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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I am not worried because I am not a Veteran. I am a THE GRAND MASTER so that does not apply to me.
  2. Yes and no. I do buy time to time offers but is mostly rare or better say not often. can pass months and nothing. Sure I do save them because I do not need them for now. I have been developing the old stuff accumulated with fortune boxes, old premium opened 2 years ago and so on. I do not need packs right now. Just take a look to this old forum picture of my inventory. Is like 1.5yrs or more ago. If you look closely, you will see my current inventory very similar to that picture. Check the weapons. It does take a lot of grinding and time to max those weapons reason why I do not need to open boxes. I still working on those weapons. It takes forever I opened because I am not playing for the last 4 months except a few rounds or none and my kids are the players now. I just farm and max parts generally speaking. I do not have time to play the game in this moment but I connect daily to check my kids progress and forum when I can and add some comments just for the fun if possible but sometimes days passing by and none been too busy. I was bored and decided to get the offer and open and see what happen and then move on with what I am doing to be ready for my boss meeting. Yes, I still saving them if I get something. I focus more on the relic offer. I do not need others.
  3. I normally don't buy this just specific item but just for the heck I did. Only decent parts. Ok. I am happy with the Shadow.
  4. Do you refer to my original solo clan MECH CHUNKS? No, I do not have that clan and handed over. If you refer to try to use my original 2 hybrid mechs team, no because I needed the team space for my testing but I can make them as they were back then. Be amazed of my killing machines. Those are original version. Those mechs were my bread and butter and sadly no others modules available on those days to make changes. Funny history, back then there was the counter crisis and the beginning of Frantic phobia. Too many players were dummy enough and I reached R2 with those against the dummy cream tops players making lousy counters with too low stats. Those played on R10-R8 as combo supporting each other. As solo mech, they were total trash but was cool always playing at 2v2 no other way to play.
  5. I am new guard. As far I know by old players, El Metre does not play in years. Wepwawet I think still around. Not sure in the recent month because I do not play in months generally speaking. Misfit yes still around and can be contacted in this forum. He still active kicking butts.
  6. Sergio is a long-term player and I agree with him. Actually, I had 2 times in the past that the game added score does not belong to the tier. There are sometimes glitches and I had to stop to play it to avoid issues.
  7. What do you have to understand is that there is a possibility to get a gold relic but does not mean you will get one You can go straight week after week and get just epic.
  8. Another thing, no one else can request for you. It does have to be trough the acc belong to you and have to be you.
  9. Well, I will say that in the past ownership and in the current ownership they resolved my issues even Alex has responded to me. If you have some screen captures as you indicate, your acc ID, the sale and receipt from PayPal or any other form of payment it should recover tokens and parts. I had some purchases in the past getting the stuff with delays. Anyway, try again support with all the evidence. My recommendation for next time, include screen capture making the payment. That take some time to deliver, and I do screen capture when is in process.
  10. if you do want active clan, try CANDELA INC. Talk to Pink555 here in the forum. He is working to get another person, but I do not know if he does have already someone. We look for permanent people and responsible. We do WAR, collect tickets, win all titan 7 stars, we play for 2K wins on 2v2 and 3v3 and 1v1 we go for 5k. We missed the mark recently due to some people sick and out on vacation plus we lose few members, but we try to keep 24 and we play top 10 every season. The clan does have power, but we do not play for medals based on basic rewards and the way to get them.
  11. I agree. Sure, all depend on inventory at disposition and tendency and preference how to play the game. As SawzAll indicate, sure go first with TORSO and I recommend that as first item to go for. When I started the game with my nice, we had no clue what the heck were for those relics and passed some time to figure out because took very long to get 4 epic relics and I mean months. Not knowing and never asking to players and just testing how those things will work, we divined our first weapon CORRUPT LIGHT then we understood we needed to be careful. By the time we got a basic understanding, we got a claw and built the first phys hugger. We were using Mercy with selfish with energy monkey and not fully developed modules. Due to the damage was inconsistent, we opt to divine Mercy and Selfish and took us a very long time because we were solo players to get those relics at high rank. So far in OKI, I have only 2 premium divined weapons and still the same the Mercy and Selfish. I opted to go for torsos having claws then new adjustment to molten I developed them then new legs as second option in line. For me, torso and legs come first then a drone because those are part of the mech foundation regardless any other weapon because those parts are universal. Why do I not have more weapons divined at this point? Just choice for fun. I decided to increase HP with modules but those are the last to do as SawzAll indicated but because I do not have a particular mech preference to use or care about, I went for modules because those are the foundation regardless powerful weapons. So, TORSO, LEGS and DRONE are priority in my opinion in that order. If you will develop a second mech, keep saving relics for your next TORSO and leg instead to use them on weapons. Finish a 3 set of torso and leg if possible before going for anything else with limited relics. In my O.D FARM acc, I have zero premium weapon divined just torso I do not have premium legs divined like in OKI and just premium modules divined due to choose to do so. Sure, I do have some some E-M divined due to excess of epic relics in the storage because I do not want to spend gold transforming just leveling up parts. Remember, TORSO and LEG, it is a HP stablished not a variable of probability like the weapons outputs. You can divine a good weapon but that does not mean you will get the shot to win against a MYTH status weapon or mech. I win all the time without divined weapons vs divined when I play for. SawzAll always come with good info with logic and giving good tips. Is worthy to read what he is saying.
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