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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I added OKI to CANDELA. My kids will play the pvp, titan, war. They know how to play but they play other games. They know what I do in my play ways, and they do the same with their accounts, so they understand well what I do to help in the clan, but they are not chat goers or play every day. I am asking to split the play between them to have a basic win and the other stuff. I will always check but My play time for next 6 months is gone at my work breaks till this assignment ends. I have t support my boss until he is fully in his new role as VP according to what his bosses told me yesterday in a meeting. It is totally new for me to the information even I knew I was assigned some roles in the side in the recent months reason I slowed down and removed O.D FARM and now I know why. Oh, well. I will check all the time the accounts and I will do the upgrades but for now play time is gone. Yes, I will communicate to the clan when I connect to check clan status and my kids plays.
  2. So, Azrael is back? As far I remember he left 3-4 weeks ago but I already declined on play time because I was on training unable to play as before now this job assignment. I left unable to do simple basics. I will move back OKI to see if my family play. If some lacks contributions and some left because of that I will understand. The clan is base in contributions for rewards earned between all the members support as always been. I am at work right now, but I will add OKI request.
  3. Electrick010, what is going on in the clan? It is sad to see my home clan to be suddenly dismantled without any real reason. Last season played for 5k and got it. Why are people walking away when great players are been there? Why those players on first place left been solid and in a top clan position? It is really a heart breaking to see my home in this disarray. There is no reason at all to be like that. Why people do this kind of thing I will never understand. Really makes me feel sad. How many times we suffered but we the core stayed in good or bad times. Why? It is unbearable. Maybe some don't care because it is a game, but I do care and does hurt to be honest. I left because I said I can't play not having choice because it is work assignment cutting off my play time but there is no reason to happen this. Just frustration. I was asking to the family to take over and see if want to play at the clan as basic but why this now for no real reason.
  4. Hi Pilots, How are you? With a sad new, I will be temporally at least for 6 months not playing SM on daily basis. My boss got a new job role as corporate VP, and I was assigned to step in and cover for his current job and my own and yes, no extra pay. I hope they remember in my next year review. So, I am asking my little kids to take over to play my accounts and keep it at least semi-alive and to play pvp etc and I will check what they do, and I will enhance the account with the gold they can collect playing. I will be around in the forum time to time because is something fast thing to do but less active. So, please take good care of my kids playing the game with my accounts and do not be offensive to them. They are just 7 and 9 years old good-mannered kids playing under my OKIDOKI and OD FARM accounts not me starting this week. They play their own account but not every day and yes, they know how to play the game and they have their own ranked accounts "I built" but do not play every day so they play low having enough power to be rankers when they want. When you see OKI/OD accounts now in the arena will be them. I hope all goes well. Thx OKI
  5. Hey bro. Well, the account in the hands of a real R1 pro player like you can be decent at this point and yes, it is an R1 all seasons if play for it in a pro player hand. Sure, if you look properly, it does have limitations to increase more power solid base combos. The account was free to play and got into top basic then added some items. The account delay it was the wasted time on the old modules making been a new account then to start all over to get the new modules delaying big time the weapons level up in need. Another factor the account was solo not clan base like my OKI DOKI limiting to get relics. The progress against tops has been steady but hard to compare against long term pro accounts having years ahead on power base getting the old parts at portals and offers on those days. The account dedication is to get focus into advance the foundation of the account not raw power till recently giving account stability for combat if needed so modules became priority to get focus on before weapons now is full and solid on modules and nothing to be a shame against real top players. The account will increase in raw power post summertime. I am focusing to increase gold reserve to have steady 150millions then push to 160millions and crank up crafting power kits and max items around and then make tons of them ready to open 500 premium boxes and see what I will get from them even I do not have expectations to get anything that good but will add some power for sure. It does have now 176 Myth items. It is 2 years account of hard work and farming it has been the basic foundation of the progress. Sadly, pvp it has been limited when I want to add some hundreds per season to get more gold but impossible in my life. Now, OKI DOKI account it does have more power and parts to level up for a year in current inventory but also it does have some limitations on some basic weapons in need to make it more powerful. It is a good account for sure. Also, it is fully solid in his foundation and no modules in need. Sadly, is unlucky getting relics but ok for now because power will increase for now on post increase gold reserve like OD. It will be fun accounts in the future. Sadly, I won't be playing for some time due to new job role assignment and promotion cutting my play time basically in full. I won't be playing for at least 6 months and today I just got that information in early morning meeting with my boss becoming VP in company and I have to cover for him during his transition. Progress it will slow down and started to slow down already for few weeks. I will see if I my family can play the account to sustain at least raid, titan and few pvp in mean time I will try to farm a bit, but I have no answer and the account will seat idle as far I can see like OKI DOKI been idle already. Oh well, I need to money for the family, and all is getting expensive.
  6. Now I understand why you kill me so easy. Invisible Divine Clocking.
  7. the offer is good. If you need secure plating. I do not need the item, but I will get it if needed to add or hold to get any fortress
  8. wow. took me long to divine my first and played every day and farmed 24/7. Lack of luck to get relics. My first and was just for test because I had no clue about divine thing back then is corrupt light. I played a lot when I started and did 1000 wins fast. I needed the rewards to get premium box free. New players or old taking time to develop now can get some gold relics with portals and offers and that was good. I have no premium weapon divined in my O.D FARM account and only 2 weapons premium divined in OKI DOKI so far. Sad history. Bad luck with relics but advancing now in modules but still terrible.
