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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Nice work. You are moving fine. Good stuff in the account.
  2. Hi Pilots How are you? I hope all goes well to you and family. I am fine but work even increased more and I has been under a lot of pressure with my boss and his boss for extra work to get done and a lot of things between that will take forever to write down, but it has been a terrible week for me to play the game. I will update just a bit now but there is not much to say. Sorry for the delays for those ready every week my account progress. Not having memory space to update picture for a while and been too busy at work and lack of energy to update. Well, let see. Ton of work needs to get done in the account. Due to lack of play, gold reserve accumulation slowed down plus I has been focusing into increase gold reserve for now having enough parts to play at any rank and season at full power. Sadly, I can't use that power in the way I can play with interruptions and limited time to play and just basically doing some farming here and there if I can press the phone bottom but even that I have been very inconsistent missing a lot. I was able to craft some power kits and to transform some legends to myth L1 but unable to max them not having the gold and parts for it been focus on gold accumulation for a new baseline on gold reserve to be the mean at 150min. It will take some time to get to that number and surpass it to craft power kits and move back to level up parts or transform more legends to myth. I do not know the direction I will take till passing few more weeks or a month whatever come to my head and desire at that point. The clan changed a bit of direction to push for some medal possibility in a sad way knowing our friendly clan TROLL FAST has been a bit out of line recently. Our clan got our first 2 medals recently and I want to thank to TF members for the extra help and leader direction. I am not a medal searcher, but I am happy to see the clan and the old members apart of the new ones getting a medal for first time. So, I want to congratulate the entire clan getting the medals. I got those medals and OKI can display them been part of the clan and their hard work for it with pride. I remember some old teammates wanting to go for it and then left for better opportunities and I am happy for them having medals at other clans, but I am very happy to see those guys in CANDELA in good and bad time steady when the clan felt hard many times losing membership and been loyal and see their sacrifices pay off at least few times for the clan and their hard work. As for OKI. The current focus as mentioned it is to increase gold reserve to 150millions and a bit more then start to craft power kits. Current gold reserve after I transformed some legends to myth status. Part transformed are selfish guardian, Bunker shell, Magma blast, Party crasher, Space invader and Distance shredder. Alot of work will take to max them but I will hold that for now focused into increase gold baseline. Not rushing having enough power maxed at disposition already. Divined this item Maxed items Some portals rank and war. To be honest, war and rank has been terrible weeks after weeks not having gold relic. I will do next update by the time I reach 150millions in a few weeks or later. I want to thank all of you for reading and watching my updates. I do appreciate. Thx cool pilots. CHEERS
  3. I like this. Nice flag color change supporting Ukraine. Beautiful people there. Always felt save visiting the country and approachable people and helpful. I do have friends there. I have supported orphans in the country for many years. These events will require more support from you who can help.
  4. The second screen capture is about the game is providing another 10 slots of storage space. Progressing levels in some of them will give 10 slots but normally will be 5 including L250. There are not many, but some will provide. them.
  5. works fine. There are some around doing some damage
  6. just SM at this point. no time to play games in real life. Sure, used to play hundreds or thousands will better say.
  7. maybe. It will depend on purchase. now, many players like privacy and that should be respected. No matter if the player spent money or not, the game gives premium items in the freeway and top R1 players some of them are at that level been free to play till today and killing those that spend money. I am an example. Sure, I get some items sometimes just for fun not to become top player.
  8. Old school. I like those. I remember this one too
  9. Nice fights with the almost free energy mech. I made one I think identical long ago at Legend epic level for test at low rank. It was ok but not supper. Nice titan set. Not tried like that using claw. I had fight with all of those players at lower rank. They are good players getting tougher every week. Future top gunners.
  10. if people do not far, there is no food "gold"
  11. OKI DOKI

    Nice Raid

    we are just showing that the top 1 it does have about max number. How can that be?
  12. Ok, I missed. I have not been much connected due to work extra work since yesterday.
  13. OKI DOKI


    Ok, this is the deal. I am solo out of clan. Do you think I can beat this TITAN on my own? You bet. Just simple 753,000 points to drain at 7 stars difficulty. I will fight and will win. I will use Annihilation weapons because TITAN it is Annihilator.
  14. It is ok if risk when add 335. Nothing wrong. When limited and not desire to wait too long getting old so be it.
  15. My 2 acc BASE still incomplete I the cash to max weapons for now.
  16. save money. do not spend if you do not have to survive in life or limited at your local life. In many countries that is heavy amount of money. Just be in a good clan as you mentioned before, farm, collect tokens daily, raid, events, clan titan, commercials and do not spend them trying to kill a boss etc unless will get more in return doing the math.
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