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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. First that you need to understand is that there is not a right answer. The reason is simple, every player plays different according to their respective circumstances in their play time and ways. Understanding this part, then we can comment a bit. Everyone so far does have the valid points and are real points and all are true. The issue is some details per case. For example, WARR MACHINE one of the best players of this game been such smart player, he is a top farmer and a good on pvp numbers when play for it. He does earn gold faster than many around. He knows how to utilize with efficiency parts around and he is not a a clicking offers buy guy. We need to separate general players from smart players in their play plus a grinder/pvp guru. His comment is on the spot base on his test, and I did similar test for months. I created O.D FARM account to test BASE post been released and I kept OKI DOKI as silver box. His comment about the game switched to slow down progress is real but also in some ways benefit to some players. It does not matter silver or BASE if you are not a good grinder but for not grinder base player regardless the reason might be, gold generator can help out but will cost at front and will slow down progress. The big mistake of some players is to use BASE and max eating all. I worked BASE in a balanced way to keep a constant speed simulating SILVER/BASE as dual progress comparing the gold accumulation between both acc simultaneously. All comments posted are valid points as mentioned and useful according to your play time and your goal in the game. We have to separate pay to win and free to play players mind set during development or general progress. Another factor it is how good it is your account granting stuff. For example. how often a silver box account grants rare parts vs the common parts and how often you click to get the option to get an epic in the 32,000-gold purchase. I partially developed BASE in my 2 accounts never completed when should be done long ago but I kept balance for the real need. If you are a heavy grinder like me. you can get all gold mine to L20 because the cost can be manageable and have 3 factories around at L2. The L2 will grant you the option for RARE. You just need to use 2 factories or 1 factory and grind like I did, and you will preserve gold, enhance mechs one after another and then later when I was able to afford to level up a bit more then I increased to L15 for power kits but that takes time, and some players go to that level spending too much gold. L15 power kit is more suitable when you have some degree of power base in your mechs reason I recommend rare option if you are a grinder at the beginning with base activation. As you can see in my current O.D FARM incomplete BASE, rushing too much can harm more than help. It is a double edge progress option. You need to be smart to make move things in a smooth way. Do not confuse thinking I am a buyer to win player. Nope, I was top ranker in my 2 accounts or better say in my 8 accounts in the freeway. I decided later to buy items for family request in OKI and O.D. farm not in need so as example in O.D FARM I became top progressing the BASE properly balancing budget and leveling up parts granted by the game. You can use both options and are close to similar result in the game but the fact that BASE slowdown from start it is real to some degree depending your luck on parts granted at silver box purchases and epic grants. If you check my O.D FARM progress page you can see the base progress itself since MAY18 2020 and regardless of purchases, the grinding is the basic of my play time with limited pvp and you can compare my OKI DOKI progress page and will see the basic progress post base activation and are close to similar. By the time of the BASE activation, the top players activated many of them really fast with tokens or by 4-6 months were ready. There is not a much to say from their parts because in the end they had power earning more gold than a newbie starting from scratch except those top that created their own new accounts for testing like I did with O.D. FARM account for BASE TEST. I will say, use silver if you want or use BASE if you want based on your play time and long-term goal or possible goal in this game. My goal is to make parts for fun. Some likes low inventory powerful parts; I like large inventory for test and funny idiotic things to do testing. My recommendation is to focus on your personal desire in this game and go for it. BASE or not BASE is up to you for your particular fun. If you are lazy so, then silver will click and presto with few golds farmed with 3 wins per day.
  2. Great season for energy builds. Let's kill No Premium parts, no problems. Presenting a good series of META EASY TO COME and massive KILL. Do you like jump and keep them close? Jumper Closer META Do you like to keep them away? Distance killer META Want them not too far? EN Punisher META Without OKI seal stamp, it is not META.
  3. You do not have extra parts available to enhance mech. Even so, you have done a good job so far with the mech and your limitations. Torso, side weapons and legs are useful at all ranks, and you can upgrade them without concerns. Your modules set up are good set up for current capability. You can max them up without think about it. No need changes for now. Just max them until get a premium to save weight. The top weapon is pointless passing the 20's ranks. The weapon won't work beyond that generally speaking but not having more weapons to replace go ahead and max even won't do that much. It is a weapon to replace when you can and if you start to make a second mech you can switch that one to the new one to help at the start. Good job so far. Keep going, you are doing fine. Farm and max. Save epics parts around granted and use them to transform your modules at epic level properly. Do not eat all of them waiting for legend instead make your own legends to move faster. About the drone, go and max till get a better one. I used too in my starting and helped me a lot.
  4. Hi Pilots How are you? I am taking few min to update drinking a cup of coffee to have a breakfast maybe at 2:00pm. Oh well, I was too tired and needed to sleep a bit because I was 28 hrs up working and my boss behind my butt. Too many issues to solve at work has been not funny and needed to sleep. I told my boss I will rest today. I need to do tons of things at home and spend time with my family and my lady family here at home for some time. Last season my accounts were barely played except I was farming when was possible and my kids by their mother order suspended play time to ensure kids spend time with their grandparents. The accounts suffered a lot missing some raid, farming, barely anything pvp etc. Sadly, I do not have control on those matters except deal with it. Seems to me my lady parents will stay longer here since they are retired and want to spend time with my lady and kids. Nothing wrong on it. I am hopping the kids can convince them to play the game and get me some pvp because I need some gold and parts. In mean time the rule is 1 hour play time and having their own other games and their SM accounts to play you know well what happen to my accounts. Anyway, I am doing what I can when in reality I can't and only I can try to farm time to time to keep the account progressing with that. Well, let see..... The base is idle but I was able to increase gold from 153 to 163million. PARTS MAXED PARTS TRANSFORMED WAR/RANK-I do not know if something is belonged to Portal. I do not remember well. CHEERS
