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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I know. Sure, they can use base to get some parts but need to farm a lot and takes too long and I am a farmer. Trading a weapon properly can be ok like 1 time a year one item regulated as you say. If the game stopped to sale weapons as used to be time to time a decent one in need not talking about modules just for saying, I will say ok. Now, trading a lot in this game it is not good and power increase on acc will be too high. Also, even 1 time per year, people with different accounts can trade their best and create more acc by luck and build too much power for free when others pay for it reason why many say no and I agreed because in the end, everyone will be powerful and will stay in the same spot without hopes one powerful vs another powerful. Do you remember the FRANTIC crying time from top players? A new acc new kid on the block lucky getting Frantics then with dual Frantic wiping Tops butts and pay to play players. Many will not allow such thing. Even now, I do play against dual Frantic and still killing me with high output 400-500 and me with premium mech busted. Take that pay to play Oki loser. Now, if people do not pay to get something, the game need to generate income from some other sources so we can play as free. Those guys need to eat too and feed families or themself. My kids play other games, the add are very heavy to be honest and in the middle of attacks etc the adds show and they lose because can't see or continue to attack and have to start over and keep losing so they get bored and stop to play them. Annoying to see that for sure. Here it is controlled and manageable but other games it is ridiculous.
  2. Well, I do not have many relics to divine repulser. Will take very long to do that. I need to deal with drones even few torsos and tons of other weapons more in use. Purifier it is not in my current list because it is weak weapon. Just ok for phys free energy for low low ranks. Also, it is limited with shots and low damage not even work for resist damage. If I max one will be sweetie but not in my radar right now. Yes, I will max both in the future as collection part, but I need the gold to finish others and divine some.
  3. Ron, yeah, I still need some piercer and bad luck still coming. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine and living like a bachelor with my lady and kids far far away. In the other side of the coin, really busy at work. I was hoping I will have an easier week, but things happen, and all went down to the toilet. Oh well, that is life. I hope all of you are having a decent summertime in the Emisphere. Careful flushing the toilet in the oppositive direction. About the game..... I am just updating the trimestral acc current inventory for reference as normally do. I will be not adding recent work done because it is already in the inventory. I was focused into increase gold reserve baseline, maxing out parts already in myth status and more or less making limited new parts plus divining some parts. Got few offers with golden relics because I get not many. I barely touched the accounts just mostly farming and the kids played for me as a favor because my workload got too heavy and a lot more complicated cutting of my play time to none. I just ask them few things to do for test etc and help keep the normal basic on wins, if possible, for the clan, titan, war etc. I did make up few times when kids were too busy to do something. Missed many days of play time, ticket collection, war and particularly RAID too many days losing tokens but I can't do nothing about it. I am fine with the result and still progressing in a slower way but still evolving and I am cool with that. Less but still.... My outlook is that will slow down more but I will be able to keep enhancing a little here and there when possible. Let see.... Less farming and else, but I was able to increase gold back to 170million. My current goal is to increase gold reserve and divine some more parts and I will need like another 10 million or so for those new transformations. It will take some weeks from now to collect the gold then divine holding back maxing parts for a month or so. No other option. I waited for too long and need to reduce some epic relics. Later I will increase gold and will start to do some L40 then some L30 to make legends for the L40 myth transformation. It will take for sure some time to get it done. Maybe you will be much older thinking to play something different by the time I am ready for it. Current inventory it is not that bad but sadly missing too many important weapons and no hopes to get them, but I keep maxing some others less important to keep the fun of making parts. Hmm let's check this out. I will keep the baseline on 170million. Maybe in 3-4 months I will increase to 180. For now, it is in a healthy status. I have some 400 power kits around, but I am increasing gold and I will not use them for now. I keep saving offers boxes if I get any. I can't open them because I still maxing old parts and will have to make few others from epic in need. Will take long till can open those boxes. Maybe next year getting bored having them around. Clan coins still growing. I think I will use them when reach 100,100 together with the premium. Will be another 50 boxes to open. I hope the game owner come with ideas to use the silver coins. Will be interesting to know who already reached 80,000plus. There were players way long before me with thousands of them. Torsos no changes. I think. Legs finished few around and divined some. Later I will make some more maybe 2 phys and runners and who knows. Done few TOPS WEAPONS Few drones completed and divined 4. Completed some Special items. Need to divine and max few others Completed and made few side weapons and I think maybe divined few. Completed few modules and divined some Special items not that much. I need to reduce some epic relic CHEERS
  4. do not know. for sure need some small adds like L250 open to 1000 to have more progress and every 50 or 75 levels a nice grant of weapon or pick item in need. It was my thing and for 2 years waiting and is boring. use of silver coins options enhancing something else in the factory etc or exchange for gold relics or anything come to players mind that add sense. Sure, we need now to go back to portal and start to release few weapons I will say by October or so been 2 years. For pay to win, let's start to sale some items as before good weapons and of course some in the mid-range for starters low tokens. Few more tokens for starters so can motivate them to push. Also, there is low motivation with the top players and lower participation on the game. I can see that on my acc and is a lot lower of what I can see when I started. Game is fine but need few things to make players a bit happier but also it is a business so no perfect world.
