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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Hi Pilots How are you? I am ok and working like a mule. My lady still out taking care of her parents and me working and taking care of our kids. The account it has been played very little and I just do farming when I can. The kids manage the rest except leveling up parts. They do not spend time playing my account having their own and their other games play time and friends. Anyway, the progress has been slow and will stay like that for long as far I can see. Too many changes right now at work so I can't predict anything now. All is changing. Well, about the acc progress there is not much to say except few maxed parts. The focus has been about farming if possible and max parts at current myth status. I have been controlling the gold usage to keep it above 150million and no drop to low. The goal for the next few months is to keep doing the same controlling gold and maxing parts till I finish them and later make few more parts around but in reality, there are no longer good parts to develop generally speaking even I will max some of them and some epics for possibilities. Let see... Healthy gold around. This week I will increase gold then will work in few parts. The BASE is looking very sad been idle. Transformed Parts Maxed Parts WAR and RANKS CHEERS
  2. Hmm, there are not 3 red rain instead are 5 of them. The reason it is very simple, you can use dual red rain combo having the rest of the parts available to change set to not get bored with the same thing. The other reason is that I am not a pro player meaning I am not up to become a top player even I can play at that level when I have the desire to do so but I never aimed to be one and my focus has been purely farming for gold, level up parts and test. I do not play for ranks or wins instead play for fun at the pvp when I do pvp not trying to win but the fun to see the other looking the way to kill me and me playing funny. Everyone play this game in their respective ways and goals and my goal is to make parts, test and have some fun. I not even have to spend some money here but did spent some just for fun of the curiosity not expecting to get any good weapon from the premiums. That it is a gamble just to gamble the fun. At some point my kids will own the account and I will be back to my MECHWARRIOR over 30 year of play time with the game. I miss my play time there and my old friends. no clue just maxing parts not oriented or aiming to a specific mech build. I have only one premium repulser in OKI. It is premium and require gold relics and my account it is bad giving them generally speaking. Gold relics are used to enhance HP not real power for now. If you check OKI updates, you will see that my account only have 2 premium weapons divined a mercy and a selfish and no other. In order to get a repulser divined I will have to finish first basic HP and basic weapons of more need to become divine item and that will take some years because I get just few relics per year not many. Those divined items few of them are related to the 3 of 5 relic offers if not I wont be able to divine as many. It does takes time to get relics in particular for new player just to say playing at war. I was solo player half of the account life or better say a bit more than half at this point and I do not have time to play on clans.
  3. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine and as always, I say, I am tired, and a rest will be nice for me. I do not have much time to be here in the forum or in the game for now. Life priorities took over and I can't do nothing about it for now. I am reducing from weekly to BI-WEEKLY as used to be any account update one account per week alternating them. I will increase to 3 months full update reducing the 2 months update. I still connect to the forum to look around time to time but less focus and a bit quick. I try to check during the day if I can or few days later, but I like to be active as much I cannot walking away from here having less time for now than before. I hope all goes well for you all. I totally forgot to update till my nephew just mentioned. I will add last 2 weeks progress then will pass another 2 weeks or 3 whatever might be when time allow me to do so. Anyway..... Gold reserve dropped even I was in the way to accumulate to 160 million and I decided on last minute to change direction because I got bored. Actual gold reserve Factory it is idle. Because the gold reserve dropped, I will be focus now into increase gold surpassing 150 million and then I will start to make more myth parts or refocus to max few other items getting bored to see them in current status for over 2 years. Will see, it is about the mood at that moment. Gold was spent more on divining parts generally speaking. My kids are the one playing the account for now and I do few checks or spin and just focus in farming as much I can even it is not as much as used to be. Parts TRANSFORMED Parts MAXED DIVINED ITEMS FORTUNE BOX WAR BOX RANK BOX CHEERS
  4. I am busy at work. I will soon on my break. I have been using less the forum recently not having personal time.
  5. It is a good set up but sadly he cannot go for B Protector drone because not enough HP or modules to support the use reason why firefly will be better for not and won't be a loss in the future. It is useful at top level depending on parts around.
