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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Dang. I won't mess with them but if they get in my way and dare, they know well what will happen. Anyway, cool to see the clan improvement. Great players and leader. I want to see all of them in full gears.
  2. im a starter (playing for 2 years) and what is fortune box grind? I do not understand. You play for 2 years, and you say you are a starter? Did you played 2 years ago and stopped after few weeks etc now back to play again? Just curious. Anyway, the above answers all of them are right. Farming(grinding) to collect gold it is the base of normal progress generally speaking and that include all players regardless decisions how to advance their accounts as free or pay to win etc. All accounts work a bit different from each other based on rewards and some are luckier than others with the free grants. To collect mix boxes in normal way, you have to grind and are very important because those mix boxes are the one that will grant free parts and sometimes grants some basic real in need parts. With the less important parts, you will be able to level up your weapons eating them for the part desired to be enhanced. To get enough mix boxes, you have to grind for gold, and you will get gold and yes or not a box will be granted. The boxes are not based into be granted every time you grind. It does have a "0-1" luck based to get or not to get a box consuming the fuel in the particular area you selected to grind in the campaign area. Epics parts are normally granted with the mix box but are rare grants if compare with the common and rare parts grants. You can open hundreds of mix boxes and not get a single one or can open boxes and sometimes drops a decent amount between hundred try. The game it does an average calculation to compensate deficient on grants. Let say the game in 100 mix boxes grants and open all of them and you got let say 60 just common parts not mixed then 30 mixed with common and rare and 10 with rare. the average it is in favor of common so at some point the game will grant an epic part if is very consistent in the drops. At some point it does switch to grant more rare parts to compensate without epic. Some people do have epics because the save them and some just eat them to level up parts right on the spot. Grinding for fortune boxes, it does have several options depending at your account current level and power. Level because passing certain level let say level 40 it will stop to grant in some areas in the campaign. To farm them, you need to increase power to get to that step in the campaign and continuously grind the same spot when gets enough fuel to do so. When the player it is in at a healthy condition base on power and reached insane or hard play status on campaign without difficulty, some people grind on 2v2 OVERLORD DEN step 8 on hard mode, and you can get sometimes fortune boxes and those boxes can grant legend parts good to use or just a basic part at legend status. The good one it is used to play pvp and the not important it is used for meat or better say to be eaten to transform a legend part to myth status. As I mentioned, some players save the epic parts because are important many of them and will be developed for combat later on or right on the spot, but others are not good to advance in the game and are eaten to level up parts but also used to transform epic parts to legendary. Many players or better say all players who does want to develop an epic part for combat, it will require some other epics at disposable to transform and that will help them to improve account power. The game sometimes gives free legends parts but a free to play a part of those rare grants, it will require to make them transforming epics to legends then use legends at L1 to make a myth part so in base you will need to grind constantly during the day every time you have enough fuel to do so. Some people do not grind much and accumulate fuel for some events but for constant progress normally you need to consume the fuel because then you get mix boxes to level up parts etc. Depending on how much fuel it is allowed in your account according to your personal progress, is as much you can grind during 24hrs. The maximum fuel so far for a mature account it is 95. To get 95 in fuel that is roughly 5hrs so a player can farm enough and can get mix boxes and gold. So, if you are a grinder like me, I do pay attention during the day and farm when is ready or before reach the cap. Now I farm less been too busy but that it is the idea. Showing you some basic. Sure, there is more info of what to do but you can keep asking to the forum members. Below you can see parts as L30 in purple color. Those are Epic parts maxed. I was maxing parts grinding at campaign area and takes time for sure and decided to make parts that I will needed to transform to legend then use that part to help transform a Legend maxed to make it myth. Here using parts not in need to transform that epic to legend Now part transformed that I would use for combat. The process was repeated till I had enough legends to transform to myth from epic parts. Now myth And keep grinding in campaign till you L50 part Then you are maxed Then when is already maxed out, you go to the forum and be a showoff on greatness maxing a part posting your awesome achievement in the FLEX TRHEAD and then say to the members, TAKE THAT LOSERS-BANG with a picture of the weapon maxed out. Any question how to do all of that can be answered by the community cool members. give them a "like" so they can like you.
  3. Finally. Happy for you and your hard work. I was almost close
  4. Maybe players should collect money and buy and for sure will lose income because will stop to pay been the new owners and will rip profits forcing the new ones to pay even more.
