKI DOKI. I am fine like I said yesterday in my O.D FARM acc but really busy at work and not much time to really play the game. I have been focusing the account to increase some gold reserves and enhance some weapons to reach my gold of 200 MYTH parts and I was able to achieve that milestone. The account suffered a lot like in O.D FARM in the making weapons because the game new module's introduction to the game and I had to start over making new modules just to balance and survive in the game. For O.D. FARM I barely finished the old modules transformation then had to start again with the new ones holding back and because both accounts were too young during the changes it does disturb too much the progress. Anyway, I am happy to be able to make 200 Myth parts for fun, but I need to complete them to full L50. It is does takes long time to make this and farm every day. I do not know how the old players can grind for so many years. The account has been stagnant getting new parts, but I got only one part in a fortune box. The gold reserve is growing back post expending some divining modules. I was able to increase gold to 127millions then used some and currently trying to get back and increase a bit more before I start to make new weapons. I will finish few weapons to L50 using daily in a slow progress and increase gold at the same time. I won't add screen capture of progress during last 2 months, but I will add next updates. The BASE has been idle for a while. Clan coins still growing. Arena shop coins growing Mix boxes reserves growing back. I had to use some and dropped to less than 100 and now pushing them up for legend creation and levels ups. Let see, the account is practically unchanged except enhancing current inventory. It is weak but decent account and can get any rank on any season if play for it. It does lack of many weapons to enhance power, but I am happy for the hard work and progress. CHEERS
  10. LLYL, CANDELA, TF as example does have free to play or had free to play and those still have R1 every season or some of the seasons in or out of the clan. It is about farming, pvp, base and of course luck in some weapons. Some tops even are p2w can't get the right parts and are having hard time to play even can get R1 but hard. Not all is Rose color to p2w or awful for f2p.
  11. It is about constant progress. If you are free to play it does depend on a lot of grinding. I was top as free player. Many others are free and are top and still on top as free. They enhanced BASE and play enough pvp and farm daily and they get high AP on top 3 clans and top 4-10 and others.
  12. your progress has been really nice. Your videos are funny as always with the special effects. Great job bro.
  13. 2K win it is just for a possibility to get a legendary like fortune box but just is a mix box with a single grant. I got few decent items from them and the rest it is just the some hopping and nothing, but it is good to try plus is good not having too lazy players. We add possibility to get a decent part in particular for those are free to play in the clan for many years. There are few lower clans heating high numbers even 10k. I do not remember the names., hot players making wins. too hot grinding
  14. to be honest I do not mind sharing a bit. Just the game does not allow to buy or transfer to others.
  15. kill them all. sad, maybe password and name were years ago anime or the girl you like it at school, maybe was the hot teacher, or fruit, skateboard, chupa cabra .
  16. Hi Pilots How are you? I am doing fine but a ton of work keeping me really busy and playing little and forgetting things to do or unable. I am fine but tired and I need some rest to be honest but work id demanding and COVID add too much to cover other people sick week after week with a no ending. Anyway, it has been a while without an O.D FARM or OKI DOKI updates not having image memory to do so, and the game owner added some recently. I do have pictures saved in my comp or phone of the progress, but I will avoid adding all of that and will resume from now as starting point. I have been focusing more on gold accumulation. Not been lucky getting any new weapon in reality meaning the account is not growing for a while. I have been enhancing or better say leveling up current parts in the inventory but there is not much there, and some decent parts remain to go for it. For now, I will be focusing on gold accumulation and enhancing few parts slowly with daily events without any rush. The most important now is to increase gold reserve to be ready for future boxes opening but I will be working with some parts around before the opening. It will take till summertime just guessing to finish some of those items around and some from epic level in need. I will include the account current inventory because there is not much to add not using the saved progress and current acc status. Let see... Gold moved to 132 million. Actually, I was able to increase to 138 but I used some gold to max items recently in this case divining modules. It is very rare to use gold to divine items and having lack of gold relics, but I was bored and decided to divine some items. The base it has been idle for a while. Looks very sad. O.D. FARM joined Reign Forever. I removed the account from CANDELA INC because I wanted to open space to have heavy grinders plus power to add to the clan. Having lack of time and slowing down because excess of work and not been a person who really like to take advantage of others hard work, I walked away the account. I want to thank to the Reign teams for opening a door for me and inviting me to be part of their roster. My boxes reserve. Not much but managing mix to enhance parts or make legends. Clan coins still growing but at slower rate. Arena Shop is all max out and coins still growing. I would like to find a use for those coins. Ok, the inventory is practically the same but with some parts enhanced. It is not an awesome account but do the job at any rank and season if play for it, even it is a weak account but will be growing and getting stronger. CHEERS
  17. WOW. 1year. That is terrible. Are you sure you want to do that now?
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