  6. 195 in O.D FARM and over 220 on OKI DOKI
  7. Hi Pilots How are you? I am busy at work and currently in the middle of my short break. I am taking the opportunity now to add a basic progress. I hope all of you are doing well. O.D. FARM has been played by my kids but not enough having their own accounts to play including my OKI plus their other games and currently are limited to play having their mother away for some weeks taking care of her parents been sick affecting the gold earnings and parts to level up grinding less than before and poor pvp to enhance weapons to clear what it is in the current inventory at Myth status. The progress it is slow but still in progress. My focus for now is to grind because I can't play for months ahead even time to time, I sneak myself for a shot or two together with my kids. So, for now is about grind and collect gold to max myth items and will take maybe around 2 months to get it done then increase gold and create power kits to make new myth parts. I think I will open boxes by that time but not sure having few more parts to make from epic and current legend status and basically, I have run out of decent weapons to make the account stronger. Anyway, the progress still ongoing slower than before and will be like that for some time. Gold is growing and will grow for this week then I will make some power kits and will max few parts and then increase gold again. Gold stash it is healthy Nothing on base and just few mix boxes around in the inventory to be use. I need to grind a lot to add boxes for level. Parts Maxed Parts Transformed Part Divined WAR BOX Rank Box CHEERS
  8. Let say it is not and yes ok. All depend on your progress step by step not having enough weapons at starting point. Do not pay too much attention telling you if is terrible or not. Focus on some basic weapons that you can sustain some rank and get strong at one point in the campaign till get easy to beat then move to another campaign step till get easy to beat grinding as much you can. In some areas is better to stay there for long till get super easy giving you the signal of strength. That by default will enhance power in a balanced way. Focus on one mech for now. Basic for you is the limitation as I was in my early days not having modules to support weapons usage. In other words, you need foundation. 1- Get this currently at epic. It is a must to have regardless weapons on use. You have only one and you will struggle in everything for now like it or not. 2- Get this . It will help the first item above to increase heat cap and start to add energy cap. Sadly does not help on regeneration or cooling but it is a great help for now. With those 2 items now will help get a particular rank and do not push more and grind to stabilize mech. Those will help you to rank up by default. 3- Do not push weapons power to L40 for now. Get basics to L1 legend those not at that level then max them in an equal way. Some people will say go for drone or else but best way is to increase all power in balance, and you will see your power how will grow. 4- This item it is the best torso you can have in the game for now. It is basic to increase to increase HP and will help in energy and heat cap plus energy regen and cooling. Do not go beyond L40 at this point if your o does not balance level step by step. I will say get the modules at legend L1 and then max 1 level one at the time like a round robin. 5- I will say go with this one before the energy version. It helps better due to energy weapons limitation. Ok to use the energy and max that one later but if is hard for you now then use that one but not beyond L40. 6- Those weapons are decent and can be max for now but you need to be more focus on maybe heat mech according to what I can see and sadly you do not have much heat cap to support them neither energy. 7- This weapon it is standard at low ranks and and mid. Ok to max. Now, remember that weapons on number 6 and and this as example generate heat and consume energy. 8- you can use this drone for now. This one is ok but require having high HP to be use. Do not go with that one for now but the first. 9- It is pointless to use dual recoil in your mech. Too much weight wasted. . Because that one will not progress further you should focus in the energy option for now even it is not best choice for heat mech. I will say use 2 instead. 10- This one it is a decent weapon. Overall, torso and modules need enhancement with the firefly drone with legs to move forward as basic. Go for modules right now before anything else. No need changes if that create issues to you for now but those are base for power balance. Oh, by the way, I do recommend to not increase HP for now. The reason it is very simple, more HP increasing leg and torso the match maker will punish you with opponents with more HP and you cannot fight at that level right now. Get more focus on Modules than anything else. Even so, the game analyzes even modules level for the match. Just balance mech first. Also, modules determinate what weapons you can use at respective arsenal. Grind like hell.
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