  5. Hi Pilots How are you? I am taking a short break because I was tired from work. I have been trying to play a bit today but sadly work got into and no choice than to farm a little. My kids are traveling as I mentioned in O.D FARM thread and I spoke to them, and they told me they forgot to play been tired every day and played just few rounds in their own accounts and never texted me to let me know about it and of course I was not paying much attention the the game been too busy and barely played the accounts. My lady now joined their cross-country vacation, and, in my case, I am stuck working and no particular day to take vacation having my boss holding me back because I need to cover for other employees. Anyway, my play time has been cut off entirely and I am struggling to do basic because now my kids are doing nothing in my accounts. Maybe I will have to retire for some months away from the game and in mean time I will try if I can do something at list farm. About the game progress.... Slow progress for sure. I did not that much, and my kids played limited. I was able to increase gold reserve to 175million and started to craft 400 power kits to make a weapon. Because I do not have more legend parts to meat, I have to make them from epic parts. I was able to make some parts during the recent weeks but not that many having some power kits available plus the new batch on the making. My goal is to max another part when ready and start to L40 a new part with the remaining power kits from this current batch post L50 myth part in progress then to hold back to increase gold reserve for another week or two. Gold reserve currently at 172millions. Maxed Parts Transformed Parts Fortune Box WAR/RANK 4 of July- Terrible All paint obtained. CHEERS- Have summertime fun out there not playing games in your room. Enjoy a bit your life. Trust me
  6. You can progress with any torso capable to go to myth-divine status depending on modules and weapons at disposition. All can take you to R5. Play with what do you have available at your rank then enhance as you can. I reached top with Naga before enhancement and Flame Battery. Now, if you have both torsos Zark and Windigo, then you should go for Windigo having a tiny, better stat than Zark from the recent adjustment to the torso. Before Zark was better but now Windigo is a bit better. Nightmare is good option because you can get it at common and rare level and can go up to the max and is on use on top ranks by top players. Windigo fade away passing R3 but nightmare still played on R1.
  7. Nice goodies. 7. Depending on modules first mech can take you to R3 in 1V1 or more. For 2v2 first and second mech can push to R3. In 3v3 you can deal R5. Of course, depend on matches luck.
  8. Hi Pilots How are you? I hope all goes well for all of you. I have been totally busy at work and game time is dead basically and my farming dropped a lot more. My kids are traveling with their grandparents and will be off the entire summertime spending their time with them cutting off play time in my accounts. Not having time to recover on my own, the game progress is dropping a lot of missing raids, farming, wins etc. I can't do anything about it and will stay like that for now. My lady is taking her time off away from me for her sanity. Just kidding, I took her to the airport last night and will join cross country trip with my kids and her parents then will stay back at their home for the next month or longer. I will become a bachelor for a while. Yeah........ No kids and no drama. .. Eh, she actually read my post here. Just kidding honey. I will be a good boy. Anyway, I might take some vacation but sadly my boss is holding me because I need to cover for teammates emergencies and I am stuck working like a mule. Not fair. My summertime here is short so it is a real pain to lose another in particular I am old losing those. Working every day is not fun in summertime and if was lucky at list few days weekend will be nice a bit. Today I am off but tired mentally and physically. Sure, I need to rest and tomorrow I need to go back to work. I can't go out because I feel like a truck rolled over me. About the game.... My kids barely played missing tickets, titan, raid, wins and farming. I farmed just a bit when it was possible. The factory has been idle for a while trying to recover a bit some gold. I had or still have too many purple relics and I decided to divine some old stuff around to eat some of them. I do have some parts to max out but because farming slowed a lot and the rest is in the same way, I was unable to max that much this period and of course divining took a way some of that gold. I was able to increase gold to 175million and maybe I will craft some power kits this week or maybe I will wait till next weekend. I am tired so I do not know what I want to do in this moment. Maxed Parts Transformed Part Divined Parts Game Weekly Premium box grants WAR/RANK-I forgot to copy some Next goal will remain the same. Increase gold and max out myth parts available. Maybe to transform one part or not. CHEERS- Enjoy your summertime out there.