  9. Silence. No one say anything so far. It is ok offer if you do the math and need to buy tokens. Now, I was expecting that the offer will be a part or boxes including relics. By the end of the month should be one.
  10. Sad about Ukraine. It has been a country and people abused by other nations for centuries. When the abuse will stop. No USA and no Russia respect the treaty made so Ukraine can be free, and respecting land integrity giving up their nuclear arsenal the 3er in the world more powerful on those days and many crossing their hands around the entire world watching because having deals. Disgusting.
  11. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine but at the same time really tired. I am at work break, and I have not much time around. I have been really busy at work new assignment and with the boss and is taking away my little to nothing play time away. It has been a challenge last 2 weeks to get some wins around. Like in my OKI DOKI account, O.D. was idle on wins for days unable to touch pvp and super tired to play. It has not change and will be like that for some time but I still looking for the ways to play a bit as come the opportunities and sneak myself and do some pvp. Sadly, I need those pvp to develop my mechs parts and is constraining the progress. In mean time I can farm a bit but even farming has been declining. Oh well.... O.D. FARM is currently at Reign Forever cool clan. It is very curious for a player like me not playing for medals and not getting into clans for medals ending up with a medal. My OKIDOKI got 2 at CANDELA INC not searching for it and I got one in O.D FARM at Reigh Forever last season. The interesting thing is that both clans were not medalist clans, and my accounts are part of that first medal for the respective clan. I want to congratulate both clans obtaining their first clan medal and happy in particular for those members in their respective clans not having medal obtaining their first and sure for the rest of the players that made possible the event. This is a capture of the clan medal now I forgot to add same screen for CANDELA but I will later. OK, for O.D FARM, my focus has been to increase gold reserve as previously mentioned. The account it does have power to sustain high rank at any rank and season, so I have no rush to power up instead focusing in to increase the gold reserve baseline to 150millions and then increase gold to do any activity keeping the 150m in reserve as target. In the future I will increase the baseline as I have been little by little every 10millions. It will be in this baseline for some time. I was able to increase the gold reserve to150millions. My focus now is to increase more gold for the future activities like crafting power kits and might divine few items in need for the account. Maxed Item Divined items Transformed to Myth items Some war, rank and portal relics. I do not remember what what is. I forgot to separate. Sure, had too many weeks without relics not gold or even epic. CHEERS
  12. raw power is Falcon. wins all depend on strategy and set ups including match position and who start.
  13. keep frantic, keep claw, keep terror cry. Generally you should not meat anything that you do not have a backup for it. That torso it is not good. Use lava feet instead of dynamite
  14. I am working with my boss with new training and job assignment that require 1 year at least to have some proficiency. It has been complicated recent weeks to play pvp. I walked away the acc to not take advantage. I am currently working
  15. boosting it is the action of players between players or themself helping another account to increase AP "arena points" losing to let the other win and get medals or else. Now, there is a huge gap and connotations about this. Many players play for fun, and test like me. For example, tons of players always ask me for wins because are close for a rank or too weak to recover back and get a lucky possibility for a higher rank box. Because I am not an AP player, I give tons of free wins. Today I gave like 5-6. I wanted to move rank fast but my mech was more powerful at my start point for match set up of those crossing to R5. Sure, it is inverse issue, half of the time I will start and right on the spot I get into R1 mind set killing everyone and me not been in mind set for those attack, they wipe my butt easy. When I am in my mind set of tests that it is 70-80% of my plays, my losses are heavy. It can be interpreted if I get into my peers let say like now been solo at OKI and walk away to not fight them and give the win so the clan can get the win and get the weekly goal assuming then it is boosting wins but if they were ranking up AP will be boosting AP for medal possibility. I play at different rank levels, and everyone ask for wins. That include R1 top killers as R11 trying to reach R1O and box for first time or the entire season to finally get it. Another possibility can be assumed for people with more than one account. I can use my OKI DOKI not in clan and help boost my O.D FARM in current clan or clan to clans supports. Like I said, boosting it is matter of ethic at play to play fair and square against each other win or lose but since it is a game, there are many players focus on different things in the game as fun thing or play different game. My fun is to make parts and farm gold to level them up when actually I have money to not go in that direction. When people talk about boosting, it should be careful because it is a double edge matter between the pilot's population around. Sure, the base of the pledge is to avoid players to help other players losing to give wins and increase AP for the clan and get medals generally speaking. I do not boost anyone but sure I give wins to a hell a lot of all rank players and if was not for that I can be a faster R1 if played for it. Let say when I was playing serious by the time, I was 15-25 wins I was R1, and some others do it a bit faster. You play as you feel giving or hit hard regardless weakness of the opponent. I hope this help to understand a bit.
  16. OKI, the best META maker breaking the barriers of worthless mechs at arena, he compromises to give you the latest META MECHS with real power fully analyzed with the best results in the game. Let see the new arena weekly change to upgrade your mechs as a state of art killer machine. I present you Hammer me I hammer you harder Hammer me and hammer you incandescent Hammer me and I hammer you with energy Without OKI seal stamp, it is not META.
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