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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I have done more than that but is nice others push for the team. Dang.
  2. I have 231 myth parts. I still have to max another 100+ in the inventory and that will take me longer than a year. Sure I have to make some epic parts not developed so far and are basic for configurations. Lots of missing parts not granted so far by the game or by premiums with the hope to keep clicking for cash. Please use the magic cash finger. Do not forget You are entitled to spend as much you want. For long term players and have been around before and after the change and decided to keep moving fast, they have tons of weapons at dispositions if are grinders and heavy pvp players making tons of gold playing. There are some top players that took years to reach the R1 spot and some really fast with cash or luck. The game evolved with parts released and there are many parts for configurations to make that makes you go to R1. You might have the weapons in the storage but not the right configuration plus bad matching and poor play from your part. For old players already developed, they need some new stuff and I do understand that. Now, for the rest of the players that still mortals, more changes add more pressure and challenges to barely make it when they are trying to catch up. For players using cash and been stuck letting others to catch up it is not fair in some ways, and I do understand their ways of thinking because they invested to be at top and free players just for saying if are consistent player will get there. I know different top free players at top every season for long and others moved steadily without the right stuff. Does the game need a small "add" for some players not to get bored having almost all? Yes. I think the game need a small thing "add" at this point. Sure, I gave the goal of 2 years to start something in the sideline. The game was taken over in October 2020 if I am not wrong and GG contained a lot of issues etc and learning stuff of the game been a small company. I am not in a rush, but I think by the end of the year, we should have something more concrete. I play for fun, so I do look for the fun doing something different per season testing etc. Playing all the time at R1 for me is a total boring thing so I play at different levels with different peoples. I have not even tried to go to R1 in a year and of course some happen by default but not trying. Sure, I keep enhancing my accounts for current changes in the game and ideas testing them. Maybe next year I decide to play few weeks for R1 just to change environment but for now, I am not really playing been too busy at work and my kids are the players when they can.
  3. What the heck? You are not with us. I know I do not play now but I check all the time and I will miss you around. Anyway, good luck with the new clan. Thank you for your hard work as always. Players, Ace is a great leader and cool guy and very hard worker for the team in all aspects. If you are bored etc and want a cool guy, Ace is another great guy to join. Do not be afraid to join and making a top 10 clan. Get that 24/24 soon.
  4. no glitch. you can make an order of 100 and with 4 factories can make a total of 100 batch per factory. As soon the first part is released, there is a a vacant space to keep adding to the order. That mean if the factory still running and never finished the order, you can keep adding. Now, if you let the factory goes idle from the original order, then you cannot add more because the order is already closed, and you are forced to collect in order you can make another batch. You can add thousands of parts in one order if factory still running. I have done thousands many times in one batch in one factory alone. The glitch is when you go fast clicking. For example, click very fast and the order number can keep going up because the program is too slow to recognize fast enough your clicks but will catch up. At the moment stop and the max it was 100 and reached 107 just for say, then will have to wait till goes down back to 99 to add in mean time it won't allow you to add more to the order. That it is an example on power kits level 15. other orders per option it is different the maximum order because the cost change and max speed.
  5. saludos. Hope you like to stay. Espero que fique e goste.
  6. average Joe mech has been around for long
  7. My first original mech was OKI DOKI. Now, all are OKI DOKI.
  8. Electrifying Tongue and Burning Tongue Springer Energy Retreat Bomb Red Rocket puller blaster Heat Fish shutter
  9. WTF. After so much work on your main you forgot access. Any of your brothers or dad can give to you their main top acc. They do not use them just guessing. They stopped to play been top 10 players
  10. WOW, I have not seen this name in long Darkstare. Ready to rank up with energy? The entire family boyz ganging back.
  11. forum is boring without controversies
  12. Ron. Sadly, I can't give relics. I have to buy them. I do not have a premium weapon in OD divined. Hi Pilots Here I go again like the song. OD like his older brother has been focusing to increase gold reserve changing baseline from 150 to 170 million on reserve and to keep it around that number post crafting power kits. Maybe around a week I will start to craft some power kits or will wait for another week. I am not sure what I will do. I still farming the acc but suffered and the kids barely play the acc focusing more on OKI DOKI and their own games and SM acc plus their grandparent visit. There has not been any rush to level up parts but instead I have been transforming parts been less hard to do. Leveling up a myth part is hard. The base is idle, and I do have few power kits on reserve but very few. Those are the remaining of my last making 3 weeks ago if I am not wrong. Gold reserve has been bouncing up and down a bit transforming part and now fully focus into increase gold having enough parts transformed. Gold moved to 168 million. I have been making some parts for testing. That does not mean I will use them in real combat but just to test at full power regardless test at low plus I needed to clean a bit the legend cluster having 100 not useful parts for my acc and needed to clean a bit the house to make some room. Maxed Parts Transformed Parts Divined Part WAR/RANK OFFERS I need the relics I was bored and got this. CHEERS
  13. Ron. I hope her stash grow. She does have good inventory and can afford to increase gold reserves. You are doing fine. Hi Pilots How are you? I was not going to update but it might be better now having few min at disposition before starting some work. Let see... OKI DOKI has been focusing on gold reserve improvement. I am farming the acc and the kids are playing the acc but very limited in the recent weeks having their grandparents at home. The progress has been slow and losing a lot of grinding because I have been too busy to even open the phone for it. Too much pressure at work. The base has been idle trying to increase gold reserve to a new "mean" changing from 150 to 170 million as the new base and keep it close to that number when make some power kits. Right now, the gold increased to 166 million and will take at least another 2 weeks to craft some power kits. Focusing on gold reserve, making parts slowed down to the minimal. Maxed Parts Transformed Parts Divined Part WAR/RANK I got this offer needing the ascension relics CHEERS
  14. yes good. Is one of the only 2 premium weapons in OKI have been divined. It works better divined and still meta weapon
  15. Yes, some 500 boxes. I have similar amount in my other acc making 1000 or so in total. When I buy an offer in one acc, maybe depending if needed I get same offer. This time I just got one not 2 just to kill the bored moment.
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