  9. There is a ton of ABBA videos. I love the band from childhood. Back the in the 70's and early 80's were awesome . I saw them in person one time . My mother love them very much. I started to listen to them from first disc. Too long. Sad with their break up. I love all their music in English and their Spanish versions. This is one for your young children. I played to my kids sure all of them.
  10. He does know how to play and still one of the best around. I fought that build. I have won but also, he has won. He builds and test knowing what he is doing. He is a master in heat mechs and awesome tester. He does have weapons not to use those, but he likes to test and go against probabilities at full power and always go up to R1. I play just testing but at lower scale on power testing for breaking points and outputs plus position AI selection not at full capacity to future wins instead weirds sets combos that will not advance but checking what can do against what. Big difference between a player to win and play to lose.
  11. I work since the age of 5 so is normal for me. Now, work is getting harder and complicated because corporations want all perfect and no excuses. Everyone is a number and, in the end, when they want to kick your butt out of the companies, they will do regardless your hard work and loyalty. I do m y best but also are the best earnings in need for my elderly years to come and I am already old so not much time and waste but instead to focus and save. Sure, I need some distraction like this game and family and other stuff in life. Sure, you get tired and need some rest. What does hurt more is spend time training people in advance stuff and then quit because too tuff for them because are too lazy but wants the easy money. I hate those people asking and getting stuff without work for it then I have to do the thing again
  12. Hola Pilotos How are you? Today was a nice day outside and keep it in the lazy way. Really tired and a lot of headaches. My lady avoided to talk to me for the rest of the day because I was not in a good mood tired and no patient for her comments. Well, now is passing mid-night so I will say yesterday. I really wanted to go out but.... Oh well, what I can do. I am sleepy right now but doing this because I will be too busy to do it passing weeks or longer. Like in OKI DOKI acc, I kept O.D farming with limited wins. My kids barely played. We pushed passing 176 million and decided to make some epics parts for transformation to make some meat legends and few for real future weapons. The base is currently active making 400 power kits. Maybe by the weekend I will be able to max some parts to L50 or to make few items to myth L1. Not sure to be honest. No matter what, farming is the base to improve the acc when is possible because pvp is limited as always has been. The focus will be the same, increase some gold reserve then to enhance some parts already at myth status. Maxed Parts Transformed Parts Offer--Got this one for the relics. I need to divine later. WAR/RANK CHEERS---Have a great summer fun.
  13. Hola Pilotos How are you? I am busy and tired for sure. Today we are having a sunny day and warm. Is the first one this year, I think. We have clear sky no clouds around this area right now. I have to work in the house, and I will do nothing at all. I feel busted. I really want to be out with my lady, but my body is not responding for it. She got cranky at me a little bit. Sure, I work 24/7 and lack of time for her but I have to pay the bills. Sure there is not complain when the money is deposited and used for their own stuff. Sure, I need to spend some more time with her but at the same time saving for a nice vacation for her because she works hard doing whatever she wants when she wants without worries and me worry to not make a mistake and get fired from work because it is easy to lose my job with a mistake. So, vacations money is not for my relaxing time or else, is money for the family because they are entitled for it. Oh, well. You need to be a politician and have tact in a relationship. Anyway, I need to rest, and I give a damn in this moment of their complain. About the game.... My work absorbs all my personal time and of course I had to cut back in the game to just farm for months and I do not forecast changes. Se la vie. My kids are spending time with their grandparents traveling a bit around the state then later my lady will join and of course does affect the game progress because they no play as the recent weeks as a favor to me to keep the acc moving forward at least with the minimal. I had to step in few times late to get a few wins and making some test mechs teams they wanted because they will later develop same thing in their own acc. It has been very slow progress but still moving forward for this year goal I have in mind. We were able to increase gold reserve to 176million and created a batch of 400 power kits and maxed few parts around and now making another batch of 400. I will be making few myths parts no more than 2-3 then will max them. I need to make some legends parts from epics to make it possible because I do not have legends meat or willing to meat few around considering I might use them for others test. MAXED PARTS Transformed Parts CLAN 2K WINS GRANT WAR/RANK I got the offer for relics in need to divine some items later on CHEERS--Enjoy your summertime. Life is short and do not stay at home playing games been so young. Go out and have fun.
  14. I hate that item, is hard for me to see been old person.
  15. do not worry. No one claimed or provided evidence so you can add to the record.
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