  5. sad drops but a good Spartan make up one of the acc.
  6. Yep My first premium weapons divined in O.D. FARM apart of modules or torso. Took me some time, I think. Will take another 2 years to make a full mech. Hopes.
  7. Eso pasa. Desgraciadamente ese es el proceso. Necesitas el e-mail con que la cuenta fue creada. Sin nombre de usuario es dificil saber. En ese caso necesitas el ID the la cuenta. Si tienes eso talvez te podrian ayudar. No ensenes el ID aqui debido a seguridad pero puedes enviar el caso a varias personas que podrian ayudar que son parte de la administracion o tienen los contactos aqui en el foro.
  8. nice account. just of course lack of proper modules in the case of premiums parts but you have goodies to kill as top when get them. also, careful making too many of the old modules. if you get new ones then won't need some of them. when I was developing the new modules came and I finished to transform for 3 mechs all old modules in need and never finished them because got new ones. just administrate according to your real need.
  9. I got for what I paid for in the advertisement. Yes, they changed. Seems was timing because I saw the 3 plating and I got that.
  10. nice. Is time to kill. congrats. More motivations to kill OKI. Hey there is him. Kill him guys, kill him.
  11. Hmm, Celeron is very old technology and predate the game if not wrong about the game. That mean it is not good to use since Celeron was like low performance set up for low budget families making the pc not suitable for this game at this point. even it is online game, will be bad for your pc. Sadly, this game does not have ways to help others between players because legal issues can come to the company. Every country has some rules to get some help.
  12. it is not bad. It does give some relics and a myth status plating with some extra boxes. for a person in need of plating and like spend some cash, will be a decent offer. For your mech will be a good one.
  13. yes, in this particular thread. you can make your own thread if you want. This particular thread it is in the game discussion. For any other thing, just pick the right area and make your own thread or add to one already open for the same thing you want to add.
  14. sure, but based on game achievement. getting a part in need or maxed or purchase or rank or mech finished or wins etc. some other things do have proper thread areas.
  15. OKI DOKI


    keep it for now. it is not that common that mech and some mechs can be made with proper modules. Also, help for testing configurations and better understanding. do not eat what you cannot get back easy. even the drops for low parts can change. for example, I used to get tons of battery torsos then stopped. I got tons of monkey's then stopped etc. preserve some and prepare storage. Storage is not that costly the first 20 spaces or more but later yes is expensive. build storage so can experiment and not get forced to eat everything due to lack of farming.
  16. for mid ranks yes. It is a R7 mech maybe R6 playing well. Depending by the end of season can get R5 and get stuck so better stay lower unless last day to get a better box. You are balanced so is looking fine. Later you can add more plating and make some modules changes when get them. If you have those parts. max them no changes to make. Be stable and make then another mech for 2V2 stability. increase your arena shop shields when you can to add more resistance. If you do not want to invest gold keep it if not will drop the dual tele to single and add max protector epic version and L30 the part and might help. The option can be good for close fight. need to take in consideration night fall range. they will play against plus the game can set you up off losing a turn. Now, if you have frantic around, then use Frantic better option for lower ranks.
  17. It is good to see that the old players can join back and help the new commers even the recent not that old to improve. In the old forum, there was a very active support from you guys. Some keeps helping but some stopped to be in the forum, and some never joined or no like it. Regardless of META options and equivalents options like the great help from SawzAll and his progressive web page updates and ideas, will be nice to see all of them back helping to brand new players and peers plus making the forum more challenging on discussions about it. Point of view will be nice for the community regardless not everyone agreed but is a good stuff to have active and healthy forum. Will be nice to see all of those guests to join and be part. Sure, some should stop to be too rude for new commers making mistakes at the forum. Please be nice and address with curtesy and sure we need a little bit of spice and competition. Clans are now too boring without the competition as used to be. Now all mingles and sing the Kumbaya instead to use the fist. Yes, I am guilty of charge on that one. I just like everyone.
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