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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. fun special effects and the killing.
  2. yes. in some levels, it does grant 5 slots. I think there is one or two that grant 10 then the rest 5 even finishing. So, it is important to level up if want free space and doing so fast is better like I did because that helped a lot to manage acc. sure, I am selfish saving everything.
  3. yeah, can be good option. For the current format, I will say that people can increase to 300 to manage account and the cost will be ok to manage but not beyond that. In order to increase it need to push to L250 because during the process, you get extra space even reaching L250 you get another 5. Sure, price need to double deep down as current prices.
  4. you can add some space and the cost is low the 20-25 extra or so. The it gets ok but later too heavy to add tokens wise. Take a look I will have to pay 415 tokens to add 5 slots from 610 to 615. i THINK the owner need to change the prices to much lower. It is really expensive for free to play and for pay to win players and like me pay to play for fun.
  5. I actually talked to her. Well, she left the game for long and when came back the game already changed. New modules were around and drainers too. She asked me how to get them and I PM her with details of what happen in the game and how we obtained. I know she played for some time again and went to R1 limited then I do not know what happen. The acc was there not moving in HTK and new administration took over and then acc was no longer there. I have not asked questions for privacy of player.
  6. Well, if I am not wrong, according the Clevername he maxed to 999 0r 1000 was the top reason why he had to eat other parts no longer good enough to keep. My current storage space
  7. The mech for now is not bad. The issue is modules because they need to be maxed out. It does takes time to max them to L50. It does require to do ton of farming and if you have time then do a lot of pvp and will see a lot of gold coming to your pocket. Use then the mix boxes epics properly to make legend parts to myth the modules. first focus into L30 then L40 all of them then later work on transformation then start to max part all of them with steps of improvement. I used to do fast L10 myth then L15 then L20 and L25. Later because is harder to increase passing L25 I level up by 1 or 2 levels all parts keeping them equal to balance budget and farmed parts. I try to balance as much I can, so I preserve mix boxes to collect epics and make legends with not good epics parts that can't cross to legend or post legend. I do L40 as base and prepare L30 for the future but for sure it does require discipling. I build by some batches of L40 then I focus into transform them and need to be careful. At a lower level on base and lack of gold, I used to use "RARE" option not super expensive, but a bit and it does compare close to old silver accounts on price. You just need to L2 the factory not beyond that for a period of time to balance. That gave to me control to have 2 million on average all the time and progressing in a steady way. Below my old progress starting months playing the acc. I was lucky to get tons of parts on fortune boxes for the acc but later faded away but was good start then later got few offers. Those torsos and claws were fortune boxes including plating but also plating and max protector because I grinded fast my account and pushed to L250 in 8 months Because the game match you according to your power level using in consideration weapons and modules as I tested for long, when you max a weapon in full, the odds to get into much powerful against you it is higher crushing you reason I balanced all weapons and modules to equal level and advanced steady against opponents. As you level up, the game will add opponents with more HP normally will set you up to fight against 200-300 above you making the progress slower. Sometimes it is not fun to have and L50 part and game giving you a 4-5 myth L50 parts opponent and that is when you max part in full individually.
  8. it is even better if your dad or mom can pay for it.
  9. it does not matter in what place you are. your account works. I have been on different States playing without issues. I have been in different countries and played without issues. Does he tried to create another account in the same device by mistake? Does he give his account to someone else?
  10. any place top 10 clans
  11. I have never passed that raid always fighting the last mech I get destroyed. I do not think on much to use mechs only what I use normally but you did great job thinking ways. Premium packs, sad. I get something similar if I open them. Not much luck. Some others get goodies all the time. Oh, I never get fortune boxes like those if I farm for them. I get nothing.
  12. nice fights and video. changing video time during the weekend. What about the lady's weened time?
  13. cool, now I know. I think I saw that mech last season.
