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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I still play this game. My old console. SM is fine.
  2. fun fights. Funny video. Nice rank achieved.
  3. I get often the same. you are not alone or a single rare
  4. Boss is a nice person and a good leader. The clan has been there for long and has been a clan of high wins output, titan and war between others. The clan worked hard step by step moving to the top 2-3. Very strong players and lots of cool guys there and I have or had the pleasure to play with them as team members and as pvp or forum fun. I never had any complain about bad manners at least toward my person and has been part of the clan policy. From my starting days, Boss was nice to me and of course I had to play against the clan every day from early stages in my progress. Actually, WLGang and CANDELA INC were a menace every day for my solo development and had to play against them every pvp I tried to play. Oh boy, one after another never ending. One of the best clans I saw getting wins always with high numbers 5k-6k. Nice hair cut by the way. Oh, and sure I need one and it is not a joke. I look like Albert Einstein. Looks a nice Salon place and interesting name. Cool to see you there. I do recommend the clan and still play at top. Sad to know about Death Gun. A great player. I am gonna miss him around. OKI
  5. awesome weapon. need a buff, no backfire, no energy use and 3 shots.
  6. I already created and were my original 2 mechs in the acc.
  7. Ah, I have been developing that mech parts for a year. Never finished. All parts from epic and L1 together in developing since then. I play them at low rank. When the mech start to get close to reach R5, then I remove the mech and build another epic L1 and L1 legend part. Those mechs are not set for combat or mind set for it, instead are just a bunch of parts placed together to max them for future builds if I decide to make something with those parts, but I play them like as they are with limitations for fun. I have many set ups maxing parts but not making the build. Too many will say. I get bored using same mechs except original 2 because were fun so I change mechs to different ranks levels. Some are R10 and others R8-R7 or even R12-R11 and play them enhancing them step by step and see what they do and how easy can be killed. Just fun it is all about. I can't be an AP because interruptions at work, so I play basic fun.
  8. not died. it will be busy in the new tournament
  9. Sad to know is your last. Drop was regular. A lot of meat and few decent. Are you going to keep playing? Music does match
  10. WOW. One day I will get one maybe in 5 years. Congratulations. Awesome
  11. hard to tell. if you are free to play it is a hard decision. If you need a particular module might be better to wait for it but can get lucky. The problem now is that we do not have a schedule of offers like used to be.
  12. let's do it. I want to merge my 2 accounts and blast the hell out there.
  13. I can't open them because I have parts to work on it that I am interested in the future. My account does have 600 slots in garage space like in OKI. It is a weaker account and younger. There are some basic epics in need and premium around. Will take some time to use those boxes. In mean time if a relic offer comes, I will take it. I updated my progress in both accounts. take a look so and can see all what I have
  14. correct. It is does depend on what it is your account status and related to parts at L50 and 3v3 availability and gold reserve to risk plus parts at disposition. For example, O.D FARM can go for L20 post this summer after I max parts around. My account is powerful enough to no need to buy items at this point so spending money there is no point because I can achieve R1 in the 3 seasons. Then having an account like that and farming every day, I can get some millions every week and put the factory to work and does takes long to get the order released. Now, I do have 415 premium boxes in reserve, if I open those boxes, I might get something useful "maybe" and will need the gold to max part or parts. In my OKI account, I do have enough inventory for a year maybe longer to max items and using L20 factory is pointless to risk even I can get maybe a weapon in need but is too much gold when I have some weapons to enhance for other configurations.
  15. Is good. I think some do it at 2 but normally can take 3 revivals or more to general players.
  16. How do you know? Trade secret. Yes, O.D FARM is like that. OKI it does have factories at L15 all of them. Mines in full. There is no point to use L20 option at this point having parts to enhance. It will cost too much the risk for mare epics. I invest in power kits to level up parts or if I want less expensive, I use option for L2 factory RARE.
  17. he used to love the game killing me. here comes OKI, I will wipe his butt easy
  18. true. It does takes 6 months in normal way to get it done. Sure my base still incomplete. Can you believe that? Pathetic. You do not need to enhance the full BASE to make it functional and get your account to advance. My O.D FARM is a BASE account and look the account progress.
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