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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hi Pilots How are you? I am regular and really busy at work. I have an old injury from sports and having some problem with it and making all more complicated but still dealing day by day. I have been off a bit from the game trying to rest as much I can and checking my kids working my account. They have limited time and ruled by their mother as normal, and they have to follow those rules in order they can play. Sure, I do not get in her way except when I have to put real order to all of them. I have been farming time to time but not as I used to do, and the kids are farming a bit to compensate some I am missing and getting all slower but to stay steady as much is possible. It took some time to increase gold reserve. Let see, OKIDOKI Reached 150million for first time. Gold increased a bit more and I decided to start to craft some power kits and max out few items around. I will keep the gold reserve to around 150million for now on. Current gold reserve post maxing parts. Transformed Parts Maxed Parts War box CHEERS
  2. Hi Pilots How are you? I am regular and really busy at work. I have an old injury from sports and having some problem with it and making all more complicated but still dealing day by day. I have been off a bit from the game trying to rest as much I can and checking my kids working my account. They have limited time and ruled by their mother as normal, and they have to follow those rules in order they can play. Sure, I do not get in her way except when I have to put real order to all of them. I have been farming time to time but not as I used to do, and the kids are farming a bit to compensate some I am missing and getting all slower but to stay steady as much is possible. Anyway, O.D FARM reached and passed 150millions and started to craft some power kits to transform and to max some parts around. My focus now is to grind if I can and let the kids do the rest the I will craft and enhance weapons. It is about to get gold and craft after getting enough and go for parts keeping 150millions around. Current gold reserves post maxing parts and crafting some power kits for it. Now I will increase to reach 3million or so and then, I will craft more power kits and stay in that loop for now on till future changes. Weapons Transformed Weapons Maxed Weapons Divined Some War/Rank Boxes CHEERS Maxed Part. Forgot to add the second.
  3. False Next person knows my age.
  4. OKI but I remember a guy having like 15-20 before I started to accumulate guessing there are others with very high amount
  5. Ha ha, I am guessing they are playing like they play their accounts. They can play at higher rank but play low because they play other games. They play for fun, but they actually grind their accounts a lot. They play some pvp not a lot and they are using my mechs for development plus they made changes already making others they want to try not having the parts in their accounts. Yes, they start and walk away very often. Yes, they do the same I do like saying hi, or will destroy you or else for fun. They do that when they are bored with the other games in particular my daughter. My son is more like having lack of interaction with players like he minds his own business and her is very impulsive. She likes to kill sometimes for revenge when she loses often to someone not my son. He is like do not care let's move and pvp again like a robot and do not care the loss.
  6. Hmm, first time I see the forum this low. WTH. Are you missing me that much?
  7. Please keep adding offers. Previous offer was not added. if you have the picture, please add the previous one. thx
  8. my parents still alive over 90. It is matter of time what will happen. Hope they can pass 100. Maybe I will be gone before them. Better live before all comes to an end. Don't stay in a video game.
  9. Thx, it will be temp but will take some time. No choice been assigned by the top above my boss new position bosses. I do not want to get more stressed on work as I am right now with my own work now adding my boss recent role plus my own. I have no life away from work, but I have to pay the bills. It is ok because I know my boss job but some others stuff, I have no clue and require other privileges and meetings and organization. Pain in my butt to be honest. Time to grow up a little. I just want to stay as a child with mom and dad taking care of everything for me.
  10. actually, they help to change car motor oil.
  11. As far I know, there is only one SPAM. Oh well, we have more meat now.
  12. To advance my account I used RARE option the second in line because I was farming in full. Later when I was more stable changed to Power kits but require ton of farming and proper use. Cheap is very slow. Rare was expensive but decent to control level up and enhancing base. Require proper gold management. Use what is best according to your farming habit.
  13. He does, he answers me always even a bit late. He is a CEO so is busy.
  14. Actually, my son does have Pellet/BB and is good shooting at center with movement. He practices often with moving targets. I used to be good. I was at shooting clubs since baby time with my parents, so I used to play with around people shooting and me collecting the shells after the shooting and were hot and played with them. My daughter is natural shooter. They know about guns etc and proper maintenance dismantling and oiling them. I think she is like a tomboy girl. She does the boys stuff and todays boys are like girls. There is no longer boyhood. She gets bored often to play with girls. She said they are drama for everything and not that friendly. She hangs with the kids' playing sports and stuff like that.
  15. http://www.puresimplicity.net/~oneeyedcat/misc/supermechs.html Read the link. Inn2 months you can have good tokens and a level at 70-90 if farm enough. Luck with fortune boxes farming them in the right place.
  16. Thanks, ayron. Stay put in the clan. ACE it is our mate and good leader. He should command CANDELA of course his clan. My kids are playing now. They will decide what to do for months ahead. They know about your clan, and they will check it out. There are many great players and clans for sure. Sad when people abandon or get affected on their clans. You will be always part of my game journey and Stars. Keep going. I will be here every week even I won't play for a while, but I will try when opportunities come. About ACE BARON CLAN, I hope people join and stay with a nice leader at the helmet like him. I am missing too many mates around been part of the clan for long and for those with a good chunk as mates.
  17. Thx my friend. I will keep farming, but the plays will be the kids not me for 6 months. Now, just be careful with my daughter in her desire to kill for fun. She is actually a good player been 9. Her brother is skilled too good enough to kill tops if they screw or miss opportunity and we had played against each other's, and they killed me big time. Well, I am an easy prey as player, but they are good. I do not know how they will play my accounts. It is the first time I allow them to play the accounts. Only my niece is allowed OKIDOKI since is the co-owner when we created together, and she played alone for months. She can take the account and she is a solid player R1 any season if she wants to play serious. Oh, actually my wife read the forum and she know how to play and knows players that I talk to and friendly clans. She is aware of my comments. She annoys me sometimes. Oh well, she will read this. I will be around. do not worry. Just play time is doom for now but I will try to do some time to time if luck. Forum will be close to normal just will miss some days here and there but will add comments and stuff as always.
  18. Yes, I will be around all the time. I just can't play in my play time available. Always has been limited but now impossible. I always will try to sneak in for a play if I can with the kids with family time if they are playing it, but my regular play time is gone for now just a temp condition for 6 months. My kids play the game for 2 years. My son was 5 when started to play but always play with me or his mother not alone due to some people around are not that great using offenses so he plays only with supervision but now is 7 and do his own stuff but I do not allow game forums or game chats including his other games. Too many bad kids around. They play well and they are capable to rank up and they had pushed to R1 in 1V1 and 2V2 on their own but having so many games around they change games all the time and this one take ton of time to farm so they do not play every day but farm often to keep accounts growing. So just be careful because they can kill even tops in particular my daughter. In rare moments they go for the kill and push rank for boxes then get bored and slow down and drop like they got what they wanted then change game.
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