  14. Hmm, it has been a tuff thing to do. Been basically a farmer, takes longer than a pvp player at high rank. Playing gives good gold but I play little. Yes, I got few good items from fortune boxes post suffering long then stopped and later I got few more. I got others in offers like modules even I got some during portal release and few sales back in 2020 summer Sarah sales to the general players and few extra in the forum before losing flash. No longer is possible those sales for the forum members. I was playing for 8 months or so when that happens but never developed the parts till last year and some just recently close to 2 years later. I opened some premiums and got some decent but then no more just epics and repeated items for food. I decided to preserve parts and make some and let the acc growth adding storage. For now, regardless maxing parts. some parts came along plus building some epics in need still a lot of work to do. I think I still have a year of inventory to work on without touching premium. If you farm a lot and do have control with the gold, you can use base L20 and try luck but right now you are in the low side so is better when you can be a permanent R5 in the 3 seasons before going for it, but some did and got decent, and others went down the sink and lose all and quit the game. You can take a look the progress in this thread. Check from start and will see it is not easy. Now, my acc pale against long term top players. Many of them should have 400-600 parts or more and they still increasing. Now, some others keep lower inventory or close to my own because they select what they really want and eat others weak parts. It is about choices. Some compete and others just have fun like me. I do not need to spend money, but I just have a bit of fun because I am not a spender in real life. I do save and do think with logic for the future living in my means not keeping up with the jones. I am not materialistic person and can live with the same forever.
  15. Ron, that is sad for sure. Last year was a bit better for me, not a lot but fine. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine and solo at home. Finally, I was able to escape from work but connected at home to get some data but a bit less stressful. Now I can get a beer in mean time I am cooking or better say the stove. Ok, I am preparing "pollo guisado" and "Arroz con gandules" plus some "Tostones" Puerto Rican style because I got some ingredients from my old friend living in the island. He was a classmate when I was young, and I used to eat at his parents' home when I used to live there during my father military assignment in that area. He is a poor person with a good heart. He does have a lovely wife and kind kids like he is. Very rare to see that around. I was able to bring them to my home here in Oregon multiple times and I paid for it. It is good to have friend from kid time without personal interest to gain something for helping others like they do and been poor at the same time. He does know I like to get some stuff from the island and fresh if possible. I can't get stuff here in Oregon from there. Back at home in New England Ican get it due to many people from the island live there and they have some small markets around but here is about Mexican style all you can think and get in the sense of Latin food. My family is traveling having their own fun and me working but it is ok. I have time for me even is working. Just me, myself and my food. My lady does not know how to cook that food. She is too American on food style. That it is really sad. Anyway, like in O.D FARM, the progress slowed a lot and not having my kids playing all went down and misses arises. I am just updating current acc like in O.D FARM for reference of my own progress looking back in time. Let see.... I was focused into increase gold for some time post heavy investment making some parts and divining some. After that, I was able to increase passing 170 million and decided to make some power kids and do some parts around plus divining. I barely pushed up back to 171million holding back parts development. I have like 400 power kits if not wrong around, but I am holding back to increase gold reserve to use them. My current goal is to increase gold and divine some parts using epic relics then increase gold then L40 parts but not sure about it at this point. Just the mood will dictate what I will do. No changes at factory and some reserves in place Packs grows if I get an offer with them. Rare to do but no needs to use them for now. Clan coins still growing. Arena coins keeps moving up. No choices. I think torsos are the same. No upgrades. Don't remember to be honest. Legs few added and divined few. Side weapons done some of them. I think I divined something there. Some parts completed Some drone completed and firs time divining 4 weapons in 2 years. Maxed and divined some No changes here. I think.... Not a lot. I need gold relics. I will use some pics when get some gold. CHEERS
  16. there are many accounts around not in play from those days. Players stopped to play. Some play at low with old stuff. Is fun tho. They should buff same weapons and mix with the current since some change a bit the function of what used to be.
  17. Yeah, I remember someone mentioned Khold when I started. I started later after he left back on 10/19. I think I might cross into Astro. It does ring my head from recent pvp. Cool, the family is getting back to business. Time to kill.
  18. Yeah, his dad was a top and I think there was another brother. Maybe they were 5 playing at some point. Maybe I am wrong when I started to play this game. For those who does not know, Darkstare's was one of the consistent top 10 players of this game and energy mech lover. Fyrestare retired or semi-retired as top and cool guy. Dragonslayer is the baby brother of his family playing SM. Ok Dragon, actually I am the baby brother too in real life and my mother still introducing me as" This is my baby" then my name.
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