  5. Go for it. You will earn tons of free tokens as a master.
  6. I know a player working for 1B. I know few at 500 and 600 in reserves. It is possible.
  7. Fiola is a great player for sure. OKI is just a farmer not a pro player. There is a great different between a great pro player like Fiola and a farmer. Sure, OKI can play serious if had time for it. Losing or winning a war it is matter of luck. Sometimes you have in the clan the right player mechs to harms some players badly. You can plan but not mean will win
  8. False Next Person likes to pay the bills with dad money
  9. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine and happy my lady is back but also her parents are here at home for a while. My kids will be now spending some time with them, and their play time has been reduced according to my lady rule. They are a bit angry but is their mother rule and I do not get into that territory when a rule was issued. Oh well, my accounts will suffer a bit again, but they need to spend time with their grandparents. Will see how this play. Anyway, at least her parents now are in better shape been sick for long. About OKI acc, the main focus for the recent weeks has been mainly farming to increase gold reserve affected making parts last month. Oki moved from 140 to 158 million and now starting to craft power kits. Just one part maxed with daily and some mix boxes around. Let see.... Gold dropped to 156 million making power kits but will be controlled. This week goal is to finish some power kits and work on 4 transformations to myth status if possible. In mean time, I will save gold till the weekend then will save for another week and finish the max out. Part Maxed WAR/RANK/PORTAL CHEERS
  10. I do understand for sure. Even my time in the old forum was short, I was very active and tons of players too. There was a lot of contribution about mechs and ideas and about flame wars were castrated because well some crossed the line too far but also some not at that level were kicked. Flame war depend on the game mood itself. The lack of real competition in the arena on the top side is very low. Players jump from clan to clan and do no stay solid and fight for the glory to kick butts to the opponent clan. Even I have never been a competitor in this game or better say just few months to test if I was able to go up, many old players started to retire and old players did not join. The forum became a bit boring because old players make it boring not giving the chance regardless was a bit different layout from start, now it is ok forum for new players but also some of the old even are just few still here. A new generation of players arrived and took over so new generation of players now dictate the ways in some ways the flow. Sure, the contrast of the old forum is clear. Many old players started when the game was new and went through changes that were good to what it is now. I am more recent player, so I started to play when the game was already in some close current state, and I am adapted to play in this way as it is. Many old players got tired. They have all the glory achieved. They reached a state of maturity where do not see growth and stimulation because no new parts. For new players, the number of parts around it is heavy to get them to move up on ranks. Now, many of those free recent players started to play at higher level. I play in all ranks so I can see their progress and getting stronger every day at least those that stay for the long run. I am old person, so my ways of play are based on my generation not about been old because I am old but my play ways because I never stopped to play video games since the 70's. new generation of 12-17 old is different because life change due to technology already there so their ways are different because grew up different. So, those that were 14 now 24 there is contrast even for both already have tech as it is now, but the ways changed a bit more. Anyway, all change and it won't stay like this. All depend on those old players to come back and be active again and bring things of what they want instead to dream of the old time and old glories when they stopped to dream and do. I am adaptable and go with the flow. Yes, I do miss those old players and the crazy things too There are not many around that remember OKI the best toxic chatter.
  11. Time to time I can. I miss them a bit. Candela has been a chatting place with many members in different language, That is cool.
  12. by the time I started to play, there were Germans at German chat and lots of players from there. Some months later started to decline. Maybe was me the reason.
  13. Is good to have a good chatting clan. When I have time like to talk to my peers. Before I used to talk every day and sadly I do not have that spare time now.
  14. Hi TankaregmiSM Thank you for your invitation but I have to decline at this moment. This account O.D FARM is currently at clan Reign Forever a top 10 clan but also can be a top 3 on power base. It is a great clan chilling a bit and resting place for main clan Reign Reforged and no reason why to walk away without a reason given. They welcome me and support me so far. Also, the account is primary based on Candela Inc since the account is to support Candela as base if clan suffer losing players but because my play time is gone for now RF is great and we support each other with my current limitations. Right now, I do not have time to play, and my children are the main players of my account. I do farm on daily base, but I do not have time to play in the resent months just sneak attacks one or 2 times a week or none. About rank, I do not define my game as particular rank player. I do not play for rank instead I play for fun testing on pvp and farming to level up parts not to be a pro player. I play by mood at low, mid or top rank. If is about to say what rank my account and my person is capable to achieve is R1 on any season if I play for it. This thread if you read back, you can understand what I do with details since May25 2020 or so when the account was 3 months old. No matter what, I appreciate your invitation. Thx a lot. Wally I do not join clans for medals or let say based on power. I am actually a solo player mind set due to clans normally give too much drama and I do not like drama plus half of my play time on this game has been solo. I like to play relax and do my thing but if I am in a clan, I do my part on what I do compromise, and my expectations are the same for the rest of the clan. Anyone who is been with me in the clans knows well that. So no, I do not join because I am already in a clan and the clans are being very respectful and helpful to me but also, I do the same for them plus I compromised to Candela because the original leader asked me for over a year to join the clan when was on top or low position me been a beginner but every day and week and months asked without stopping till one time the clan suffered too much and I compromise to help till clan was able to recover then move on solo. So basically, I am a solo player since I joined to support in a time of need, but clan always wants me to stay even with my problems to play been honest to them. Also, I am loyal no clan hopper.
  15. any part I can use to destroy the opponent playing for fun. OK, I like all of them
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